My Everyday Life as an INTP: What's Working and What Needs Work

in #psychology7 years ago

My Everyday Life as an INTP: What's Working and What Needs Work

If you have absolutely no idea what I'm on about when I mention those four letters, please see my previous posts on MBTI and Socionics, or just google either of the three just to get an idea of what I'm on about. If you're not bothered, keep reading :) it might be helpful either way. I don't know. I don't know your life. You cereal-to-milk ratio, your business. I hope this is half enjoyable.

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I was raised to be a very punctual and precise person. In my home we respected time, and we valued the art of being meticulous, about everything. This is why my daily work schedule might seem too much and too strict to some people.


05h30 - I get up in the morning. I follow a specific routine, as I'm sure everyone does. I wash my face, I boil the kettle, I drink some water, I make coffee, I do my makeup, a do my hair, I get dressed, I pack my food for the day, I eat (or pack my breakfast) and leave the house. If, god forbid, I wake up at 06h00, @chr7is helps with the coffee and breakfast.

06h30 - I'm in my car for 30 minutes, listening to music or an audio book / podcast. Oh and don't forget the light road rage.

07h00 - I arrive at school. I always have something specific planned for this following half hour, either it's copying, marking or some sort of admin. I also sometimes eat my breakfast at this time.

07h30 - Staff meeting until school starts.

07h45 - School starts. There are two breaks throughout the day of 20 minutes and 15 minutes each. The kids are dismissed at 14h30 from Mondays to Wednesdays and at 13h30 on Thursdays and Fridays. The first three days of a week have 6 periods (classes) and the last two days have 5. I follow the class schedule strictly. If we are just 10 minutes behind it drives me insane, but I've learned to cope.

14h30 - Meetings until 16h00 (1-3 days per week) or admin until 15h00.

15h00 / 16h00 - Driving home for 30 minutes.

15h30 / 16h30 - Eat, watch something short, just lie on the couch xD

16h00 / 17h00 - My favourite job starts :) Steemit, bitches. I do my daily upvotes, comments, posts, etc. This takes anywhere between 1 to 2 hours. Fiction chapter may take 3 hours, including editing by helpful mentors.

19h00 - I usually go running with a friend, or start dinner. Dinner moves up 1 hour if I go for a run (3 - 4 times per week).

21h00 - More Steemit, any school work that needs my attention, shower, clean kitchen, last episode of something on Netflix.

22h00 - Attempted bedtime. Usually between 22h30 and 23h30.


I know this must have been a very boring thing to read now, but the important part is following soon. As an INTP, who loves living in the moment, who has trouble focusing on one thing, who loves creating schedules and NOT sticking to them, I've learnt along the way what kind of life I need. I'm saying this with the following in mind: This is my second year of official adulting. This is what has been working for my sanity, (mostly) healthy attitude, and overall happiness. Yes, us INTP's strive for excitement, acquirement of knowledge, theorizing and not doing, and most of all, not communicating too much. Yes, some days we hate it. BUT, we need it. I need routine. I need structure. Otherwise, I'll never get anything done. I choose to obsess over particular things in my life. At the moment: my work, Steemit and running.

If you, awesomely, share this MBTI type with me, please share your honest thoughts below. I've heard of INTPs who run their own independent businesses, without any sort of structure or routine. They just do as they feel. Maybe I need it because I'm still young, maybe it's because I was raised this way. I would love your brutal honesty.

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Wow, what a blast from the past, that Myers-Briggs thing. It has been probably thirty years, perhaps more, since I last took that test. I don't even remember what the supposed "results" were — I only remember that I fit two or three of the types, depending on how I answered the rather ambiguous questions.

I had to chuckle at your comment about being someone "who loves creating schedules and NOT sticking to them." I think it would, indeed, be difficult dealing with such a regimented allotment of time! I wish you the best of luck in succeeding on Steemit so that can be your fulltime job! 😊

Thank you for commenting and for the encouragement :)

I just took the quiz you posted to @begtodiffer, and as I suspected, I'm INTP

I can't do schedules for the life of me. I'll often get lost researching or doing work for hours on end, and completely forget about everything else. I'm pretty bad with time in general, so I've switched over to a life where I don't need a schedule. So I personally think your schedule thing is probably just your environment.

Interesting, thank you for sharing! Would love to experience the free life some day :)

Not sure what type I am, but my cereal to milk ratio is 2 to 1, lol :)
On a Serious note though, where/how would I find out what type I am? is fairly accurate is the best. You can do both and compare and LET ME KNOW PLZ :)

I got INFJ - the description is actually very accurate, I must admit. What's interesting is that the top career suggestion is Social Work. I am an entrepreneur though, but my wife and I do love our social causes that we get the company involved in all the time. So I can't exactly disagree with that conclusion either. Interesting stuff :)

Thanks for letting me know! INFJ men are very rare!

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