How to cope with stress?

in #stress7 years ago

Stresses persecute modern people everywhere:
at work, in transport, in traffic jams and even at home. Sometimes a person does not notice that slight overstrain is aggravated every day and, in the end, leads to the development of serious health problems. To prevent this, it is necessary to be able to remove stress in time and not allow it to move from an acute stage to a chronic one.
stress man.jpg

  1. What is stress?
    In its essence, this condition is a natural reaction of the body to serious emotional and physical stimuli. In the course of her adrenal glands begin to actively release adrenaline, which stimulates the nervous system, heart, blood vessels, muscles, metabolic processes. Such a slight shake-up is sometimes even useful, but prolonged chronic stress leads to the exhaustion of the body and the development of a number of negative consequences that affect the cardiovascular system, immunity, reproductive function, digestion, hematopoiesis.

There is always a critical point between the positive and negative effects of stress, after which the emotional state of a person begins to suffer, his mental and physical performance, and the quality of his whole life. This should not be allowed.

It is also worth noting that each person copes with stress in different ways. Someone completely exhausted and lost in what is happening, and someone begins to act on the contrary to actively act and commit incompetent earlier actions. Such features of individual reactions are called stress resistance. By the way, it can be trained.

  1. The causes and consequences of stress
    To get rid of stress, you need to know where it comes from, that is, to know the sources of stress factors.

->Inner world
A person can "wind" himself and bring to stress negative thoughts, memories, fears, low self-esteem.

->Life Events
These include family problems, working moments, financial turmoil, change in social status, retirement.

->Physical circumstances
Severe diseases, disability, etc.

->Life style
Lack of sleep, workaholism, bad habits, chronic lack of time and constant rush can cause a great deal of stress, which is very difficult to cope with.

->The world
Poor ecology and living conditions, exposure to noise, toxic substances, electromagnetic waves.

Stresses are acute and chronic. In the first variant in stressful situations a person begins to feel a strong anxiety, panic, which develops into an anxious state and stupor, or, conversely, into ill-considered and uncontrollable actions.

When negative factors constantly affect the body, stress becomes chronic. It manifests itself as nervous disorders, insomnia , lack of appetite. The body is depleted, depression develops. To get rid of stress in such situations only qualified medical care helps.

Well, the last stage of stress development are stress diseases. These can be blood pressure changes , heart attacks,
headache and stomach pain, hormonal disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases. In addition, stress causes a decrease in immunity, which leads to an increase in the incidence of infectious diseases.

->Methods of relaxation
With the initial manifestations of anxiety is very important in time, and most importantly, it is right to relax to relieve stress.

To do this you need:
1)To retire in a quiet and peaceful place.
2)Present yourself at home or in another calm and pleasant environment for the soul.
3)Fantasize about something especially good.
4)Do breathing exercises. For those who are not familiar with the techniques, you can just breathe deeply and slowly,
closing your eyes.
5)Cry, if you want and if circumstances allow.
6)Watch your favorite movie, but rather a good comedy.
7)Listen to pleasant music.
8)Light the aroma lamp, adding lavender oil to it.
9)And finally, get enough sleep, because a sound and healthy sleep is an excellent doctor, certainly helping to relieve

Positive self-hypnosis
In all that happens, one should always look for positive aspects, even if something very bad has happened. Self-adjustment to good helps to transfer difficulties more easily and cope with stress, making it less pronounced.
To inspire yourself, depending on the situation, you need the following thoughts:

  1. This gives me new opportunities.
  2. Everything passes.
  3. I am that I am.
  4. I can control myself.
  5. I need someone.
  6. I think only positively.
  7. It's not my business.
    Self-expression is really an effective thing, it's just necessary to direct it in a positive direction, and not in the direction of self-flagellation and self-destruction.
    Anti-stress exercises
    These exercises allow you to relax both physically and mentally, which is very important in relieving stress.
    Here are some of them:
  8. To quickly fall asleep after a hard working day: you need to alternately strain and relax your feet, legs, thighs, buttocks and so on to the head.
  9. For relaxation in the workplace: should be pulled up and to the sides of the hands; lean back against the back of the chair and throw back the head; pull the legs forward under the table; massage your hands, stretching your fingers.
  10. In addition, a variety of shaking options for hands, feet and the whole body, as well as dancing to your favorite music, have a good anti-stress effect. Do it better all alone, because only in this way you can achieve the greatest relaxation.
  11. Well, the most effective method of stress relieving and getting rid of stress are exercises with a boxing pear, and this applies to both men and women.
    Diary of stresses
    In this diary, you should record all the stressful situations, evaluating them on a ten-point scale (the most severe stress is given to 10 points). It also does not hurt to note your reaction in every situation (again in balls).
    After analyzing your notes in a month, you will see that most of the stress factors you create yourself and that they are very easy to avoid. For example, in good weather before a hard working day, it is better not to shake in a public bus, but to get up early and take a walk. And there are lots of such examples, so take care of yourself!

Some good information here. Life is very stressful!

That's right. Most of the world is stressful. So mindset is important.

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