Sex robot brothel keeper sets sights on London

in #news7 years ago

"A COMPANY THAT THAT PRESENTS ITSELF as a sex dolls agency has just opened up the first sex bot brothel in Europe and has suggested that it might take a load of other sex dolls and ship them over to England.


The proposition is that people, most likely men, book a slot, no pun intended, and turn up and shame themselves in front of something that won't judge you, but might possibly record everything you do. You can choose whatever sex mannequin you want.

The FAQ is very revealing, and it makes clear that you can do pretty much whatever you want with the thing, and that that's all good.

"They are totally realistic dolls, both in the movement of their joints and in the touch, that will allow you to fulfill your fantasies without any limit. These SexDolls will make the experience more pleasurable, exciting and erotic," it answers to questions we never asked it.

"What kind of sex can you have with a LumiDoll? All our dolls, like all women, have oral cavity, vaginal and anal. Always remember that with any of your cavities you must use the lubricants (of a single use) that you will find in each of the rooms."

If this all sounds a bit grubby to you, then you are wrong. All of the dollies get a good wipe down after they have been selected, dressed to impressed, undressed, and sent one further step forward on the path to robotic revolution.

"Our LumiDolls are, before and after each service, properly disinfected with special antibacterial soaps. We guarantee high standards of hygiene," explains the company, importantly. Oh, and this may also be important, the heating in the sex room will be on. Plus you can watch jazzy videos to take you mind off those cold blank eyes that might be silently judging you after all.

"Will not the situation be cold?," adds the firm, "For nothing, we take care of every detail. In each room you will find a large plasma TV where you can play a series of films that you can choose in your privacy, that will help you get into situation"

There is so much here that we didn't need to know that we forgot what got us here in the first place. That is the fact that such an operation might open up in the UK, according to the Express.

We once reported on some research that suggested that robot-enabled rumpy pumpy was a bad idea. And we once reported on how a virtual sex expo was shutdown because of unprecedented public interest. So, whatever rocks your boat guy.

A poll on the Express surprised us because 76 per cent of its readers would let Lumidolls into the UK. We thought that they were closed-borders people."


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