Steemit is growing

in #steemit7 years ago

I am very excited about all the recent news that Steemit has had and how they are always advancing . Steemit is just expressing human nature. We are all free minded individuals waiting for our call in life. Steemit is a outlet for use to get our knowledge and content to the world. Steemit is still in its beginning stages and will soon explode. I believe it will be the Facebook killer. Steemit is the evolution of human consciousness, people no longer wanted to be censored and controlled on what they can post about, as well as see complete nonsense on the daily basis. Steemit so far for me has been a breath of fresh air in the social media world and allowing me to express my knowledge and ideas without any restrictions. To add on top of that you can make money by spreading knowledge and amazing content, and helping people while you are at it. The time has come for us all work together and create a better reality :) Thank you to everyone who is part of this amazing community. I can see the potential of this community. I can see amazing things to come like building groups that raise Steem for certain things like getting clean water for people that do not have it and providing shelter for the people that need it. Steem can be used to accomplish so much more than we see right now. The power that it brings with it is immense and serves a great purpose.

I am very new to this community but I am not new to the technology and the idea of the block chain and decentralized networks. I have been mining and investing in bitcoin for some time now and I can see the purpose of all these decentralize currencies. This is the beginning of a new time in human history.


Hell yeah! It's the first social media platform on which I feel I am really going to be able to advocate the use of psychedelics for the transformation of human consciousness without being discriminated against by some centralized authority. Yeah. Fresh air. And who cares what the mainstream media or Facebook or twitter or instagram or anybody will say about steemit. Because steemit represents power being put back into YOUR hands, and allowing you without the interference of absolutely anybody to express yourself however your soul commands. New world we are entering into! To the future.... without fear!

Thank you so much for the well formed comment. I can feel it that the times are changing and people are beginning to see that the reality that the elites have painted for use is not the the reality we want to live in. A reality where we are considered free but can be arrested for consuming certain substances. I am all for the use of psychedelics to expand conciseness and awareness. I will follow you and have upvoted your comment @anamnesia

Hey I appreciate that! I have followed you as well :)
Because steemit is so new I see an enormous opportunity to establish a community of psychonauts on the steemit platform by which we are all organized together. Organized together into a single unit on a platform which has no central authority and no control hierarchy we can affect incredible change through the dissemination of psychedelic wisdom throughout society. Noone can censor us now. And we get paid on top of it. Soon, a day in the life of anamnesia will be mushroom-taking, writing down all the insights received from the tenth dimension of hyperspace (lol), and then posting whatever the spirit of the universe gave to me in the trip onto steem, and then make a living doing exactly that forever!

ahahah I love you all. We can do this. Banks, governments, and all centralized institutions motivated by greed and fear are going to disappear. And in the ashes of the fall of Rome a true democracy will establish itself naturally as the modalities of the exchange of value become decided upon by the people.

Who was it who said that the people get the government they deserve.
And you know in a way if you take a Taoist perspective, the existence of a government in the first place is a sign of a decadent society, for the same reason that topdown intervention in the human body becomes relevant only when there is a sickness of the system. If your body is working harmoniously and is healthy you don't notice it. But the moment something goes wrong and there is pain, then you notice the body and devise a topdown strategy to correct the situation.

So we need no more government. Because we the people have decided we need no higher authority to tell us how to behave. Those rules were invented by people who knew not themselves and still know themselves not. Therefore they don't trust themselves and by extension do not trust others or the world. But if we do trust ourselves to do the right thing, just as we trust our bodies to go on functioning without our having to govern it in a top-down way, then we can do away with a government.

I believe finally steemit and other advancing technologies in the cryptospace represent the way by which humanity is finally going to make a tremendous leap in its evolution to higher degrees of awareness, mutual trust and respect, and love.

Sorry to rave but you motivated me by your comment!

Thank you for that amazing reply and I could not agree more with you my friend and don't be sorry for raving on I enjoyed reading your comment and look forward to your future posts. Stay tuned for my posts as well, am doing posts on cannabis, CBD, hemp, new age technology, life, ways to make money in crypto currency, computer sciences, and more. We do need to create a new world the government is no longer needed and will eventually fall.

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