The American People Are Being Destracted, If They Only Knew - Episode 1284a

in #money7 years ago

IMF & Eurozone are threatening to walk away from Greece because they want Greece to implement more austerity. UBS hints of massive auto lending fraud, which mimics the housing market fraud back in 2008. Fed's Bullard says they just triggered the collapse of the economy and now they might lower rates. George Soros is shorting the market and is hoping to use a financial apocalypse to bring down Trump. What this says is that he already knows the market is coming down and the central bankers are crashing the system.


Important week for Trump. Heading to Saudi Arabia, Isreal than the Vatican. I am sure they won't be talking job creation. Silent week next week, who knows what after that. Keep up the good work Dave!

X22 Spotlight is awesome to.

Get ready everyone. Food, Water, Weapons, Gold/Silver etc.

For me the one point I would like you and other financial commentators to cover is how the collapse is likely to ripple out around the world. Will it be the US, Japan or another crisis in Europe used as the excuse to pull the plug ?

The whole world. Any nation that relies on fiat currency will be affected. Get out of fiat before it's too late.

Good point Newsdesk, I live in Ireland an Island nation that imports a huge percentage of its food.
Despite being on a modest income, I have taken steps for prepardness as I believe all the worlds financial institutions are connected and dependant on each other.
If a big domino falls in the US or Europe, the others could quickly follow.
Global credit could dry up and the shelves could go bare.
I find it very hard to broach this subject with neighbours and colleagues as I have been accused of being 'Affected by Fake News'.
The meme in Ireland is that the recovery is ongoing & the housing bubble is re-inflating. I can't believe people are repeating the mistakes of 2008/09.

The global economy is tied together through Fiat currency. If your country trades and deals in fiat currency, which props up the global markets, then yes, your country will be affected. It's a house of cards, with the US dollar making up the base. It's getting more unstable than ever.

Ignore your neighbors, they will learn the hard way. Stock pile everything you need for several months of survival and move any extra money into cryptocurrency and/or prexuous metal. If you can, get a hold of a weapon or two. Sit back and wait for the inevitable.

if it were only so simple.

they opened "Pandoras Box" so to speak.

По итогам Референдума СССР 17 марта 1991 года подавляющее большинство граждан СССР, в количестве 113.512.812 граждан СССР (77,85%), голосом «ДА», посчитали необходимым сохранение СССР, как обновлённой федерации равноправных суверенных республик…» публично выразили свое решение - свою власть, подтвердив ДЕЙСТВИЕ Конституции СССР в пространстве и во времени.

I was particularly "distracted" by the title of this one Dave ! =)

Your presentation of the current affairs is much better explained than our BBC and Other ITV channels

I am hopeful that the truth will come out and that the masses will prevail.

Good to see you here x22 :)

i have always liked you dave. but you never listen.

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