The hidden benifits of independence & off-grid living.

in #ungrip6 years ago

I must admit, when we ventured down the path of off-grid living and working hard to UNGRIP from ALL the systems and institutions, we never imagined what it would be like on the other side.  We planned for everything we could, but who knows how it would unfold until it actually happened.

My health has been deteriorating for several years.  I shared a while ago that due to my health deterioration, I chose to come to this blockchain to document my work in the event that I don't recover.  Well, we are a year into it and my health took a turn for the worst a month or so ago.  My capacity to think and concentrate is nearly gone and so too is my physical strength and stamina.  My ability to work is near zero.  I'm not sure if people are noticing a change in my writing, but I've noticed a huge change in the amount that I am able to write as I struggle to even focus on an idea.

So how are we doing considering that we have no insurance, health care, j.o.b. or benefits of any kind from the system?

I know that many people out there would find themselves massively in debt.  This is not a commentary on them but rather a rebuke on the system in general.  We have been guided our whole lives to get a job, make money, go in debt and pay off that debt in the hopes of retirement when we get old.  None of us have been taught how to do all of this on our own.

Over the past 11 years, Carey and I have worked hard to remove all those dependencies, debt and jobs.  As a result, we have been living comfortably on less than $10,000CDN a year.  We are also capable of shrinking that number to less than $1000 a year if push came to shove.  If one of us got sick, we would not incur debt.  Hurdle #1 taken care of.  So what about healing from a major illness?

The Recovery

By staying away from the medical system, we have found many ways to not only be healthy, but also to heal when ever we are ill.  While the allopathic medical system rebukes homeopathy and other healing modalities, they do so because they are working on monopolizing on their system ... FOR PROFIT.  There is nothing MORE profitable than to have the public pay the bill.  So much waste, greed and inefficiencies when the state gets involved.  However, homeopathy, blood root, RSO, glandular therapies and other modalities are having a tremendous impact on me as I work through my healing process.  It is slow going at the moment, but I noticed a huge difference in my vessel over the past three weeks.  

The biggest impact that I've felt, in my view, is spirit learning how to love the vessel unconditionally.  Wow, what an impact that has.  I'm astounded.  But there is another very important component to my healing.

I work hard to build relationships and help other people out.  I did that without expectation of payment and I wanted to ensure that those people did not feel in debt to me at all.  I often tell people to pay it forward as I did not want to receive payment from them.  I knew that one day it will come back to me 10 fold.  Indeed it has.  I've had several people step forward with healing modalities to help me through this process.  I believe it happened because I gave away a lot of my time, energy, knowledge, wisdom and experience.  Whether it was here on the blockchain, Facebook or even face-to-face, I knew that when I needed help it would be there for me.

The catch

Most people feel that since they pay into the system, the system 'owes them'.  Sorry to bust your bubble, but the system is not for you, it is for your feudal lords.  Many people grow up thinking that the universe owes them something too.  Sound the buzzer, because that is the noise you hear when your wrong.  We are hear to be in service to one another in stewardship and love.  The more I gave it seems the more I received.  I would rather live a life of gratitude than anger or resentment because people did not help when I needed it most.  

But even if they don't help me, I'm okay with that too.  I've found through this journey that I am genuinely not afraid of the disease that my body is currently struggling with.  My view of death, dying and illness has made a significant shift over the last 20 years and I know deep down, that is serving me as well.  As a result, while my vessel may be tired as it fights to heal, it is not stressed.  I've come to terms about my mortality and that accounts for a lot.  

My tribe has stepped up and for that I am grateful.  I've had people offer assistance as we work hard to make sure nobody in our tribe falls through the cracks.  The feudal system  state that most everyone depends on will never be capable of this level of healing, caring, love or compassion.  People fall through the cracks all the time because they focus on the vessel only as they don't see spirit or account for our feelings or thoughts.  My tribe 'sees' me and they value my contributions.  They love me too.  

Even if I don't make it, my heart is warm, safe and content knowing that I'm loved despite what my vessel is doing.  There is no tribe in the state and by walking away from the state and rebuilding the tribe, I am richer, safer and more loved than ever in my life.  

Isn't that what we are all after?  The state is not going to provide that for us.  We need to build it for ourselves and that will require making some hard choices.  Nobody should be left behind.  NOBODY.  No matter what they have done.  NOBODY gets left behind.  That is proper stewardship!  All that is required is that we all participate!


Prayers & Blessings that you soon return to better physical health than ever before <3

Thank you. Working on it. <3 Peace to you.

We have been using the philosophy that no one is left behind for the past three years and it has shown to provide us with a tribe that loves one another and works together for a common goal. We are not completely free of our feudal lords but we are steadily working towards this. It takes time to break the chains that have been so ingrained into to us from birth. I still hear some of the folks around here say that the government, if not theirs, some other benevolent force will come riding to their rescue.

Very few will know what it is like to truly be independent in Today's societal system. Am glad to say you're one of them. Despite all the challenges, you've stuck to your guns. Am very proud of you sir

I totally agree with the last paragraph. Ultimately the system will keep failing us if we rely on the state. We should be relying on ourselves and our independence to get things working

I applaud you for going off grid. I did so over a year ago with my kids and the biggest issue I've had is with them withdrawing from the society they were used to. We went straight from city life to living in the high desert. We don't have a tribe so to speak. I'm a bit anti-social though but don't regret it. Seeing how my kids behave though just cements the hold society, government, and the agenda that is being pushed by the technocrats have on the generation of tomorrow.

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