Is the Stigma of Weed Going Away?

in #cannabis6 years ago


With all the states that are passing legislature to legalize the sale and consumption of weed, one could argue that it’s finally being accepted as NOT the evil villain and gateway drug that the government has been preaching it as for so long. Celebrities smoke weed, and just recently it came out that John Boehner, the Republican former Speaker of the House has become a board member of a company that grows weed and makes marijuana products.

But the federal government still considers it a schedule one substance, and most people will still look at you sideways if you light up a joint near a school or outside your church before you head in.

So has public opinion really changed that much, or are the opponents of it’s legalization finally just wearing out and allowing it in lieu of bigger problems?

What do you think?

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Public opinion has changed a little but some of that stigma is still there. This is especially true when it comes to the older generation. My friend and I were waiting for a table at a restaurant and this old man in front of us went to incredible lengths to move away from us because we smelled like a joint. The younger generation is accepting but some people will never change.

It seems that the community is starting to get used to it. It's no surprise if someday it becomes legal and globally recognized.

As it relates to medical use yes, but not for recreational use, it's funny how there are other things out there that aren't stigma that kill more than weed.

Keep the medicine in the hands of patients! Expand patients rights!

It's so unfortunate that a substance that has such calming and medicinal qualities is treated as badly as a teeth rotting, life-ruining drug like Meth. It's almost as bad as outlawing Aspirin.

The stigma has gone down some but it's still there and probably will be until kids grow up with out all the anti pot propaganda...

I have a medical card in a Midwestern state. I'm still harrassed by police and my neighbors. Unfortunately here, once you get your card a note is placed on your record for any cop to see when they run your plates.

Feel for you Brother..
How long must we be made to suffer for Our Love of the herb...

I would love to know more about how things are going with your case and I'm going to read your blog. Following you

That sucks. And look at all the people in jail serving ridiculous sentences for "crimes" that are now completely legal in the state they live in. Just crazy.

I think it finally got a foothold by being legalized in some states for recreation and medicinal purposes. I think the older crowd that was anti-weed are more concerned with other issues now so not as much effort is going to being opposed. I'm just guessing. It's a slow process though and constant progress is being made.

For sure, the older generation has really seemed to have more of a social acceptance issue which may just be from social propaganda, media, social class, among others .... It will hopefully become more and more of a norm with this generation which could help push legalization into the forefront in many other places globally

Yes, the stigma is going away gradually. Weed, marijuana and the likes are becoming the new normal.
The world seriously needs help!!!!

I guess we really just need Congress to get over this hump..... definitely less stigma in the general population for sure.

If you to talk about this, always say the main thing, smoking is among ever part of the world and it as been known as a normal thing and is a part of everyone who needs it, you posting brings good understanding today man..more from you boss...


Generally, it seems that sentiment has changed as indicated by this Pew Research study that found 61% of Americans now support marijuana legalization. The numbers have basically flipped on this issue over the past 2 decades if you look at the graph there. Still, every individual will have have their own perspective based on their environment and experiences.

Although people might look at you funny if you are smoking in public, marijuana is becoming more socially acceptable. More people are realizing that the propaganda and anti-weed themes that many were raised on are not rooted in fact. As such, many of the "pot head" stereotypes are fading out, although they do still exist. The more marijuana is discussed and used, the more normal it will become and people will discuss it more freely. It's the same kind of idea with mental illness in this country - although mental illness is prevalent, few like to admit to being affected by and it's a sensitive subject because of the stigma attached to it. With weed, that stigma is dying out.

Like anything, it will take time and facts. As research continues to come out that details the health benefits of marijuana, the tide will continue to turn and it will begin to snowball hopefully.

Heck, I was able to go out on a date the other night and mentioned my affinity for marijuana and the girl was totally cool with it even though she wasn't a fan using weed herself. Everybody is different, but in the past, it seems like anytime I mentioned weed, people would jump right to the "stoner" stereotype and I'd be dismissed - regardless of how well I could speak to the subject. Seeing more people that are accepting of others using marijuana, even though they may not use it themselves, seems like a huge breakthrough. I'm seeing more and more people become less judgemental about weed, which is great, and contends that opinions ARE changing!

I'm really glad that the stigma around marijuana is slowly going away and that weed is becoming a much larger part of mainstream pop culture but WHY is it that only white people seem to be included in this????

What? You must not know the west coast of the USA.... I'm a POC and so is the majority of my friends and family.

And think you may miss it from your culture... But then why don't you change it?

Don't cry... Whine or moan. Get off your buttand go help cancer patients and sick kids. Talk with a judge about his disabled wife getting a garden constructed and hydroponic system installed, and having it set up for her special needs?

How about go help a doctor who signs medical cards. Educate the people about the laws and process. Give them help to find services...

It's legal for medical and recreational. It's mainstream. More cannabis shops than coffee.

I agree many people still look at hash smokers with frowning eyes, but I think that's because of the fact that change in social opinion of mass comes gradually.

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