Keeping it Cool - When Shit is Hitting the Proverbial Fan

in #life7 years ago


It's easy to blow up and lose control. You know - Getting tangled up in a web of emotional disarray. It can seem so valid and justifiable. Like the finger pointing behavior of blame and the assignment of "fault". The "fault line", ironically validates the logic in ways of seeing, feeling, believing, thinking, and experiencing of our Self - here, to such an extent...That we create our own Earth shattering tremors and earth quakes. Ironically - the cause is said to be not 'our fault' - yet the 'fault line' was and is created by ourselves as how we 'define the situation'.

struggle is real - george.gif

Attention to Detail - Reading - Our Behavior Communication - Internal meets External

I bring this up - because I've noticed a patterned tendency for my thinking to go towards the 'assignment of fault' as a way to make sense of things. Ironically, this is in no way self-serving. In fact it is a form of subservient 'government mind-control.' It is a form of 'self-indoctrination'...'self-impression'...'self-depression'..."self-suppression"...everything but "Self-Honesty".

It's the Science of Self. We are all it. When we shift the focus away from ourselves...we lose sight and Recognition of our capacity to create world-class-plays that are great. In my experience, this has resulted from having this innate like desire to always want to make the best plays. I think deep down we are all lovers and explorer's of "Play" in variety's of ways. And so - it's in these moments of "off Plays", We really take it to Heart...Our errors...where we've fumbled and coughed up the ball....making unforced tun-overs....accidents and bloopers of all kinds - And, this can be challenging to own and take ownership of as like yes - Oops - that was all me - my bad - shit. It's like the 'taking on of fault has become such a point of consequence in defense and offense that it is the basis of war games activity. Justifying the resolutions through more conflict. "fighting for peace" with the lameness of blame by being poetic in the assignments of blame.

Such a travesty of the Game Here

I've come to realize:

Keeping it Cool by allowing myself to let go of the temptation to 'get hot and bothered' by the internal narrative of 'assigning fault lines' is One of the greatest acts of compassion and service I can do for myself and others...and so World.

"Fault Line", thinking in mind - is disastrously consequential. It's ripple effects are many. An external example would be an actual earthquake of epic proportions. It's the consequences of a build up of pressure that can no longer be supported and needs an outlet release.


World Reflection:

  • Each one is creating the weather of the planet.

  • Each one is playing a role in the psychology of 'society' and 'culture'.

  • How we speak about any 'one' person is more revealing about how 'we care for ourselves'...This is so much so the fact of the matters here. We can really learn a lot about any one person - by getting any one person to share about any variety of persons. All is revealed when we are here with our common senses.

  • Slowing down is the gravity of all life here in balance. It's the fine-tuning harmony of getting rid of the 'wobbles'. It's an effortful process that becomes with continuous effort, will and determination to be a most rewarding and pleasurable experience. "self-satisfaction". The process is not "happy" always. It will be uncomfortable in many instances. It's challenging and difficult. It's the commitment to creating best solutions that is our ultimate test here in life - as i see it.

  • It's easy to walk away and drop out - whenever the experience isn't of a high...and or happy one. It takes gits and efforts to commit to sorting through any and every moment of dissatisfaction.

  • Growing pains are fortunate....and unfortunate. A real experience here in our physical world. Pain and discomfort....imbalance and balance are key indicators as measures of our effectiveness within and as our applications here.

Self Correction

Mistake recognition. Identifying dissonance within my communication. This is a 'settling the waters' type of thing...where I am willing to take response ability for my 'world body politics' as me in 'body/mind/being' here. The ease in my ability to 'rest'. If I have difficulty in 'rest, work, or play'...these are showcasing indicators of some form of 'self-dysfunction'.

Forgiveness is my Life Boat. It starts with Myself. Always. From here, I can expand.

Creation comes from taking responsibility for the problem and or fault...because in this way, 'we've taken the first steps in standing as the solution' and 'new way forward'. This is the best expression of "Reconnaissance" - because here: We learn from our cognitive dissonance...our mistakes...the problems...and by really getting to know them...we are able to be effective in creating new path ways of the cog in the wheel...that is wheeling around...having a ball. Well rounded in and as our "thoughts, words and deeds".

Creative Ingenuity Comes from the Questions that are All Inclusive, Mutual benefit and Win/Win in Nature..a Matter of Fact Permanent Culture as the Harmony in and as our Permaculture here co-existing in ways that are Awesome. Solution Oriented and Geared for Greatness - Substantiated as the prevention and Correction of Abuse. Self-Governing - Free and Democratic Society - Based upon - Majority Rule and Minority Control.


It's important to communication is key in the creation of our utmost potential. If you like my post, “RE'STEEM'N” is much Appreciated. Thank You So Much. Grateful to Be Here

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This is Playground Planet Earth
We Got this 1 Life to Give Our Best

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Great post brother. My grandfather would always tell me, "Having emotions are great, just not when making decisions." Learning to keep it "in the middle" is a helluva tough thing to do sometimes. Not too high, not too low, just "in the middle." I agree that slowing things down is key to achieving this state.

"How we speak about any 'one' person is more revealing about how 'we care for ourselves." There's a lot of truth in that statement. "Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something." Plato


Such great advice - thank you @worldclassplayer

Good advice, hard to keep calm though coz we don't react with our intellects in pressure situations rather we behave what our guts tells us. The program that has been there for 10000 years.

Another quality post from @worldclassplayer

I enjoyed your post, self awareness is the keep, people tend to identify with their ego too much. upvoted of course and followed.. thanks for being in Steemit :)

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