Gloomy Cool Day with some self reflection

in #ulog6 years ago (edited)
We are finally going to get a break in the weather. After weeks of high 90 deg tempemputer days we are looking at a day in the low 70's. My A/C unit can use the break.

We are finally going to get a break in the weather. After weeks of high 90 deg tempemputer days we are looking at a day in the low 70's. My A/C unit can use the break.

It's not raining but the clouds look like they are ready to open their faucets and dump their supply of water on us with no mercy. There are no weather alerts so that's a good sign

You would think that a day like this is a day to get things done. To get out there and take advantage of the coolness of the day. But you would be wrong. For most it's a day to relax. Spend a bed day watching TV or reading a book. For me it's just another day like any other. I will do the same things as always. The weather has never played a part in any schedule or plans I have. Sure it may slow it down or alter it a little but never changes the plan.

Have you ever thought about why you are on Steemit. Surly we all do things to get something out of it. Whether is a job or a vacation. There is always something we want from it. Whether it is to obtain some material thing or pleasure from it. Somewhere along the line it's to satisfy a need or want. Every action has a purpose.

I know people who set out on Steemit who's purpose was to make enough Steem to live off of. And I know a couple who have succeeded at it. Then again I know some who just want to use steemit as strickly a social platform. And all the rest who fall in between. Nothing wrong with any of those approaches, like I said we all have a need or want that we fill even here on Steemit.

The next logical thing would be what is mine. I like to use the KISS approach (Keep It Simple Stupid). That would mean that my want is to have the flexibility to do what I need or want sometime in the future. To build my SP to accomplish what the future might bring. How much SP do I need to fulfill this future event, I really don't know. All I know is that the more SP I have or control the better off I am. So I will build my SP until that time.

Like many others how SP is to be built is still a question. The approach that I have been and will continue to use is to help others build their SP. The reason is that the bigger the community the greater the reward. A rising tide raises all boats. I get a great deal of satisfaction from other success. Sounds kinda personally counter productive but that's the way I am and you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Just some thoughts on a gloomy cool day. Maybe I overthink things to much or not enough. The one think I know as a fact is that one has to save for the future or suffer the consequences. Steem is the best return as an investment opportunity right now then any conventional method.

Minnow III

I do like esteem and anhouraday.


Ya man I would like that. We still have a heatwave out here and we lost power for 28 hours that was a bummer.

without power your living back in the old days. Nobody wants to repeat that era, besides we have no idea how to cope without electricity

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We just had the hottest day here that I can remember - it hit 122 - this time of year a really hot day would be 102. Our window a/c kept tripping the fuse, it wasn't used to this heat either. So I stared at your photo of the cloudy sky for a while. Something in the 70s sounds like heaven.

Tomorrow it will hit 100 compared to today that's a little warm. :)
122 that's a little out of control. No A/C unit can handle that you need a freezer.
Today was a nice break. I hope we have a couple more days like it

Seriously, a freezer sounds like an excellent idea! I actually went out with a hose and sprayed down the outside of the a/c (along with some suffering plants), figuring it couldn't hurt to try it, and it made a difference!

Yeah, 122 isn't normal here at all.

Spraying things down and the house does make a difference. It gets rid of some of the built up heat

yea 122 is ridiculous. You are talking heat index I assume for the NW but any way you put it thats hot.

I don't know what a heat index is. (Like a wind-chill factor, only the opposite?)
I have two digital weather stations in my garden. Yesterday one read 122 and the other was 124. Today it's almost noon and reading 115 on both. Also huge clouds are forming so we might not set a new record. I live in Southern California and we pretend we don't live on the edge of the Mojave Desert.
I hope you are having much cooler weather!

I have been to that desert five time. Damn hot and you can't get away from it. In the winter frosty lives there. lol

Yes, I can tell you know the place!
I don't know if you've read any Louis L'Amour books (Westerns) but in real life he once had to make his way out of the Mojave, in the summer, with nothing but his survival skills. Every time I read that story I bless the a/c!

Yea there are couple story about people who walked out of deserts. Its really remarkable on the will of some people. It was a rough life back then but then again the life expectancy was not as high as it is now. It's incredible what we take for granite now a days.

what an amazing post from you! thank you

If I didn't know you I would have past this comment
Name recognition, see how important it is

My goal is pretty simple too.

short term:

  • get out of debt
  • survive emergencies

long term:

  • be able to provide a life for my family where struggle isn't constant
  • help others do the same

It's a very simple and effective way to live and approach things. It also encompuses a lot of procedures without limiting one's abilities

howdy again @wolfhart! I agree with you and @tarazkp as far as the goals, I pray that is possible. thank you sir for all the help!

It is possible ,but we have to make an effort or like everything else it becomes empty

howdy back @wolfhart...rats! can't anything just be easy?!

Dear Wolfhart Minnow III,

I thought you were here to save up money to buy face paint and KISS platform boots. Shame really.

I'm glad you are who you are, and I'm equally glad that I found you :)

I told you that in confidence
Me and you are going to have to work on our communication skills :)
Don't tell me your one of those KISS and tell people.

hahaha @wolfhart, that was perfect 😎

I'm glad you didn't come back with another of the KISS things. I was all out of them

hahaha I was trying, but couldn't come up with anything!

It's these lucid-dreaming thoughts that border on wistful, no?

BTW, I sent ya a PM on Discord. You might want to read it asap.

Namaste, JaiChai

I think or hope we all look for knowledge. If we don't think about things we will never achieve what we seek

I took care of it thanks. really helped 👍

Glad you got a cooler day in there! The weather is going crazy world wide. As for why I am on Steemit, I just wrote a post on this topic a few days back. I think you already read it and commented on it!

It was a nice day. Today it hibernation in the house. Too damn hot to cut the grass and it needs to be done. Nothing worse then going from A/C to outside in the heat, then Back to A/C

I use Steemit to get into a routine of writing/photographing and maybe to gain actual income from it later on. But it doesn't really matter since the community and all their people make it so great. :)

The people are the best part and everything else is a plus.

I believe that to share information and learn