Can You Make A Difference - Will You Make A Difference - How Will You Make A Difference

in #payitforward6 years ago

Does It Matter ?


My last couple of post have been more on the negative side then the positive side . I have said my peace and hope that you have received the information and it has helped . That is always my intent , to pass on the little understanding of the information that I have . I truly wish that everyone of you have not only a successful experience here but also an enjoyable one . I know this will not happen for all .

Every day in your life you encounter people . Some you wave to others you just ignore and avoid eye contact . While others you may have a casual conversation with . Nothing important , just a couple of minutes sharing some thoughts or events . Than of course there is your main group of people that you share almost anything with depending on the level of friendship you have with them . A friendship that has been developed over time . You pick and choose your friends not only based on the things you have in common but also on your goals .

There are many ways to operate your account here on steemit . Everyone has their own way of doing it . If you ask ten people what's the best way , you will get ten different answers . I like the standard answers . Not because they're good but because ,There just a generalized answer to a specific question . In order to learn how to develop your account you will receive more answers that will not apply to you . Keep note of them but don't apply them . Use for future reference .

The biggest item that you can learn here is that you don't know anything , so go back to school and learn the platform . This is the area that is my biggest hurdle . I knew from the start that I was ignorant to the operation of the platform . I have been learning every step of the way and will continue to increase my knowledge every day .

look at who you interact with and how you do it . Is it only beneficial to you ? Is it only beneficial to them ? Do they respond in kind ? I hope that it is one beneficial to both of you , if not maybe you need to do some self evaluating . Think about it .

I have always been straight forward with you and will continue to do so . I am a firm believer and supporter in helping those who take personal responsibility in growing into the community . I believe that Redfish need to grow their SP and move into the middle class . I believe that those above us need to support the community and make it better . I am not alone in this thinking . We know that change is coming . We have sacrificed our own growth to help others and will continue to help others because we believe not only in the platform but in those that will make up the platform

With that said I will no longer cast as wide a net in upvotes . To make up for this I will increase my vote . Giving a better payout to those I chose to cast my vote on . It will be based on a couple of factors . That I will state at some other point . If you have not figured it out by all my previous posts . Of course without saying this will not affect Pay It Forward

  • Are you a member of a community
  • Do you support any community
  • Why are you here
  • What have you done lately for the community

Just a few question to think about

Nothing in this world is free



I feel the same way. Even though I go out post, comment on a great many people, try to interact it's like it falls on deaf ears. I make a conscious effort to comment on any reply some gives me. I cannot tell you how many just turn a deaf ear so to speak.

I go back to interact with those I have featured in #PayItForward only to find a) they no longer are posting b) they don't respond to anyone. Why post if you're not going to make the attempt to be part of the community or for that fact even try to make money(not that is the primary reason to be here) One of my previously featured people. Keeps posting away, and I guess is happy with a .20 in upvote. Where if he just interacted...he'd quadruple that in no time. I guess this is why I've been doing more behind the scenes work.

Since I am still working on building up my SP so I have more VP, I have gone to only upvoting 'major' postings. Such as the main post for #PayItFoward the Featured posts for @greetersguild and @asapers.

Most definitely the whales need to do more than they are doing to help with building others up and keep retention in the community. Very few want to help, they have their large chunk of the pool and that's all that matters to them.

Looking at @davemccoy's post today we all can see there is a problem.

We ended January of 2018 "active users" of 154,000
We added 240,000 new signups over the next 3 months
We ended with April of 2018 "active users" of 127,000
Does this look like a healthy platform? Where we have 240,000 new signups and end up losing them ALL plus another 27,000?

@tryskele The people one interacts with is important .
My net is so wide and my votes were above the dust . I don't know if I have made a positive impact in the future for them or just a small ripple . I am changing my voting in what I hope is a more productive manner

As far as the whales go I can understand their point . They have been advertised as a cash cow and treated by some as such . Some I have seen have taken a more community oriented approach . I appreciate that .

I missed @davemccoy post have to run it down now .

I get you. I know for someone like me...yes you have a positive impact. I have that same feeling. I just reached my halfway point between earned and delegated SP. Once I get my SBD to 35.00 then I'm going to take 30 of it to power up. I don't know its the right thing to do, but since the 'first goal' is 500sp it's a baby step.

I know that having dust for votes even with dustsweeper, to upvote the small post (one under 30 votes) it means nothing monetarily but it raises morale. The fact that I now get about that many votes for a post, I'm ecstatic and I try to visit each one and at least comment on a post of theirs. I'm not sure what is best anymore.

With that said I will no longer cast as wide a net in upvotes .

This is where I am at right now. Trying to help as many as I can, and still running out of votes quickly despite temporarily having over 500 SP. I set some more Steem aside to rent more for two weeks before I get ready to move (will be awol for a few weeks) but honestly not sure how long I can keep renting.

One thing I have tried doing is regularly go through my follow list weekly and evaluate who is on there. Many get cut if I see it is a one way street, despite how nice I find them when I make the effort. Community takes more than one doing all the motions. I would rather reward those interested in including me in their community. I add people weekly and give them a couple weeks to reveal their view of me in their community.

So glad you wanted me in yours, thank you.

@practicalthought I don't use the follow list anymore I use Gina . Still working it out but it's better
When you get back let's make it a point to get together in a private chat . Some things I would like to go over

I hate that we can't, unless maybe I created a Reddit account with a private group. I am wary of Discord (I know that is blasphemy in these parts, lol) and I know it has slowed my progress down since joining here. I don't use any of the tools many use, such as Steemconnect, Discord, Busy etc.

I don't trust apps and it took me forever arguing with myself over crypto because of the James Bond stuff with keys (passwords). Now that I finally plunged in there is no way anyone is getting any of my keys, lol. I really unplugged in the last year, cutting cable, Fakebook, Twitter, Reddit etc.

Plus, I find it weird people are using a second social media platform to manage the first, lol.

So, I am stuck using my feed, which gives me way more posts of quality to view than I can upvote.

@practicalthought LOL I understand that . I have so many things blocked on my computer . The discord is mine and I control it . But we'll discuss it later . been on today for 11 hrs so far , my brain is foggy

yes all we do need sacrifice

If being a member of community means you have to join the discord channel too, no I am not, there're so many reasons why I can't do that in my current situation.
What have I done for the community (for example :PIF), I don't know whether it is counted or not, I do my best to answer any question from my friends, but they have issue with English post, so I will try to figure out how, one step at a time.

For the other two questions, my Answer, I don't know 😥, I am broke and still struggling with my SP, though I have read so many strategies to grow my account but for a snail's pace mover like me, I do what I can to help others without sacrifice my self. Thank you so much for all your support, I read your posts and I will wrap it up for myself and perhaps I can rewrite in Bahasa Indonesia, later. 🤗🤝

@cicisaja no it does not . I hope I have not given that impression . It might make it easier for some and not beneficial for others . I have said many times that we each must find what works for each of us .
Before I joined a discord I used to just follow one of the communities . Indonesia has a large community for example .
It takes a long time to build your SP and its work . if you do what you can but do not sacrifice yourself as you said it will work out . at your level 1st and foremost takes care of yourself . power up what you can and on a constant basis . weekly or monthly , every little bit helps . I did a post on voting today and it has some very good info for you and one point on visibility you should do .

Oh thank you @wolfhart, you don't give that impression, but seems like it's a good way to mingle and make friends.
I haven't join any Indonesia community, yet for some reasons too. I just couldn't find a community that suits me, but I still do my research on this. Voting is always my issue 🤦‍♀️ I need to control my actions and throw away my "shyness" to add my thoughts on others post comment section. I am not ready to see people upvote my comments and sometimes my posts too. I don't think I deserve it. That's why I can't answer the third question 😭.

@cicisaja take one day at a time . one thing at a time . nothing wrong with going slow . being comfortable with what your doing is more important . Learning the platform so that you are informed is being a member of the community .
This whole platform is a community made up of smaller communities . It all depends on how you identify a community . I identify the whole and also the smaller parts 😀

Community in my mind is about a group of people who share their thoughts and experiences then creating a new good habit or ability so the members of the community will achieve their goals together, everyone has a role, depending on what is their unique and special responsibility but cherish the same values and the code of conduct (lol, I was working with the local NGOs community for a couple of years ago, it just comes up like a broken record to my mind)

I'm a bit lucky because I meet you and the juries also all the participants that provide me good lessons about this platform too especially the right attitudes to make it easier to get involved.

@cicisaja I am glad it is helping your experience here
Code of conduct is important in communities because it to many people take the community will collapse

Yes, code of conduct in community mean rule and ethics in steemit, I read it before I start to post something for the first time. I wasn't joining to get money but I want to learn about the process, the systems and to meet other people from the part of the world.

@cicisaja That a nice thing to get to know people from all over . The money part comes slow , the main thing would be to keep powering up

Nothing in this world is free. We have to add a value where we want to take some.
You always hit the point @wolfhart
Thank you

@bmotives yes someone has to pay in one form or another . Hopefully we put in more then we take out or the well will run dry at some point

This is a great reading..would you want give some tips to be a good writter..?actually I'm excite to make a writting to be one post one day..thanks to share us

@yati DQmPN5zTo6GEgnVU5psF6YZmkPmXCY95dENpJmGsfQQhmMb.png

Here is a tip that was given to me .

Thank you so much,it's very helpful

yes friend i have learn alot from your posts ...since i started following you and it has been amaxing so far. thank you man

Thank you it nice to know that I am having a positive impact .😎

@wolfhart this is an absolutely amazing post my brother! Keep up the great work, progress and willingness to see others succeed on the platform. Steemit is blessed to have people like you on here!

@terminallyill Its a team effort you are part of that team👍 , @greetersguild @payitforward also part of that team . or maybe I should use the term Community because that's what we are . small parts to our bigger whole that we are creating 🙏

You have been a great support to all the newbies. It's a really difficult job. I haven't been active lately due to my busy schedule. But now that I am free, I'll try to post daily. I just hope that I grow, so that I can help others to grow too:)

@illusions16 keep powering up you have $10 dollars worth of SBD wich will get you 7-8 steem to power up with . I saw your post and I like the corner bookmarks but the page marker was my favorit 😎

What are you calling a community? To me, the whole of Steemit is a community so to meet the requirements of them dolign something for the community and being part of it to me, would simply be that they commented on posts other than their own at least occasionally and it was more than just them saying "check out my stuff". I am part of asapers, and I do check it out work by fellow members, but I'm more concerned with communicating with people on Steemit as a whole than just those within that group only. Just like I wouldn't read only one subreddit, I don't only stick with the group I joined here (in this case asapers). Being in a group within Steemit (like asapers or similar) makes it feel closer and more supportive and gives the members within the group exposure, but I wouldn't say it is superior to not being part of a group. I make a conscious effort to support the group I'm part of but also ensure I support those outside of the group too and we don't become a colossal circle-jerk where little people who aren't part of any of these groups don't even get noticed because while groups are great, that's not good and groups within platforms can unfortunately lead to stuff like that. If by community you just mean contributing to the community of Steemit by talking to others etc, I 100% agree but still consider content quality more important than that (though quality plus engaging with other people shits all over both the person who posts quality content but engages with no-one and the person who engages with people but makes terrible posts imo). If you are saying people should be part of a sub-community within Steemit, I disagree because while I have seen benefits of it, I don't feel it is morally or socially superior. I'm all for people genuinely engaging with each others' posts though, regardless of if it is as part of a group or just exploring the whole of Steemit and finding little gems that they like. The value of the post to me (which is different to how you might value it or another random person may value it due to personal taste etc) is more important to me than how much of a community member the op is, but community comes second to me as even though entertainment value / quality is the main thing I care about, I still prefer to see people who care about other people's work and don't just post their own and leave. It's also nicer if you comment on someone's post that they also reply back to you rather than just ignore your comment (unless your comment is spam but that wouldn't be the case for me). I've encountered that before, though I'd make an exception for those with huge followings elsewhere (like YT) as replying to every comment they get on all platforms after a certain size reaches the point of being impossible.

What are you calling a community?

I left that up to the reader . I did make a reply to a comment as follows

Learning the platform so that you are informed is being a member of the community .
This whole platform is a community made up of smaller communities . It all depends on how you identify a community . I identify the whole and also the smaller parts 😀

The whole is more important to me then the parts . I can seperate the two

My question was to solicit thought of the reader . Most of them are redfish who need to figure out what is best for each and every one of them . To have their own opinion . There is no magic way that can fit the majority here in this community (platform) . What works for one will not work for others

I'm all for people genuinely engaging with each others' posts though,

That is the goal !
I really don't see where there is disagreement

Fair enough. Yeah I agree and think the whole is more important than the communities within the community.

"I really don't see where there is disagreement"

I was discussing with you, and didn't think there necessarily was disagreement as such. I did value community engagement but valued quality of posts even more so and your posts makes it appear the community engagement is the most important aspect to you. Idk if that's the case or not so there's that not disagreement, but slight difference in opinion and in how highly / important we perhaps hold or consider different aspects of a post and the person who posted it. I was just discussing what I thought of it all. If you meant little communities within the big community, I didn't quite agree, but I 100% agree that being part of the Steemit community is a good thing and that engaging with other peoples' posts is good. I wasn't disagreeing, but simply discussing though while I'm sure we both agree both community engagement and quality posts is important, our discussion suggests maybe how we prioritise those is slightly different. Perhaps - until you say anything else about it, I can only go by how much you were talking about engagement suggesting it was the bigger issue for you.

The topic of the post and content was about the people who one engages with . The community referenced in the body of the post were in regards to Steemit as the community

The questions at the bottom had nothing to do with the body of the post and just with communities in generals to make one think .

We cannot ignore the fact that there are even smaller communities within the smaller communities . It's only normal that people will grouped together for different reasons and purposes

Oh certainly. Those communities exist and they aren't bad. Even genres make different communities i.e. gaming community, fiction community etc. I've benefited from the time I've been in asapers. And it is good that members of these groups have more visibility and it is good to support the content of the groups you belong to (provided you actually like the content - don't upvote etc simply because you are part of a group - it should also involve some kind of positive view of the content). It's just good to expand our viewing of posts beyond just the one smaller community we are in and to ensure that we haven't reached the point that we only consume content from our own smaller community. A similar issue is people who only consume content from big creators and never branch out and look elsewhere. These issues apply to other platforms than Steemit too and groups are great for support, a feel of actually being a community since that feel is harder to get with 1000's of people, and for visibility, and in the case of the similar issue I mentioned, big creators often make good content (not always - I don't like some big creators on YT etc but others I do) so there's nothing wrong with supporting them - it is just good to also support people other than those in your group and those who are the biggest and most visible, provided you like their content. The content still has to be something you actually like / enjoyed / thought about etc. I might upvote and comment on something I don't 100% agree with if it generates discussion and is interesting and overall seems like a net positive. But overall I won't upvote something within the groups I'm in just because I'm in a group.
The questions in your post though honestly weren't that clear and looked like they related closer to the post than they were by the sounds of it.

One thing I don't agree with in this post is that I don't pick friends based on my goals. I know quite a few do but I don't. That use-y side of networking is something I've never been comfortable with. It is based on if I get along with that person, and they are a good person and friendly etc, not my goals and what I can get out of them. I don't think like that. My goals have no bearing on this unless we became friends through something related to my goals (i.e. I became friends with another video creator and we both had goals with our videos so without those goals the videos likely didn't exist and we wouldn't have met), but I don't make friends for the sake of them helping me reach my goals.