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RE: The Cultivation of Convenience (Musing / Crypto Investing)

in #culture7 years ago

Nice article; I agree with your ideas concerning privacy and convenience. Facebook, Google, Amazon, etc have made fortunes out of being the middle man between end-users, product creators, and advertisers. What are your thoughts on disintermediation and how it relates to the exchange of value?


Thanks for the insightful comment. So long as people are educating themselves and approaching things with clear, open minds (rather than waiting for a consensus expert to emerge and advise them) I see great value emerging in assets that offer:

  • legality
  • privacy
  • decentralization (no intermediaries, P2P)
  • robust security technically AND economically (cannot be counterfeited, immutable/scarce)
  • convenience/efficiency/user-friendliness (it has to be fast & Mom has to be comfortable using it)

Whatever the asset is, so long as it can check off these criteria it will be used in value exchange transactions small & large, mundane & exciting. While I think this will take quite some time to develop, if I had to only make one bet in all of the crypto space I would place my bet on privacy.

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