How do you value your money?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

This publication was also written in SPANISH and PORTUGUESE.


If you are a salaried person, you must have already thought about the value your money has for you. It is obvious that the valuation I am referring to is a very simple analogy to try to put within this post a discussion that I see as something very interesting: how important your money is to you. I know that a lot of people don't think about money that way, but that needs to change.

Going beyond the basic issues, how to pay the fixed bills (which usually, at least here in Brazil, tend to be monthly... for example, water, electricity, internet) or some other monthly commitment, how do you see the money you wins? How do you make it important to you, in some other type of sphere that you exclude from your routine thoughts because it is not part of your customs?

I will explain it talking about my personal experiences. For example: I usually, and do this regularly, invest my money (what's left of it at the end of the month) in my own way and that means saying two things: investing heavily in some new source of knowledge (like learning a new language, or even take a course that allows me to discover something new and different) and invest in finance.

The old way that millions of people still see their own money still tends, in a very consistent way, to be a problem because it ends up making it impossible to see new perspectives on it (in addition to what is already expected to be done with it as soon as you receives it). Valuing money beyond its basic function should be an exercise that many people should start doing as soon as possible.

¿Cómo valora su dinero?

Si eres una persona asalariada, ya debes haber pensado en el valor que tiene tu dinero para ti. Es obvio que la valoración a la que me refiero es una analogía muy simple para intentar poner dentro de este post una discusión que veo como algo muy interesante: lo importante que es tu dinero para ti. Sé que mucha gente no piensa en el dinero de esa manera, pero eso debe cambiar.

Yendo más allá de las cuestiones básicas, cómo pagar las facturas fijas (que por lo general, al menos aquí en Brasil, suelen ser mensuales... por ejemplo, agua, luz, internet) o algún otro compromiso mensual, ¿cómo ves el dinero? gana? ¿Cómo lo haces importante para ti, en algún otro tipo de esfera que excluyes de tus pensamientos rutinarios porque no forma parte de tus costumbres?

Lo explicaré hablando de mis experiencias personales. Por ejemplo: por lo general, y lo hago regularmente, invierto mi dinero (lo que queda de él al final del mes) a mi manera y eso significa decir dos cosas: invertir mucho en alguna nueva fuente de conocimiento (como aprender un nuevo idioma, o incluso hacer un curso que me permita descubrir algo nuevo y diferente) e invertir en finanzas.

La antigua forma en que millones de personas todavía ven su propio dinero todavía tiende, de manera muy consistente, a ser un problema porque termina imposibilitando ver nuevas perspectivas sobre él (además de lo que ya se espera que se haga con él tan pronto como lo recibe). Valorar el dinero más allá de su función básica debería ser un ejercicio que muchas personas deberían empezar a hacer lo antes posible.

Como você valoriza o seu dinheiro?

Se você é uma pessoa assalariada, certamente já deve ter pensando no valor que o seu dinheiro tem para você. É óbvio que a valorização a qual eu estou me referindo é uma analogia bem simples para tentar colocar dentro desse post uma discussão que eu vejo como algo bem interessante: o quão importante o seu dinheiro é para você. Eu sei que muitas pessoas não pensam no dinheiro dessa forma, mas isso precisa mudar.

Indo além das questões básicas, como pagar as contas fixas (que geralmente costumam, pelo menos aqui no Brasil, costumam ser mensais... por exemplo, água, luz, internet) ou algum outro compromisso mensal, como você enxerga o dinheiro que você ganha? Como você faz ele ser importante para você, em algum outro tipo de esfera que você exclui dos seus pensamentos rotineiros porque não fazem parte dos seus costumes?

Eu vou explicar falando das minhas experiências pessoais. Por exemplo: eu costumo, e faço isso regularmente, investir o meu dinheiro (o que sobra dele no final do mês) à minha maneira e isso significa dizer duas coisas: investir fortemente em alguma nova fonte de conhecimento (como aprender um novo idioma, ou até mesmo, fazer algum curso que me possibilite descobrir algo novo e diferente) e investir em finanças.

O modo antigo como milhões de pessoas ainda enxergam o próprio dinheiro ainda tende, de maneira muito consistente, a ser um problema porque isso acaba impossibilitando à visão de novas perspectivas sobre ele (além do que já é esperado que se faça com ele assim que você o recebe). Valorizar o dinheiro além da sua função básica deveria ser um exercício que muitas pessoas deveriam começar a fazer o quanto antes.


Money needs to be valued so that we will be know the worth of the efforts we put into what we do.

I totally agree with you, @ajewa.

Valuing money beyond its basic function should be an exercise that many people should start doing as soon as possible. How I wish many people can realise and see this eye opener

I am completely agree with your point that investment in every month with different investment opportunities is always a learning. new dimension we are learning new ways of investment.

@engrsayful... Investments need to be seen as an increasingly viable alternative for everyone.

Hello @wiseagent 💓😎

Valuing money beyond its basic function should be an exercise that many people should start doing as soon as possible.

It's really so sad that only few people engage in such act despite the fact that it's a practice that ought to be done almost every month or year. I also know of some business tycoons and millionaire who engage in such act. I'll also try to start developing this lovely habit.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕💓❤️

@hardaeborla... Sooner or later, everyone will need to evolve in terms of how to value their own money.

Many people still don't know that the best way to proof your value for is to invest it and not just store it in a place.

For example: I usually, and do this regularly, invest my money (what's left of it at the end of the month) in my own way and that means saying two things: investing heavily in some new source of knowledge (like learning a new language, or even take a course that allows me to discover something new and different) and invest in finance.

This your point really got me. I have just learnt not to spend if I have not first of all invested if I understood your point clearly.

You're welcome sir. It was an insightful moment reading your post.

Being able to handle personal budget is a serious task. The fact remains that a lot of homes have to deal with limited financial resources is what makes it difficult.

Investing the rest are for people who have a few bucks remaining after the necessity have been covered.

@gbenga... Planning should be a keyword for learning to deal with your own finances (and in general life, as a whole).

Money management is really difficult task for me and i am not able to controll anything regarding money. Well money comes with creating its ways that is why i am not able to invest different oppotunity.
Solid read

Thanks, @luckyali.

The most interesting thing about your comment is that you recognized your difficulty... Now, you have to work to solve it.

Investment is indeed a great decision but meeting up with regular everyday needs and the pressure that occurs as a result of economic downtime makes it extremely difficult to have extra funds recently.

Yes, it is not that easy it seems. But what I'm trying to say is that people need to at least start considering the idea of ​​investing, @frederickbangs.

Hola. El dinero es un bien en las manos del que lo posee, sin embargo, no tiene consigo otras cosas necesarias para el hombre.

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