Earth Overshoot Day: Do you know what that means?

in #science5 years ago (edited)

This is a calculation made by the non-governmental organization Global Footprint Network.

Conexão Planeta

This work focuses directly on the use of the natural resources that planet Earth offers (such as land, water and clean air), but because they are exploited to exhaustion - without any properly scheduled relocation - they are becoming increasingly scarce (reaching the annual limit well ahead of schedule).

The calculation has been carried out since 1986 and according to the NGO that conducted the study, the worldwide economic burden is evidenced by some highly visible factors, namely: the disorderly level of deforestation, the high erosion rates of the soil, the great loss of biodiversity and the excessive increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

In one of its announcements, the NGO highlights:

"The fact that Earth Overshoot Day is July 29 means that humanity is currently using ecological resources 1.75 times faster than the regenerative capacity of ecosystems. We spend our planet's natural capital, while reducing its future capacity for regeneration."

Basically, it means that planet Earth entered the overdraft earlier this year and, unfortunately, this is something that is happening more and more often (and this makes the whole scenario worse).

It is works like this that point the finger straight in the face of the whole world (because we all have a variable share of guilt) and remind us of the urgency regarding the consumerist way of life that is - literally - destroying our planet.

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