The DiaryGame (21-02-2024) :Working day /Double dolphin 🐬 🐬 Achieved.

in Steem Cameroon3 months ago (edited)

Steem greetings from my motherland country Cameroon to you all on this amazing blockchain.It’s another great opportunity to share with you people how my day unfolded .The precious night was a very unhealthy day as I was suffering from headache the whole day .Might worry was how I will answer present at my jobsite to the tomorrow.



Early in the morning at 5:30am I was already up from bed .As I was aware to today will be a full working day with my boss as he already notified me.We have some some school documents for us to go through fill and assembly it together.For it to be forwarded to the hierarchy in my ministry as requested the previous day .

My boss and I already agreed to meet in town by 8:30am to do the needful with the school .I had to prepare breakfast for my family pancake with tea and made sure my son is prepared for school before leaving the house .I left the house early not to keep my boss waiting .


Me in the early morning in a taxi going to work

While at the roadside I took a cab straight to town where I was supposed to meet my boss .He was very happy I came early and on time as we programmed. We started working on these school documents after showing me how to go about the filling of informations.Around 12:00pm, we had to take a break my boss ordered lunch for us and we ate .After we continued working on the school documents.

Finally around 3:30pm we were done and everything was sealed in a carton .To be deposited by my boss tomorrow.I left from town I took a cab straight to my direction.I arrived home feeling very tired .I heated leftovers for my family and served them with dinner .After I freshened up and went to bed to take a nap.

When I got up I decided to login on Steemit ,read posts and replied on my pending posts. Loging into my wallet I discovered I have achieved my double dolphin 🐬 🐬.I was so happy and excited seeing myself growing from one level to another .It’s has not been an easy race for me as I always have other commitments taking my time.But due to the love I have for the platform i still creates time to be committed,active and produce contents .Here is my wallet before .


Then after claiming my rewards upgrading my level to double dolphins.


It’s has not been an easy ride for me to achieve this .I just believe in myself slowly but surely I will continue be smart to achieve more. Setting my post to 100%steempower up as usual,I have been in to club100 for more than a year now .I will want to thank all my fellow steemians who have support me through out this far and the Steemit team .Without you people I couldn’t reach this level. Let steem on better days ahead being active,smart,setting your goals, creating quality posts and staying committed on Steemit platform is key of success. Once more happy double Dolphin to me ✌️🎉.


Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. It will make Steem stronger.


Your post has been upvoted by @steemladies.
The community where the Steemian ladies can be free to express themselves, be creative, learn from each other, and give support to their fellow lady Steemians.

Manually curated by patjewell for Steem For Ladies

 3 months ago 

Congratulations with that 2nd dolphin!
I am sure there will still be many that will follow.
I wish you all the best for your swim. 🐬

 3 months ago 

Thank you ma’am I do appreciate your encouragement

 3 months ago 

Pleasure! 🎕

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