The DiaryGame [18-02-2024] : Attending Sunday church service and my friend Son’s birthday party with my kids.

in Steem Cameroon7 months ago (edited)

Steem greetings from my mother land country Cameroon to you all on this blockchain.It’s another opportunity to share with you people my activities for the day.To is Sunday a day of praise and worship. Early in the morning at 5:30am I was already up from bed preparing for Sunday church starting at 7:00am at Saint Paul Catholic first church service.

My kids were still sleeping and I didn’t border to wake them up since my husband was in the house .The way they were still deep in sleep ,I just had to go for Sunday church service alone.Places were very cool at early hours but I had no choice than to put on my pullover and leave for church service.


Early morning hours leaving the house to attend Sunday church service

The church is far from my home is just an 8minutes Walk from my place .I trekked to church while in church the priest just started with the church service.I joined the service,It’s was very briefed as the second service will be taking place by 8:30am.When the church service was over I returned back home.

My kids were already up from bed and my husband has already prepared tea with soft bread for them to take as their breakfast.I had huckleberry I fixed the previous day to prepare today with fufucorn .I entered in the kitchen and in 2hours time I was done preparing foods for my family .It’s was already in the mid day I served with food and we all ate together .


My lunch cooked Huckleberry and fufucorn

After,I had to prepare my kids let go out for my friend son’s birthday starting at 2:00pm .My friend has been emphasizing I shouldn’t forget to come with the kids for birthday . Eventhough we live inthe same town but it’s a 25minutes distance inside a car to her place .My kids and I were ready to leave the house as my first son was excited to go but my second was not happy he loves being indoors.Watching his cartoons best moment than going anywhere.


My kids leaving the house to attend my friends son’s birthday party.You can see how my first son excited but my last does not have time he love staying inthe indoors

We were lucky to have cab that took us directly to my friends place. The birthday party already started but my friend was happy see us as we came .My kids enjoyed seeing other children like them in the party .I was given a seat while my kids went to section where children were organized to seat together.While following how the birthday event was unfolding with the birthday boy.


The birthday boy who is 1year old today with the dad

The next programmed was dancing competition as we arrived by a special group of children.I enjoyed them showing skills of dancing .It’s was really fun and moments to laugh out while enjoying show .The dancing took just 5minutes and it ended .


Special group entertaining invites with their dancing skills for birthday party

After,a lot of activities took place the last thing was the cutting of the cake by friend son who just clocked 1year old today.I don’t know wether it was because of the crowd and he started crying .My friend and the husband had to assist the son to cut the cut the cake.


My friend assisting the son to cut the cake while the son is refusing and crying

The day was crowned with reception and dancing. My second son be came very naughty and started crying we should go back home. I understand stood he is home sick and had to leave .My friend gave us alots of chewable and drinks to take back home.Immediately we arrived home my son saw their dad and started playing.

It’s was already evening period, I heated food to served my family everyone refused eating. As they claimed they are full and will not eat again . I needed to rest and sleep because second son during the day at my friends son birthday party .At 7:00pm I went bed to sleep, got up now and decided to write my diary game for the day before going to sleeping again. Once more happy Sunday to everyone,enjoyed with caution especially for working class people .As you will soon start a new week with alot of commitments at the jobsite. Bye bye 👋 and until we meet in my next diary session.



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