in #steemchurch6 years ago


Jesus, with his teachings, provoked the greatest transformation of the world, in its mentality and in its laws. Among many teachings, love stands out as the basis of human coexistence, in the family, in the church and in society in general. The love that Jesus taught is a very high concept but possible to practice, in fact, he himself showed in his own experience how to put it into practice. This encourages us to think that love is possible and that it is the solution to so many situations of hatred and injustice that are experienced at individual and social levels.


Love without Condition, the Most Beautiful Love of All.

In our times the word love has lost meaning. It is used so often and indiscriminately that we come to confuse its meaning. The love we are talking about is something more than the love between a couple and is something greater than what is commonly given between friends. In most cases the love that is declared depends on the physical attractiveness, the material convenience and the correspondence of the loved one, that is, we love those who love us and we are indifferent to others, this is the "love because" I mean, I love you because you're good ... attractive ... nice ... smart ... rich ... etc.

In our Bible the word used is agape, agape love is unconditional love, we could say that it is "love in spite of", I love you even though you do not love me ... even though you hurt me ... even though I do not nothing. This is the way Christ loved us, to the degree that he was willing to give us his life for us, that is the love to which we are called. That is why Jesus says that we love our enemies and do good to those who harm us. The apostle Paul gives a description of this kind of love in 1 Corinthians 13.

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Love sums up the law. Matthew 22: 34-40; Romans 12: 7-10

The law has been made to restrict the wickedness of man against man, but if all human beings loved us in the same intensity and with the same purity, we would not need laws. Jesus taught about the two most important commandments: the first is "you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind" and the second is similar, Jesus says: you will love your neighbor as yourself. "And he adds," On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. "Accordingly, the apostle Paul breaks it down as follows:" ... because he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. Because: You will not commit adultery, you will not kill, you will not steal, you will not say false testimony, you will not covet, and any other commandment, in this sentence is summarized: You will love your neighbor as yourself. Love does not harm our neighbor; so the fulfillment of the law is love. "Therefore, if you want your life to go well, brother, learn to love, fulfill these two commandments and your life will be really different, love God and love your neighbor.

If we declare ourselves followers of Jesus Christ and do not know how to love and forgive, we do not really follow him. In his own experience, the Lord showed his love by praying for those who crucified him, exclaimed and said "Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing". He fulfilled his own teachings and proved that it is possible to put them into practice. His statement is emphatic in John 13:35, it will be known that my followers are if they have love for one another. Between us there must always be love, always forgiveness and always tolerance. If others make mistakes we also commit them, therefore nothing should tarnish our communion. And we go further, if we manage to incorporate love as part of our daily behavior, wherever we are and with any person, since everyone is my neighbor; People will know that we are followers of the Lord, let us not love palava or tongue, but in fact and in truth. Amen.


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Love is the motor that moves all the fibers of the heart of the world, it is the most powerful weapon that our Lord Jesus Christ used to impact lives! Now God has poured it on our hearts so that we can be full of him.


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