Is There A 5th Force Of Nature?

in #news8 years ago (edited)

Let's talk about the force for a minute...

No not that one, the real force, or actually forces.

According to the Standard Model of Physics, there's the strong force, the weak force, and the electromagnetic force. But the standard model is known to be woefully incomplete and there are even well known forces that the standard model does not account for. These are the well known forces of gravity which brings things together and the lesser understood "dark energy" that is causing the expansion of the universe.

But is there another fundamental force?
According to a recent article at

Recent findings indicating the possible discovery of a previously unknown subatomic particle may be evidence of a fifth fundamental force of nature, according to a paper published in the journal Physical Review Letters by theoretical physicists at the University of California, Irvine.

The UCI work demonstrates that instead of being a dark photon, the particle may be a "protophobic X boson." While the normal electric force acts on electrons and protons, this newfound boson interacts only with electrons and neutrons - and at an extremely limited range. Analysis co-author Timothy Tait, professor of physics & astronomy, said, "There's no other boson that we've observed that has this same characteristic. Sometimes we also just call it the 'X boson,' where 'X' means unknown."

So here are some details of what this means...
Researchers in Hungary were conducting experiments looking for dark photons and instead appear to have stumbled into the X-Boson.

These particles were predicted by the Georgi–Glashow Model, which is a Grand Unified Theory (GUT) predicted back in 1974. GGM is a model, the simple elegance of which provides the basis of SUSY which itself has seen somewhat of a revival lately as string theory has been petering out a bit. In otherwords, everything old is new again.

"If true, it's revolutionary," said Jonathan Feng, professor of physics & astronomy. "For decades, we've known of four fundamental forces: gravitation, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces. If confirmed by further experiments, this discovery of a possible fifth force would completely change our understanding of the universe, with consequences for the unification of forces and dark matter."

The statement above would be the understatement of the century. If this turns out to be correct, we have a whole new force in the Universe to explore and at 30x the mass of an electron it's accessible to our current generation of colliders so it should be pretty easy to verify.

this next bit is just a fun "I told you so!" to some folks who came over to steemit with me, you know who you are :)
You'll recognize that last year I predicted that both a new fundamental force of nature and a new fundamental particle would be discovered in 2016. I also predicted that this will lead to a revolution in our understanding of physics within 5 years time and the fundamental basis for our technology would begin to shift as a result
Obviously this is not the force I predicted, because it works only short range whereas I predicted the discovery of a force that would allow for supraluminal communication over unlimited distance. But I have a hunch that this force has a mate and we don't know what this mate actually does, or possibly this is the force and it has interactions beyond what have been observed...

In my previous blog I discussed a video from Space Time, which seemed to imply that the past could be rewritten. A force allowing time reversed propagation of a collapsing probability wave, would actually fit that bill while still preserving causality.


My mind blowing comment inserted here (lol not actually):
What if all the forces we discover are pre-programmed by a simulation thus, we are only able to interpret them the way that coder intended us to.

@jasonmcz Well the universe is definitely "computational" in nature. If it weren't, then that would mean that we couldn't build computers because the laws of the universe would not permit computation to occur.

All this nerdy science shit makes my brain go "like what"

@venuspcs LOL that's got my vote for comment of the week!

dark energy is being understood some what, it has an opposite charge and therefor can not interact with standard energy, dark energy comes from dark matter (so they think) which would explain it. It can not bond so it clusters and causes what we now call dark energy. (all mass causes gravity, even if the mass is not "solid" so enough dark matter/energy will create alot of gravitational forces. We are so use to seeing planets and structures that we don't consider the possibility of matter not being able to bond so no dark matter structures can exists. Meaning no dark matter planets can exist. We are left with alot of matter and energy that if pulling things close. (thats how it was detected and the total matter we can see can not produce enough gravity to keep the milkyway together.) that leaves an obvious conclusion and that is. all the dark energy and matter that is left will pull its self together but it will not bond together. The only effects it has is gravitational and energetic properties. We can use it for energy and maybe one day to warp space-time so we can travel across vast distances in space. Apart from that its basically the glue for the galaxies. Awesome post bro!!!

@egjoshslim Excellent and insightful commentary!

I'm curious, but what is the theopry on what X-Bosons are capable of doing? Gravity holds things with mass together. Electrons and protons are attracted to each other and hold together the fabric of everything physical.... What does this new force do?

@casandrarose We honestly have no idea. This would appear to be an "anti-electric" force which operates in close proximity and my guess is that it will provide a way to continue moore's law beyond the limit at which electron leakage would overwhelm the system.

But this would be experimental confirmation of GGM which is the granddaddy of of all SUSY theories. SUSY predicts that there is symmetry to everything, all particles and all forces have an anti.

My father in law held a PhD in Mathematics, he used to describe SUSY as "mathematical proof that god created opposition in all things".

Talking about 5-th force I wanna address to Bible which says at John 1:1:
"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
As far as my knowledge goes with a degree in physics goes, science in not even near to explain our world in such manner. But every day we see things that are created from words or will of people. Take a look at Steemit for example which is creataion of people. The conclusion could be that word is one strong force of the universe which is still not acknowledged as one.
And to top it all I will quote Tesla since I know how much you love him xD : "The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."

@leksimus Thank you for your commentary.
I'm in no way opposed to it, I like commentary in my thread. But like I told the anti-religious folks in my religion thread. You're missing the mark by posting that here.

I invite you to meet my very good friend @casandrarose she has had numerous postings as of late on religion as she explores the topic. Your comments would absolutely be appreciated by a mind far more amenable to religion in general than my own. Such as hers.

As for me. I tend to believe in that which is quantifiable. I believe that if there is in fact a God or God(s) he/she/it/they have taken the stance that we are to explore and learn about this world and not stress on trying to divine, divine intent. We are basically on our own.
This means I see the universe itself as a sort of playground and we are being encouraged to explore all the wonders that this place has to offer, while they stand in amusement and chat. One day perhaps playtime will be over. We will be all grown up and we will find that there is a spiritual element to all of this. But in the meantime I'm not holding my breath.

My post here is me pointing at the playground and saying "Look! We got new swings! Race ya to them!".

Thank you. I will read those articles you gave me for homework and have subscribed to your friend. I feel the ​same way about science like you do, but I also believe in something more. Since all we learn and discover has roots in one's mind first, then one goes to prove it and if one can prove it then it becomes real for science. In that way, it was real first in one's mind and later if he couldn't disprove it becomes the science. This could lead to a conclusion that our mind is a ​wonderful tool or something more.

@leksimus You're welcome! And I totally agree, the human mind is the most impressive piece of computational equipment ever invented. Regardless of who or what invented it :D

Interesting way to look at it!

Since John the Beloved wouldn't have had a word for subatomic particles, what could he use to describe the origin of everything? So yes, what force of nature is the Word?

I do believe that every physical force or thing has its spiritual counterpart... Hmm, I think I'll write a blog about that soon.

And thanks for the follow! I look forward to reading more of your words.

@casandrarose My father in law was researching phonons before he passed away a few years ago. He mentioned something similar about "the word" talked about in the bible might be a fundamental force or possibly a collective excitation state.

He was a brilliant man. Wish he was still here, he would have loved this news.

If to consider the "word" as a sound wave - yeah, it's powerful - you even can make some not so big objects levitate with it:)

@zaebars There are even "sonic black holes", yes these are a real thing.

yeh! "a sound of 1,100 decibels would create so much energy, it would act as a immensely high quantity of mass. This would, in turn, create enough gravity to form an extremely large black hole! Larger, in fact, than our observable universe."

must add that it requires more energy than the universe can provide to do that...

geeks are indeed going to rule the world. seriously :)

@cristi I 1000% whole heartedly agree!

I think I can show that "propriety" is the strongest force in the universe.

Well this blog is payitforward enabled so please feel free to link whatever you'd like us to look at!

With so many technical, medical and astronomical findings, I am so excited to be living in these fast-changing times. I often wonder if the universe actually recycles itself like the earth does with its shift of the tectonic plates. Imagine if black holes and dark matter were like the ring of fire! It boggles the mind.

Lol, maybe the Universe recycles itself by creating creatures like us... capable of thinking and asking questions about the Universe (like a kid asks questions about his dad).

@merej99 Interesting you mention that. In my post, near the bottom I linked an article on how time moves in multiple directions simultaneously inside of a blackhole. If you look at our universe with the arrow of time reversed it looks a lot like a blackhole collapse. What if we're actually trapped inside a blackhole and stuck like flies to fly paper on the "thermodynamic" sheet facing in the "increasing entropy" direction.
After all the, the laws of physics appear to work exactly the same regardless of "time's arrow". In otherwords the laws of physics exhibit time reversed symmetry

I am not at all opposed to the idea that time itself is multiply dimensional and constantly evolving.
We do appear to have 3 space like dimensions and 1 time like dimension. But what if we actually have 3 timelike dimensions, and just like the 3 space like dimensions, there are 2 directions in each dimension meaning a total of 12 degrees of freedom?
What if it's just because of where we stand that we see only the 3 space like and 1 time like dimension?
I read a fascinating article on Arxiv a year or two ago (will give massive upvotes for the finder), which demonstrated a really good candidate for the expansion of the universe and the observed effects of dark matter which didn't require dark anything.

It was predicated on this idea that our 3 space like dimensions are evolving into time like dimensions and that our timelike dimensions are evolving into space like dimensions.

They presented a very compelling case and I never saw anyone who was able to provide a proper rebuttal, however the math they used was beyond my ken, so I don't know how well they did in the actual "proof" portion of their argument.

Anyways it's fun stuff to think about!

Well, I could definitely go down a rabbit hole with all the articles that are out there. Not having been in your head and knowing which article you were referring to, I found this revised version from December, 2012.
I've downloaded a bunch of reading material, not because I'm not a physics guru - but it sure is damned interesting!

@merej99 Well that's not it, but it's really damned interesting! I never saw that one before and need time to think.

I approve of the use of my likeness... lucky for you.

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