Benefits of Drinking Water in the morning

in #health8 years ago

Drinking Water in the morning it brings many benefits

What are the benefits?

Healthy Recipes companions consider first why the White Water intake should be satisfied.

Do not Think Trivial Water

Healthy Recipes companions do not consider this a trivial water yes.

Water is one of the nutrients that can not be replaced by other drinks. At White Water, there are seven natural mineral needed by the body.

There are seven minerals that make the White Water is important for consumption are:

  1. Chloride (serves to keep the teeth from caries formation and bone strength)
  2. Sodium (maintaining the balance of body fluids)
  3. Calcium (bone health, blood vessels and muscle contraction)
  4. Magnesium (for heart health, blood vessels and bones)
  5. Silica (helps the integrity and moisture)
  6. and Zinc (co-enzyme, keep the immune system and brain function)

With seven mineral content of the water consumed is recommended at least 8 glasses a day. With details like this:

  • For adults, a total of 2 liters or eight glasses of water
  • Seniors: 1 liter to 1.5 liters or four to six cups a day
  • Children: 1.6 liters a day, or 6 to 7 cups a day.

Benefits of Drinking Water

The benefits of drinking water include:

  • Maintain body fluid levels, so that the body does not experience a disruption in food digestion and absorption function, circulation, kidney, and is important in maintaining a normal body temperature.
  • Increase Productivity Brain
  • Retain moisture, making the skin brighter, smoother and firmer
  • Prevent headaches
  • Helps remove toxins
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Produce red blood cells
  • Help distribute nutrients and oxygen throughout the body
  • Controlling calories and lose weight

Benefits of Drinking Water in the morning

  1. Drinking water in the morning is very effective throwing and clean the toxins that are in the blood through sweat and urine. So the body will be healthy and fresh throughout the day. A healthy body and fresh made Companion Healthy Recipes ageless.
  2. Drinking water in the morning helpful for muscular organ and whole blood cells in the body.
  3. Balancing lymph system. When the lymph system to work optimally, the body will have more power to fight infections that could undermine the quality of health of the body you have.
  4. Streamlining defecation. If Sahabat Recipes Sehat experience constipation or difficult bowel movements in the morning, coba drinking water after waking  to help smooth bowel movement.
  5. Controlling Body Weight. The ideal weight is the dream of every person. For those of you who want to adjust the weight proportional, then start to meet the need of water in the morning.
  6. Colon is one organ in our pencernan system. With drinking water in the morning. will have a positive impact on the health of the colon. So that absorption of nutrients from food can run well too.
  7. Organ Kidney Healthier. Sufficient water intake in the morning can help alleviate the kidneys while keeping the kidney organ health.

Tips for White Water Intake fulfilled:

  • Bring water bottles or drinking place wherever traveling companions Healthy Recipes
  • If Sahabat Healthy Recipes working, use a large glass or bottle of drinking water consumption during the work (before taking an afternoon nap) and place not far from reach.


I think it's very important to spread the message of drinking water. I only drink water because I know all other things just aren't good for the body. I also heard about tap water being contaminated, but I don't think it's as bad as drinking soda, juice, etc. This post probably wasn't for me since I drink water for the most part, but it is nice to know about all of the benefits. The only thing I have to go for now is a filter for the tap water.

I usually drink 3 glasses of water in the night when i want to eat, but cant, so i drink some water with lemon, and thats it. I dont want anymore

drink a lot

Slightly relevant tip: while out on a night drinking alcohol, take a glass of water with every shot you take to avoid hangovers and headaches and a bad sleep.

I think drinking water is a habit everybody can develop, is just about increase the amount of it every day. You don't like, because you don't have the habit, but our body is amazing and it will learn that drinking water is good and at some point you will love water.
I have a disease which makes me drink around 15liters of water a day, (I posted about on Steemit), I was the kind of person who never drinks water. BUT, even on meds now, I just can't get enough of water. It's life!

Ps: over drinking water can be also very dangerous, so watch out.

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