Elon Musk : A savior of the human race

in #news7 years ago (edited)

Who is Elon Musk?

May be many of you have heard and many of you have not but recently I got to know about a brilliant mind of this century , and innovator, virtuoso entrepreneur and a fascinating human being of our time -


Elon Musk

Elon Musk is an Entrepreneur who has a very genuine and different goal. He dreams of travelling to Mars and dying there. He is the owner of companies you might have heard of - Tesla and Space X
He was a co-founder at Paypal. YOu might not have heard of this. But there is thing known as the Paypal Mafia. You see these guys who founded Paypal later on after the company was taken by eBay they got huge amount of money and founded the revolutionary companies that we today cannot live without depending on. One example - Youtube another Vine.
And Elon Musk what he did was he put all his money into these companies and became broke enough to have to lend money from other people to pay his rent.
Visionaries are people that hold the forever dying torch of the human species. They are the ones who lead us. Elon Musk is such a visionary.
Our lives as we know it are so much bigger and more interesting than movies., the human race will then only transform and unify into a greater development only when all the minds of the world join forces together to achieve the non- achievable. And it is really required that we be permitted to fail. Developing the attitude that it's okay to fail. And so is happening and more will happen in the future by Elon Musk. The US government and other resourceful venturists have teamed up withElon and his team of talented scientist to do what may seem like a dream.
Elon Musk has a vision that all the cars of the world will be depending on electrical energy instead of running on fossil fuel. it is really sad it took our race 200 years to come to the fact that vehicles might run on electricity or maybe businesses just didn't want that happening after they had developed industries for petrol and fossil fuel in general.So, for there sake of course these businesses are ready to sacrifice the transcendence an evolution of the human race and thereby making the world a better and smarter place just for the sake of there business. It is high time now that we get to know about these sort of things as information now as we know it has become so easy to reach to everybody that those who don't know will just lag behind. This is a paradigm shift for the world. All human achievement of the century will mostly form it's base within the next five years and this is the best time and the most interesting time in human history to be in. When we see money become nothing more than calculations and it is in the air. Those who want it need to compete upto it in an intellectual way. The time is not far when skills such as programming , designing UI and graphics designing and other similar traits become compulsory for everybody to learn as the world is changing in such a different way now more than ever. Find out more about Elon Musk by searching his name on youtube (It will stun you perhaps)and follow me for more updates on technolgy and science.
I read this a while back lol. Loved the read. I really like the contents of @stellabelle . You should check her stuff out -

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