The Crazy Electrician From Up North Eh, Nice To Meet All Of You!

in #introduce8 years ago (edited)

Hey Everyone,

I've been on steemit now for a couple weeks, dabbling here and there in the various topics available, figured I’d say hi and slap a picture up of a funny looking tradesman while i'm at it...
What a an exciting project this has been and I for one am absolutely stoked to be apart of it both in the beta testing and the future to come.

I'll keep the intro about myself quite brief, by all means I can absolutely expand on any topic I mention about myself however there's something special I'd like to discuss and just praise about this project and that's where I'd prefer to focus my intro on. Im Will as the username possibly gives away (didn't think that one through but that is A-Ok lol), electrician, crypto enthusiast, student of law, fitness dude, and mower of lawns (whatever I can do to acquire cryptos without being paid through an employer is my goal so I do a fair bit of side work and offer a 10% discount for anyone who wants to pay in bitcoin, so far i've had to show and explain to every single person what it is lol). I love this world and couldn't be happier with the direction in which it's headed. I've been involved with ethereum since january and was one of the lucky ones who took the plunge with a few ethers in the DAO, what an adventure that's turned out to be! Again not a complaint in the world from myself, the progression is self evident and absolutely magnificent. I do a few other things here and there but i believe that would be the gist of it.

Ok on to the topic I’d really like to speak into. I've been involved with the crypto’s since early 2015, so a relatively short time in this world and yet also an eternity. The changes that can happen daily are incredible, anyways so in that time I have successfully introduced about… (hmmm let me count the numbers here… carry the 3, round up the decimal) oh right that’s no one so far… I am not proud lol... To be fair I live in western Canada, Alberta to be more specific and because of this lush province being abundant in oil it seems the people out here have been pretty well off. Why look for another currency when you can make six figures without even finishing high school, it has been a very booming few decades up here in this northern winter wonderland and i'm not gonna lie it has been quite enjoyable for me. It wasn't the lack of a stable currency that led me to find crypto’s, it wasn't a spur of the moment thought, or a lucky stumble, it was an exceptional journey that's taken years starting at conspiracies and ending with law and crypto’s (so far)..

As I was journeying along looking for any information on law, accounting, crypto’s, and the other tidbits of info on the various other topics I've been studying, I would bring these topics, along with the new details I’d acquired up to my friends, family and the like. Every topic seemed to be conversable accept bitcoin (where I started and by far the one I bring up the most in public). That was slightly depressing, here I am stumbling onto this phenomenal discovery becoming part of a world I can hardly comprehend and I have not one close personal acquaintance to converse with. No matter the points I brought up on the benefits of decentralization, to government corruption, to private federal banks running the show, to the people finally once again having the power to be their own banks, and many others seemed to do the job of swaying anyone becoming pro crypto. It's been centuries since we started giving away our power over currency to the goldsmiths allowing them to create what is known as banking and the now fractional reserve system. Finally we have that power back, sitting right here in all its glory… and I couldn’t get a soul to listen.

This brings me to steemit. What a site, as far as a social media platform being in beta testing, I think it's fantastic. It's not terrible to navigate, nice and simple, straight forward, excellent topics written by exceptionally gifted individuals, and the posts so far seem to be phenomenally intelligent. Then there's the monetary amounts given to the participants and this seems to be the “oooo shiny” kicker appeal. Like I said never before have I piqued anyone's interest with the points I'd been discussing… until now. All of a sudden I've been able to bring four new users over here with a few more hanging out watching waiting and listening to the occasional update I send their way. People have listened! This is huge for me, it means that even though I have very little influence over people (I absolutely love the acquisition of knowledge but leadership and motivational support is definitely not my strong suit, I'm a numbers guy, at least for now) they are still being drawn in because of the massive new and unique value steemit itself brings to the table. No longer do people have to post on sites that make millions while the participants get nothing, no longer do the people have to build their own unique network in order to benefit, its right here.

The last thing that is so absolutely awesome with steemit is that it gets people who wouldn't normally be into crypto’s trading and using them. Even if someone just posts here every now and then grabbing a couple 100 bucks and exchanging it back to fiat right away they now have the know how and are a user of the system. That's the biggest point to me is if this thing… sorry when this thing grows to be reddit size that's not only huge for steemit and this community but the community of crypto’s in general and that's what excites me. This is huge for me, this is exciting, seeing the actual interest this has generated with the personal connections I have is extraordinary. Oh the butterflies.

I see Steemit having potential to grow exponentially and I for one am soooo stoked to be here, be a member of this community, and be apart of such a tremendous leap forward in the way we operate internationally. I will gladly help out in any way I can.

Thank you for making this happen!

Nogravity89 (my way of saying to the moon… also what my username will be if I can ever change it in the future lol)


just by reading your intro I can tell that you're a very intelligent person.

Atta boy will!! Thanks for introducing me to this wicked website! I plan on having my own introduction post up here in the near future!

Thanks man! Definitely not me who deserves the thanking here I am showing people a product that's so amazing it literally attracts the attention itself. All it needs is a conduit and I will definitely be that conduit :-).

Welcome Will! Yes it is so much easier to introduce Steemit than Bitcoin or any other crypto... to the moon!

Thank you I'm very happy to be here. Should thank Jamie Redman as well, I'm not sure if he's here yet but he's my crypto news guy that I love reading and the post he made is the one I saw that brought me here over on Facebook. So huge props to him for being an excellent journalist.

To the moon!

Hey Will, welcome!

This blockchain world is changing every day, and I agree that Steemit is a shiny new thing with lots of potential!

Welcome to steemit Will!

Thanks everyone! I am excited to be here and I'll be promoting this site as much as possible!

Thank you for bringing out your vision, couldn't agree more:)

I literally cant praise what the designers have done enough, this site is amazing!

Nice to have you around!

Oh want you're just so quick ;-) lol