The Broke Millionaire

in #broke7 years ago

Yea I know that's very cliche to say. "You can't be broke and be Millionaire " I say "yea I know but...... I still think you can be ...". I will explain, first you have to define broke and millionaire . First lets define "Broke" first theirs the obvious no money but to some of us that means we have little or no money to play with, other than paying are bills maybe buy a movie or a coffee things like that. then theirs the rich broke you know "My dad only bought me a Porsche not a Lamborghini" yea we hate those. Then theirs my broke ....broke, broke like scraping up all the change in the house to put gas in the car to go work min wage broke. (lol .. i chuckle because its true..)

So now Millionaire, Whats a Millionaire well the easy some one that has a One with a bunch of zeros behind it . That can be taken two ways in of its self, 1,000,000 cash sitting in a bank or something, and the person with a million in assets. Finally my million, I work hard, work for little, and struggle day in and day out to take care of my 8 kids ( Yea i said 8 ... only 6 live with me though) but i digress i'm a millionaire in life my family is my million. Now back to the beginning I lost a lot of hard earned money with cryptocurrency 73,000 to be more correct. I invested slowly and worked at it and i was on my way to finical freedom then poof i lost my Bitcoin, to an investor all the way out Hong Kong (Altcoiner) to be exact, also on top of all that lost my job working construction ...Dang.

So what to do . . . well in the Navy I wasn't taught just to give up so with in 2 day i got a new job (at Mc Dee's) making less than half as much per hour and, less hours. I had to pay bills, and I start to spend every extra min researching and reading. So here we are this is my first post to change my life i will use steemit to log my every step, keep people informed on my progress and hopefully help some people in the same situation. I look forward to anything, the good, the bad, and anything between.I look forward to the day when some one messages me and tells me that my post helped them out. The next post I will log my ideas and whats going on. I will be posting on Mon, Wed, and Fri. keep in touch.
good luck to everyone this is the Broke Millionaire signing off


A million dollars really isn't that much money in this day and age, if you think about it :) Although, it can be, if you live a very simple lifestyle.

Yea your right but a Million would be nice right now and when i was a kid it was more lol

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