The story of my sister

in #introducemyself8 years ago

Hello everybody ! My name is Catherine Vizovskaya.
I was born in St. Petersburg, he received two degrees and worked in the office, not having plenty of free time. But always loved to travel.
Probably, in many ways I got this because of my parents. My father - captain, I grew up in a world map on the wall and wanted to see distant lands. Often the whole family, we went to different parts of the globe, and fortunately never used a boring system "all inclusive". The world seemed huge, because I was a little girl.
Time passed, and I grew up. Travel like even more, but the opportunities for this was not enough. If you were given a long weekend, of course, in the city, I was not sitting, went to nearby cities and towns, in Karelia, on the gold ring. If rental - raced to the other edge of our country, in other countries.
Gradually my brain evolved in the right direction, and I wanted something more than just 2 short holidays a year. Thus was born the idea of ​​a 2-month tour of Latin American countries. I signed up for a Spanish language courses, went to learn salsa and merengue, ordered guidebooks, handed over the apartment and began to invent a route on such a distant and desired continent, covered with a variety of romantic legends. I had to take unpaid leave, but that does not make for the sake DREAMS!
The first country where I went, was Venezuela. Despite a year of studying the Spanish language, I almost did not understand at first. But quickly accustomed. I learn to smile, to trade, to save, to live modestly but happily. On that trip, in addition to Venezuela, I was able to visit Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Nicaragua. As a result, I fell in love with this country, these people, in the music and in the sun.
Upon his return to Russia, I learned the meaning of words "crisis" and "downsizing" and lost her job. I can not say that this circumstance I was very upset. I began to study online resources for work in Latin America and unexpectedly found a job waitress, bartender in Panama. We have to go, I decided! Money promised little sun and fun - a lot. I worked 3 months salary was about $ 25 a week, but ... I had a house, food, beverages, small hours, the sea of ​​friends, and in fact the sea itself! So the first time I learned what happiness unreasonable seizures. I do not want to forget!
The geography of my travels in America expanded, I visited Cuba, Colombia, and other countries in the region. We, the people, are arranged so that we always want something more. This is what happened with me. I wanted to see more, visit new country, learn the language better, brighter tan, to experience more unusual emotions and unforgettable impressions. Said - done, I did not have time to think about it, on the horizon loomed a new exciting journey around the perimeter of the Americas with a wonderful traveling companion Anyone. The program - land transport and visiting Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Brazil and the completion of the tour in Caracas, in the city where it began. The trip took a little less than a year - 11 months.
I love Latin America. I like the language, the climate, the diversity of natural beauty, the people, their attitude to life, music, food, animals, sky, sun, air. My life imperceptibly intertwined with those countries. The next step - the further development of Central America. From Panama to Mexico! While in other countries, I would love to come again.
In total I spent in Latin American countries for 2 years, so I consider myself almost local. I know many people, saw many interesting places, know how to stop cheap, where to sleep, what to eat, how to travel, how much to pay.
Then geography trips slightly shifted. In recent years, I no longer traveled to Asia. This and Central Asia - Uzbekistan fascinating, magnificent Fann Mountains of Tajikistan, the unique nature of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyz yurt outlandish. And South-East - Thailand traditional, smiling Sri Lanka, communist Vietnam, ancient Cambodia, Philippines friendly.
Russia is also rich in beautiful places, there is a clear lake Baikal and pain soaked Solovki, snowy Karelia and fantastic Kamchatka, Altai attracting and unexplored Far East.
Trips to the former Soviet Union immediately captivated me, had no choice but to embark on a fascinating voyage for the South Caucasus countries. Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Karabakh - many adventures and memories for a lifetime. Still would! Not every day you talk to a real Depardieu, and especially not every day you are suspected of international espionage. An experience!
Of course, I've been in Europe, but still dearer to me the places where people live easier, and the prices are not so bite. Where the sun shines almost all year round, and people smile - sincere. After an unsuccessful first attempt to visit Portugal I still hope to bring this project to life, because it is one of the most interesting to me in Europe.
This year, I descended luck, and I discovered a new continent - the mysterious Africa. Wonderful world of wildlife, starry sky and emerald sea, prickly sea urchins and thick-skinned rhinoceros, black Maasai and Swahili were captivating to me, and came to life!
It is interesting that with me and change my travels. In recent years, I have received an unusual and interesting experience. 10 days of total silence on the Vipassana meditation and orthodox procession, when in the last 7 days, on foot overcome 280 kilometers. Two totally different events, unexpectedly give birth in the soul of similar experiences, observations and conclusions. Well, this confirms my theory that all the teachings, flow, meditation, religion, books basically have an idea, a different flow.
I have a lot of plans. I would like to visit Mongolia, Laos, Guatemala, Mexico, India, Iran, Nepal, Indonesia, Croatia, Seliger lake, Iceland, Antarctica, walk Way of St. James (Camino de Santiago), once again silent on Vipassana and many other things.
I speak English and Spanish, know a little French, and Portuguese.
I love nature and the sea, I do not like clubs and glamor. I love to write and I do not like to iron. I like to walk and do not know how to drive a car. Afraid of heights, but sometimes I go to the mountains. I can not stand onions, but the bastard from oysters. Open to dialogue, but never bored with myself. I aspire to foreign natural and personal growth (in my understanding).
Now my life is impossible without traveling. Once upon a time I could hardly imagine how to pay for tickets card, and where all it takes, and now come up with more and more new trips and adventures.
The most valuable thing in life - this time, loved ones and our personal emotions and impressions. Therefore, travel more, invest the resources are not in things, but in the experience and the people, learn new things and live in the present!


Beautiful story, when it may have to visit Argentina, I invite the public daily post my Argentine correnties land, Haci gradually gets to know, thank you very much for that post public.

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