Playstation 5s are overheating in store demos

in #gaming4 years ago

There have been problems with came consoles overheating in the past. I think the Xbox probably had the worst reputation as far as that is concerned. But when a new game console that the world is really excited about starts having overheating issues just with the display units at Best Buy, there is cause for alarm. Or is there?


This image was widely distributed online and I would imagine it was done because of two reasons.

  • People are jerks and will do anything for a little bit of internet attention
  • some people actually thought this was an ominous indicator of what is to come with initial launch problems

What the poster and subsequent reposters failed to do was to mention the fact that there might be some additional reasons why this was happening in the first place.


This is an example of what a display unit looks like for a PS5 or just about any other console that exists on the planet. Notice anything about that display that might be somewhat different than how it may end up at your own house? Well in the event that you are a numbnuts I'll go ahead and point it out for you. The console is locked inside of a plastic box which has no ventilation. It is also being illuminated for advertising effect that is making the little enclosure even hotter.

As a personal experiment I strongly encourage you to put your gaming rig (if you have one) or any other modern day console into a plastic airtight container or even better wrap it in plastic wrap. Then wait and see if it ends up having any issues

No seriously. don't really do this

The fact of the matter is that these rumors that the PS5 is having overheating issues bEfOrE iT eVeN lAuNcHeS! is just a bunch of internet crybabies and liars desperate for attention. There are lots of reasons to not want a PS5 or any other console when it is first released, but this is not one of them.


I haven't looked at a PS5 display yet but I'm surprised such displays don't have ventilation. I know I have seen similar displays before that do have fans built-in to ventilate. Who designed this? Best Buy or Sony?

you would imagine that Sony did but i don't have any idea. It also hasn't happened at many of them but the way that the internet works is that it only takes one asshole to make a very small thing look like it is widespread.

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