August Freebies on PS Network: Fall Guys

in #gaming4 years ago

This party game is for people who aren't allowed to go out and party, which is pretty much everyone at the moment. I'll sum this game up in one sentence with two thoughts:

It's stupid and strangely addictive


Fall Guys is a game that anyone can play as the game requires almost no familiarity with the levels in order to be able to do them. Basically it is a massive race between you and up to 59 other players in a game that gradually widdles the field down to only 1 winner.

I say that it takes no familiarity with the various levels in order to do well because the very first time I played it i made it as far into the rankings as I ever have.


There are two types of games that come at random selection: Race games where it is everyone for themselves and team games such as soccer or other capture the flag type games where an entire team works together.

I don't think I have seen all of the available levels but I have seen quite a few and so far I quite like the races where it is only you that you are depending on and I am not really a fan of the team games.


Competing in events earns you XP of sorts (even if you lose, and you will lose... a lot) and these can be spent on upgrades that are purely aesthetic. There does seem to be some sort of overall competition based on points that will (I guess) declare an overall winner but you can forget about that because there is probably some Korean teenagers that are foregoing food and sleep in order to play this game 23 hours a day while fueled by cases of Red Bull.


Some of the levels are absolute mayhem as there will be so many characters crammed into one spot at a time and in many situations this results in pushing you off the edge which sets you back behind everyone else. This is where the game gets quite frustrating but again, for some reason, I find myself returning on a regular basis.

The game is colorful and cute and the puzzles are very easy to figure out so even when you lose, you still kind of win because you can just start over for another event immediately and since the events appear to be randomized you wont be facing the same level over and over and over again.


There are some games that you will not encounter until the "field" gets cut down a bit and one of them is the soccer match. Obviously this can't have 30 people a side or there wouldn't be enough room for the balls on the pitch. I have only played this game once and my team lost, badly. That was in the forth round when the amount of contestants had been reduced to just over 10.

You start with 60 competitors and the number in the runnings gets reduced by nearly half after the first event.

This game is mindless fun and I find myself returning to it when I need a break from games that require your attention. Despite the fact that it only uses two buttons (one for jump, one for dive) this game is actually a lot more frustrating than it appears but if you are like me, you will always find yourself returning for another round.

If the game is free (and it is right now) I think it is a great diversion. I wouldn't pay anything for it though. It is only available on PC and PS4 and everyone on both platforms plays in the same field.


That actually looks like a lot of fun! What are the load times like?

it's fun. The team games are frustrating as hell though. I have only been on the winning side once and I really don't see any sort of strategy

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