Tradable SMTs - Picture the Future.

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

A peek into our future.

This screenshot is brought to you by and if you are wondering why I am sharing it here it is to show those who don't yet have a vision of SMTs and a part of how it works. DEXEOS is an App on EOS which allows their end-users to trade tokens and gain monetary rewards from their Apps.

Once we have SMTs we will likely have an exchange where you can trade SMT tokens for Steem. This provides a way to give a monetary value to the future SMTs.

We already have some apps tracking and airdropping tokens on current stakeholders and I expect that will ramp up as we closer and closer to the SMT Hardfork.

In many cases, App owners drop tokens with a 1:1 ratio to current Steem Holders. Steemhunt, did just such an airdrop. Plus they are rewarding activity on their site.

While I think things are going to be a little boring for a bit while we wait for SMTs, try to imagine how interesting this will make things. Various Apps will be able to add and monetize their own apps using SMTs and rewarding activity they value.

While I've known that for a while, watching my airdropped tokens gain value on EOS has me excited about the future and I think we have many people who have not experienced how this works!

In the comments tell me about other projects who are planning SMTs and how to claim them...

Looking forward to SMTs.



@actifit is a step tracking app for android/ios that rewards delegators and users with upvotes/tokens.

Cool! Thank you for mentioning it.

I somehow have about 22 of their token. Tried to use their app once but didn't because it uses private key instead of steemconnect.

Interesting I haven't checked it out.

You get one token each time you like a post from actifit (and maybe anyone who is posting steps but I'm not sure). But, yeah, posting using the app requires the private posting key.

So far I didn't get a name! But I wish to answer a fine case study and run a dapp on SMT! Still fine tuning the case study and the next it's developing time!


Yeah it's going to be great.

@cleanplanet is offering CLEAN tokens (currently being tracked as points) for delegation

@actifit is offering AFIT tokens for delegation

@dlike is offering DLIKE tokens for delegation

@steem-1up will be offering UP tokens for delegation sometime in October/November

@fundition has plans for HEART tokens - I believe delegation will be possible

I did a post a few days ago...

@dlux-io is offering dlux tokens for the already up and running social VR and AR steem front-end at ICO Announcement Update

Good to know. Thanks.

Sir, I will try all these app asap. Thanks

That's the number one reason I am on the steem blockchain.

I am getting ready to become a trader in all kinds of SMT's.

I developed specially for that reason a trading system...

You can also get a sneak peak of this with Rudex and their WLS-BTS pairing. BitShares already seems to have create your own Token system so maybe that is where Smart Media Token got inspired from. Win-win from all sides... You are right that it's very exciting when a Token becomes real so to say and has a market value. Looking forward to SMT-STEEM pairings ;-)

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 00.14.08.png

Yes like ERC20 tokens SMT will flyrocket the steem price. Ethereum is not that much scalable.

While I've known that for a while, watching my airdropped tokens gain value on EOS has me excited about the future and I think we have many people who have not experienced how this works!

Still a little fuzzy on me. Not completely understand but I can tell in your Tone it is something to get excited about :)

Do you know if it will possible to trade SMTs on any exchange, or only Exchanges within the STEEM ecosystem making it so everything has to pass through STEEM to be made liquid?

It would be possible for an SMT to get listed on an exchange, but most will likely trade against Steem.

Next year is definitely going to be an interesting one, that's for sure.

How did you get air drop tokens for the SMT's. I am not sure how it all works, but I would be willing to get involved. Sounds like an adventure.

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