Starbucks New Overly Friendly Staff...

in #busy6 years ago (edited)

just a pic I stole off the internet

Recently something new has been happening at Starbucks. I noticed it right around Thanksgiving. When I pick up my daily 30 ounce iced green tea. The window staff have moved away from their pleasant greetings to being overly friendly.

It started with a perfectly nice, pleasant young man who after taking my money leaned out the window, his torso clear out on the platform tray meant to hold drinks during the exchange and asked about my Christmas Shopping. "Have you been out Christmas Shopping?", he asked in a perky tone.

"Oh Jeez", I thought to myself, do I really have to explain my Christmas shopping to the Starbucks dude?

"No," I answered not wanting to ramble on about my plan for acquiring my Christmas gifts. I smiled back at him pleasantly to make up for my short answer. (In my defense Christmas stresses me out, and isn't fun casual conversation for me)

"Oh" he tipped his head sideways as if he just couldn't imagine what I would be doing if not Christmas Shopping... "Are you finished with your shopping?"

"Isn't my ice tea done yet?" I wondered to myself, "Yes", I lied, trying to end the awkward conversation.

I asked about his Christmas shopping to change the focus. He happily told me about his quest for gifts and finally handed over my tea.

There is nothing wrong with this exchange, they were slow, he was friendly... I am moody about Christmas and I didn't think much of it.

However, now every time I go.. The pleasant person in the window begins to question me. "What are you out doing today?"

I find it awkward and even a little invasive.

Yesterday, my husband was driving and the overly friendly window person asked... "What are you out doing?"

He said, "Getting a Coffee and a Tea", with an ironic smile.

"Oh, and then what?" from the window person

"We are going to grab some lunch"

"Oh Where?"

On one recent occasion when I didn't disclose my plans the young lady in the window asked if I had any up and coming travel plans.

Is this normal coffee window talk? Or something new in their training?

I've decided to handle it in an outrageous way.

Tomorrow when I go to Starbucks, when the window person asks what I am doing, I am going to say something ridiculous.

"I just picked up an 8 ball of cocaine, and now I have to find the pimp for a little party we are having this weekend". or "I just had outrageous lunch sex with a guy I met in Macy's."

I think it will be fun to watch the reaction. :)



Note to self, avoid Starbucks.
I like customer service people who can pick up whether the customer wants to chat or not. I'm not a chatterer and most people who serve me pick up on it, but I get that others love to talk about their day; especially the elderly who are often a bit lonely.

You have got to post about the reaction to those ones! If we don't hear from you for a while, I guess we'll know it's because you've been arrested.

Wow that's creepy. lol

I find the people with multiple piercings and a blank stare as if they have faced more torment in their life than soldiers could imagine to be far more pleasant.

DId you do it? This is freaky and I noticed it a lot lately. Even when picking up a rental car. I openly asked why are you asking me this three times? The you g lady inside also asked me twice where was I going, what wasn’t I doing? Who was I going to see like an investigation ... this started about a year ago in Denver but area ... smdh

Yeah it's weird. Maybe I am old school. Don't pry, it feels weird.

But, I haven't been yet today and I'm not sure I'm in the right mood.

MAke up a. Steemit busines card and tell them
To login. You’re name Is whatsup and you like tea. That is all. 😂

Starbucks Wants to Improve Its Relationship With Its Customers

Basically, the core of the revised "third place" strategy is allowing baristas to make meaningful connections with customers. That could mean a welcoming greeting as an occasional customer enters, or building a connection with regulars.

Starbucks does not want to be a store people visit. It literally wants to be a part of its customers' lives. That's a potentially more rewarding relationship in the long-term, but it's one that requires a personalized effort involving employees and data, and a commitment to doing more than just getting orders filled quickly.

Data. Facebook going after your data isn't enough. Now Starbucks wants it, too. Corporate bullshit. I pity the employees.

Posted using Partiko Android

im with you, I feel bad for anyone having to inject themselves into other people's lives because an order came from on high. just be nice to me, make my order, I'll say thank you, smile, you can say you're welcome, smile, and I'll be on my way. starbucks is what it is, a franchise company selling crappy coffee and wifi. if they wanted to be the niceplace you went to to chill where you had a friendship with the workers they shouldn't have become a soulless franchise McDonald's of coffee.

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha, I knew it!!! :)

It would Ben much nicer just to remember what someone’s name is and what coffee or tea they like than asking who done it where what when questions. Also that outlines appears as if they are taking that a bit too far. Guess people are still not aware there are many more prepper - Private - revolutionary types ...

@whatsup, I’m as friendly as a barista can be, but I can’t manufacture friendly that Starbucks wants from me.

Starbucks calls it the “third place”

When it comes to drive thru windows, it’s a strategy to make it seem like less of a weight.

All of the old managers are calling it quits, because Starbucks management has changed.

it’s all about cutting labor and manufacturing a friendly place, instead of being a friendly place.

Starbucks is not the same without Howard. Not that I was crazy about Howard, but partners enjoyed working for Starbucks when Howard ran his company.

If you want the best tea ever, you need a tea made by @runridefly.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I feel for you! It's awkward. I don't mind a friendly exchange at the drive up window, but sheesh, I feel like I am being questioned! :)

Only one store in town doesn’t freak me out at the window, and that manager gave her two week notice last week.

The last manager to quit worked for Starbucks for 20 years.

The downtown Starbucks had little turnover until about 3 years ago, and now I’m the senior barista.

We have two shift supervisors that have been at the downtown store for over 20 years, and one of them is hanging by a thread. She is starting a 9 day vacation tomorrow, so I won’t have to worry about her quitting for another two weeks.

Starbucks isn’t the same place.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sorry to hear it, I can't believe I'm the only one to be a bit annoyed. Relationships will naturally develop with regulars. This new thing is really too much.

Oh PLEASE oh PLEASE video the reaction in a #dtubesnap! MAn I gotta see that.

Haha, I used to put ridiculous things in my carry on luggage when they were checking your carry on bag three times going through the airport after 9/11. I'd always find something crazy, non-dangerous and potentially embarrassing. I guess it is my passive aggressive form of fighting back when I feel my space in being invaded.

:) lol

Why yes customs officer. That IS a large black wiggly dildo!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Like that mindset :)

Posted using Partiko Android

you should be shilling them steem....make new affiliates...

It’s seems like how people behave on steem, mostly all nice 😅

Posted using Partiko iOS

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