Hurry Up and Wait... A Ramble While I Wait.

in #waiting5 years ago

I am sitting here waiting.

I have to pick up a family member, but first I am waiting for a call to notify me that my future passenger is ready for transport. It's hard to start anything when you are waiting.

In addition, to waiting for that call, I am watching the crypto markets and waiting for some action in the Bull Market. I'm waiting for a sign as to whether the alts are going to keep moving or if the market pressure will now shift over to Bitcoin. I have a couple moves to make when I feel it is clear. I don't want to make my next trade until BTC begins to move up or down.

While waiting, I got to remembering the last bull market and how different Steem was back then with a greater pool of users and more people who had a meaningful vote. When the Steem price is up there are more people, more posts, a greater variety of content and people tend to be a bit more optimistic.

I feel like with the community this small and such a long ride down on top of being frustrated, we are all a little sick of each other too. :) I thought about a few people who I've disagreed with, and felt I've been a little sharper than needed. I realized most of the people I know on Steem are doing what they think is best for the platform even if I have a different view.

I'm waiting for some type of clarity on what is going on with Justin Sun and Steem as it is clear there is something to the rumors, but it isn't clear what they mean or what impact it will have.

I'm waiting for a date on the next hardfork...

I look at the charts again, and I am still waiting, glance at my phone, still waiting...

Normally, I get impatient with myself if I find myself idolly waiting, but tonight my mind is spinning and I feel a bit of hope and perhaps even FOMO.

Have you noticed how Steem is getting more positive attention outside of our own circle? More news, stories, rumors about Justin, every time voice is mentioned they mention Steem. On Twitter we have more mentions. I think we are the harshest critics of Steem and each other.

Normally waiting makes me impatient, but tonight I enjoyed waiting with a ramble, thoughts and comfortable waiting.



Aaand we're on the peg! You were right on time with these predictions :P Steem went up around 0.05 with SBD. Let's see what comes!

Outsiders simply don't know much about Steem. One guy who writes a lot about cryptos mentioned Steem as one of the projects he expected to die during the next bull run because it's "an abandoned project". The level of knowledge some of these self-styled crypto gurus is sometimes profoundly lacking.

I agree, we sweat and worry about why people don't invest, when a huge part of it is... No one knows about it.

You should see or read the play “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett if you haven’t already 💭

I'll check it out.

I personally don't like the association of Steem with that guy :)) I have the feeling that Ned was better, but I don't know why because I don't know good either of them. It's just gut feeling. You're not the only one talking about alts giving more back to BTC and that might become a near future. Although some part of my mind thinks we could have another year like 2019, the most of my intuition is towards a new 2017. What do you think?

I see all signs pointing to a recovering market. I'm not sure we will see a mega pump this year, but steady recovery seems likely... maybe more.. we will see

I am waiting to , for the Alps to clear , to start a adventure ,... while so i made my first ever post that went above 1$ , ... 2,88$ for now ,... it was some milk challenge that kicked me in to posting more active , .. i guess it worked . ... thanks to you and all . :-)

don't @whatsup despair while you wait, cultivate the virtue of patience.

I'm desperate to wait for the news you're waiting for, hehe

Let the bulls out of the gate ;)

I hope you're no longer waiting and your passenger, Justin Sun, gets to buy his leeks from the fruit and vegetable store.

Haha...that's what I was just thinking @holozor...

Great minds. Great username, I get called by your name a lot. :p

It's actually quite nice at the moment where everyone kinda knows each other and there is a real 'local community' vibe with people bickering, being fractious and then getting along again.
Its OK!

There are pros and cons, that is also true, but a bit too stagnant... a happy medium would be nice.

Patience is a great skill to have. What are the rumors about Justin Sun and Steem? Any links?

Just before the 20 minute mark he talks about projects he is invested in...

Steem clearly comes up, but it is hard to understand. Eli was asked about it today and she said she couldn't confirm or deny the "leak". She did not say rumor she said "Leak". Clearly something is happening, but what impact will it have?

oh wow. His face lights up when talking about Steem. There is definitely something going on there. Thanks for the link.

yeah, it's an interesting thing. He also mentions Wink, he just did a video with them promoting their product.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62948.49
ETH 2583.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74