Breaking The Depression: Acceptance

in #steem5 years ago

No, I am not talking about emotional depression.

I'm talking about when you have been watching a slow, steady decline in a market for 2 years.

That's where Steem is at, we went from a quick glimpse of $8 slowly painfully down to .11ish cents. It hurt. It hurt our user base, it hurt our whales, it hurt our witnesses, it hurt our apps and it hurt our egos, efforts and sense of purpose. Maybe not everyone was impacted. However many were.

Many got mad, lost drive, motive, creativity.. Like any set of angry people living in a small place some started to lash out, blame others and feel we are on the wrong path.

It's not a pretty place currently, content is weak, engagement is weak, vision is weak, but what we have seen in the last 2 months is that Steem does still respond to Market Conditions and Market conditions are getting better.

No one knows the future, but I think the crypto markets are starting to recover and Steem will likely do the same. Over the past 2 months we have gone from .119 to .225 that's pretty impressive. Out performing many other projects.

Often in early recovery people have a hard time noticing that change has already begun.

At least once a day I see someone commenting about how dead Steem is and how broken it is. Yet, they are here posting. lol. People will always complain. We will always pick out someone who is on trending too often and worder or complain about the fairness of it.

The rage quitter always come back. It is the bored that wander away without grandstanding that we are truly at risk of losing.

In anycase, it's my opinion Steem will not be for everyone, those who can not handle unfairness, those who need an authority to appeal to, those who are overly concerned about other people's success will likely always struggle. If you consider a bad downvote "Violence" this may not be the right place for you.

Don't get me wrong, I think it is a bad decision to call people names, guess their motives and demonize them in the name of protecting Steem. Downvoting for differences of opinion might be a bad decision, but it is an acceptable and allowed course of action on Steem.

Being upset over stakebased voting and whether or not you think others are curating correctly is something I think we can all consider and find somethings we disagree with. That is exactly how we create diversity on the platform. By disagreeing.

The question is... how do you deal with problems on a somewhat decentralized platform which is managed by DPOS.

For me the solution has been to understand how it works and while I would do it differently, since I am not in charge. (damn it) I just use my stake and my influence the best I can. Some like my approach others do not. I'm pretty okay with that.

In the past 2 months we are seeing some new users, better price action, some new volume in trading on the exchanges, the fix for SBD came in the form of Price for now (vs conversion)

If you think it is dead and yet still come here to complain, preach, post or milk, then maybe it isn't as dead as you would like to say.

I accept we have a depressed economy, and all the baggage that comes with that. We have people who have stuck it out and worked through it, but have done so at the price of facing disappointment and possible failure.

It takes one pump, one virial post, one major investor, one big news story to turn things around. I accept where we are for now.



Sometimes you need to bounce off rock bottom to get any momentum to rise again. I do believe Steem has hit a recent rock bottom, not just in price but as a community. This is our push up from that bottom, what we do with it is up to us.

I couldn't agree more. I will be engaging and trying to have some fun as well as supporting Steem and Steem projects.

Yeah... 100% return on my Steem Investment is not bad. Happy I stuck around. Awesome to see all the #steem and #posh Tweets on Twitter these days. Thanks for all your support @whatsup @theycallmedan @appreciator @acidyo @ocd

The technology is good. The concept is good. The culture is bad.

I keep hoping to see the culture here improve. I don't think that positive price action is going to do the trick, but I still have hope that people will wake up to themselves.

I think the culture does need some work, but it's difficult to work on.

Communities and frankly discord, give us a chance to surround ourselves with those we actually like.

  • people who focus on the negative ~ steem is going to die because my rewards are low or that guy is a jerk.
  • people who focus on the positive ~ Steem is amazing it changed my life, let's change the world! More, more , more!!!
  • Steem? um I dont care, I just wanna blog about (my frog) and I hear this is a social network, do you also like how my sandwich looks. Oh what a lovely poem.

haha, yeah we have many types and I have to admit some of my own days are better than others.

I like to classify those types broadly as repairers, builders, and users. Repairers often come off as negative, but most want what they imagine is best.

I like to classify destroyers separately since a good destroyer hides in any of the three and often pretends to be positive or not attract attention. These are the only people I truly don't want around. The rest can just turn their frown upside down from time to time.

Outstanding broadly 'types' classification @abitcoinskeptic. I like it! :)

Then, I wonder in what drawer my social expedient is resting here. Uhm, let's see:

  • I am not a mere user. (I think)
  • Probably not a builder either. (yet)
  • Clearly not a destroyer. (in the least)

So, as a veteran old 'defensive pessimist' I have to conclude that I must be a half jaded and flat simple repairer.

Btw, have you noticed how my sandwiches looks like? };)

I like to simplify things. Most activities on Steem Fall into those broad categories. My favourite is when the repairers (maintenance and cleanup crew incl.) get classified as destroyers (part of the problem) by the destroyers.

Some people think the pot calling the kettle black somehow excuses the kettle for being black.

Sandwiches are usually great. But I've seen some strange ones in my time.

We are not there yet. That little growth you see, is related to bitcoin growth. We kind moved from 1500 satoshi to 2000 satoshies. That's what I see. When I baught steem it was $3.5 and I spent about $1000 to get only about 300 steem. I used bitcoin that I earned before from a hard work I did. So, of course I see the price in bitcoin. We still need to push harder to get somewhere. We need to be at least 100k satoshis to be satisfied. And that's about $10 now. This is what we need to aim at. That's when all investors who invested before will be happy.

I share your feelings.

Although I am new on the platform about 6 months and I have not lost anything but the opposite, I have won and much.

I have gained in experience, knowledge, relationships, hopes, among other things, I want and desire that steemit returns to do what it was last year and more. Only success for steemit and those of us who are immersed in it.

I am very happy to hear that.

This is some “tough Love” as we call it here in the states or a bitter pill, but the truth is sometimes unpleasant, but like bitter medicine it can help you recover. I enjoyed the post.
Thank you

Posted via Steemleo

I'm glad you enjoyed it, sometimes people need to hear things, sometimes they resent hearing it, it usually depends and can be risky.

I pulled out at $0.43 with the intention of coming back. However I've been dealing with some issues that are making it difficult to post which makes TV very idea of being a blogger it comes from proposition. A cumbersome proposition.

I will admit there are a few that I had issues with. Do I think steam Will survive and be able to rise back up to $8 again? That is a difficult issue especially given the fact that voice is coming out on February 14th I think it depends on whether or not it is well received. we might rise back up to a dollar and we might fall back down to $0.02 no one can say no matter what the market does

Everytime Voice is mentioned, people remember that Dan made Steem. I can't wait for Voice to launch, so that people say our name!

It takes one pump, one virial post, one major investor, one big news story to turn things around. I accept where we are for now.

That sums it. :)

I accepted it a long time ago haha. I was here when Steem was 8 cents, I was here when it was 8$. There's nothing that can make me believe that Steem is dead. Have a nice day!

Steem is not dead, but we have some rebuilding to do.

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