About The New Wallet On Steem.

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Just a suggestion:

Translation: Make it easy, is how normal people say, "Reduce Cognitive Load", in case anyone from SteemIt, Inc. sees this.

It's great you now want to separate the wallets from SteemIt.com, and are in the process of doing it.

Yet, I still feel like you are missing the boat on a User-Friendly experience.

User Experience as most corporations know is based on emotion. When a user signs up for SteemIt.com they already get several scary messages about saving the password. I know this is necessary, but the first emotion given to users is fear. Next, we give them 4 scary passwords with names that mean nothing, even to me after being here for 3 years. This creates stress. It feels hard. People like to do things that are easy. It leaves also them open to making mistakes.

Now, in addition, you are going to make them select the correct scary password to log on to SteemIt.com and a different scary password to login to their wallet. Isn't there an easier way?

Everyone loves to brag about our community. The way that Steem earned it's non-crypto users was by having an easy front-door. SteemIt.com. Knowing nothing about crypto, I could come in make some posts, read some other posts and start to understand the concept of Blockchain, Keys, Wallets, Block times, Mining, DPOS (all the crypto things) and all the things you guys talk about. I didn't come here knowing all of that, and yet I could figure it out. Once a user's Steem starts to grow and they get excited, they can figure out how to open an account at Coinbase or other sites to buy some crypto and learn to buy, sell and trade it. All because we had an easy place for new users to land and post, ask questions and learn.

So many blockchain projects are out there looking for ways to gather mainstream adoption, and we have it. We have it and we don't appreciate it at all. The blogging sites keep people here and the gaming sites keep them busy and give them places to use their Steem, this is the beginning of the economy. But, I am getting side tracked.

Back to the Keys. Can't you have an easy button so they don't have to know which password to use where and handle it somehow by default with the password or some other mechanism? Or reduce the number of keys the average user is presented with? How many people need all 4 keys and know when to use them? I don't.

I imagine someone will say there isn't time to fix it right now.. There is never time to do things right, but are you really ever going to do it over? I think the best way to handle the wallets would still dumb it down quite a bit further rather than make it harder from an end-user perspective. Consider doing it while it is fresh in the developers mind.

When I read about projects that other blockchains are doing they are often talking about how to attract mainstream users. We have them. Many of them came here to write, communicate, and have created a bond and that is why we have a special community, compared to most blockchains. Many didn't stay because it was too hard or they didn't feel appreciated. Let's not squander the remaining community and our shot at future crypto users.

Make it Easy!!

Many blockchains have a ton of apps that do not get a lot of traffic. Many blockchains have a lot of security features that make them difficult to use, while I understand we need to keep security, why not spend a little time trying to engineer an easier fix?

Want to talk about it in chat? Come to https://discord.gg/uYzpeK



One word: Keychain!

Posted using Partiko Android

While I agree it is helpful, can you imagine setting it up on your first day?

What? Huh? The wallet is changing? Why? It seems like it works fine now. Will we be able to trade to fiat or other currencies with the new wallets? Are we going to need photo ID?

Just a different site for wallet I think. For security.

you are so right ❗❗❗
Keep it as easy as possible!
We want mass adoption?
We want non crypto people join?
The masses aren't interested in blockchain technology, they don't want to study steemit weeks and weeks, the most just haven't the time!!
A very good example for it is Partiko, an app ready for the masses.
Think about it dear Steem devs!
Have a great day

Posted using Partiko Android

Advanced user settings might do the trick.

Here is my suggestion after talking about this in Chat.

2 keys... show when you first log in and they are named...

APP Key or SteemIt Key... And Wallet Key.

The others are hidden in advanced settings with warnings and explanations.

Going to upvote this for visibility.

The "scary" message about their password isn't scary enough! Pretty much every day there are people that go to steem.chat asking for help because they lost their passwords. It should be a huge warning in red, because they simply aren't getting it. Accidents happen. Drive failures happen. But it should not be happening as often as it is. These people don't understand that their passwords cannot be recovered.

I said when I first got here that to get mainstream adoption we need an interface that manages the passwords of new users and users that either would rather a platform manage their passwords for them, or are simply incapable of doing so themselves.

I've had to spend close to an hour teaching some people how to even just double click a mouse. Some people are far less capable of learning new things. Part of being user friendly means not being so difficult...unless the person is willing to face a little more difficulty for added security.

A good platform should give a user that power, but hold their hand until they can use it.

As to the keys:
The majority of users mainly only need their posting key for daily operations. They need their active key when dealing with their wallet. I've never even used my owner key or my memo. My main password key I've used on occasion. It's useful to import all of your keys into a tool, but you should only use a key greater than your posting key on a tool you trust, and only use something greater than your active key on tools you REALLY trust.

Maybe they should rename some of them so they make it more obvious how dangerous them are. Might I suggest renaming the Owner Key to "THE KEY OF DOOM!", including caps and exclamation point.

Part of the problem with keys is the same problem that we have with Steemit with development and the ninja mine. Steemit SUCKS at documentation. When you join, you need to be properly warned about password safety and what the keys mean, etc. I remember actually taking quite a bit of time just figuring out where my keys were when I was a new user. That should be one of the first things new users are told about, because that security is very important. They need to make a series of intro videos and documentation.

I've never understood what the memo key is for anyway

The 2 main keys are
Posting ...should be the key for everyday stuff apart from payment.
Active... Should only be used for wallet/steem movement
the other keys...
Memo key? no idea
Owners key should only be used to change all other keys or to reclaim your account.... Never for login, never for posting, never for payment.
The owner key is the master key and not an everyday key

It's for encrypting memos. So people can like send you messages without everyone seeing it.

Well, that's why it should go under advanced features.

Yeah, maybe. But...it is questionable if Steemit should be the Facebook type interface for the masses...or if maybe they should split it...or maybe someone else should come along to make the super easy one for everyone. Facebook has actually be hinting that they might be looking into crypto. Scarily enough, they could literally come along and fork Steem or make their own interface or a competitor.

Well you learn something new every day :-)

Thanks for the reply and info

I think a better approach would be a graphic tutorial , can even be a single image with a key management approach laid out others can follow easily. With clear and concise verbage explaining not to use master key for much at all,... Etc.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hopefully everyone can just use keychain to access all the Apps on desktop and phone.

Posted using Partiko Android

You can't expect users to go to fifty places to get more apps when they sign up. Well, I guess we do, but it seems daunting.

I understand your point about user experience, but when dealing with quite a bit of money as some people have in their accounts, having one password control all of it is not a smart choice. What if someone gains control of the password? Boom, you might have just lost everything if you didn't diversify(PLEASE DIVERSIFY). But having a rarely used active key for funds means that you can use your posting key to do normal things and don't need to worry about losing your money, only your reputation...

Can't you easily remedy that with separate accounts or wallets on other exchanges? Plus most Steem is usually in Steem Power anyways.

Yup, I got a cold wallet, and I assume most of the bigger people have multiple cold wallets. Yup its true most STEEM is in SP, but not everyone will hold it that way. Investors who want to trade it won't do it that way. And you shouldn't keep your funds on exchanges. Just look at what happened to quadrigacx. So many people lost their funds held there.

Sure, but why not have an easy solution and an advanced feature solution?

Do you use the same password for your bank, email and social media? What's your Facebook page? Let's play a fun game of financial pentesting... Thinking twice about same password for social and monetary functions?

Posted using Partiko Android

Whatsup goes to change her bank password

Whatsup: No, I use different passwords.

LoL. Same (; but most everyone is not at all security conscious... Most write down passwords or leave them somewhere they can be found otherwise (text file, sms messages to self, email to self, saved on various cloud services, etc)..

Wouldn't the easy solution be teaching friends and family to RTFM and know that each key isnt for the front door, but there are garage and safe keys also... and one for the gun case... And the mailbox..

Easy solution is use your master password for everything. It's not recommended. You could do that while learning, but if you care about your account, you shouldn't do that.

Wait.. fuck I still use my Master key for everything.. I learned that from watching old movies with master keys, the one guy always had a master key for everything.... So I have to use the master key.. lol. Pretzel logic at it's best!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

This is an industry wide problem. You're right though, having an all in one platform is great for people new to the space. Especially bloggers that are coming over with little to no crypto experience. For those people, having to create a separate wallet will just be one more obstacle or deterrent for them to get signed up. Another reason to say, "Oh, it's just to complicated. I don't get all that crypto stuff". I've noticed everyone talking about new wallets but this is the first I've read about any of this. It would be nice if they had easy mode for new users and advanced mode for the folks who have been part of the crypto rodeo for a bit.

That is exactly what I was thinking... make a simple wallet for the noobs.

I couldn't agree more. I am not super good at all the tech stuff that comes along with using this site and I would certainly rather have things made a little easier for me.

I still almost have a mild panic attack every time I try to transfer or delegate steem because I'm worried that I am going to lose money due to a typo or something lol.

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