"Have You Smiled Today?" #22

in #cats6 years ago

Tine for your Friday dose of "Have You Smiled Today?" #22

If this picture doesn't make you smile, than it should give you some kind of a pleasurable response; even if you don't like cats. I have heard all of the reasons why some of you don't like cats, but did you ever give them a chance before making your decision? I can understand if you don't want to be around them if you are allergic to cats, but that is not a reason not to like them. I can understand if one scratched you, but that is not a reason not to like all cats. They all have different personalities, just like you and me. Maybe, just maybe, you might change your mind if one snuggled and cuddled with you. Please, just give them a chance.


Image Source: Natasha555 at deviantart.com


Some Siamese cats appear cross-eyed because the nerves from the left side of the brain go to mostly the right eye and the nerves from the right side of the brain go mostly to the left eye. This causes some double vision, which the cat tries to correct by “crossing” its eyes.

I didn't know that. Thanks!

Cats can predict earthquakes. We humans are not 100% sure how they do it. There are several different theories.

@jhoni says likes cats, animal cats that do not contract disease from the doctor's research, cute cat once

I too likes cat. Meet shyer's family. My destresser 20171209_074151.jpg

Aw, they are all adorable! They are definitely destressers! Do you know about Caturday?

Caturday? First time to hear that. Ok il research about it.

I will tell you about it. Every Saturday is Caturday. Post a photo of your cat and tell us about your cat. Use the first tag #caturday. Put Caturday in your title. Take a look at my Caturday post from last week to get an idea of how it works and let me know if you have any questions. : )

Really cute cats! Yes, they can make me have a wide smile now! I do love cat, for sure! ;)

Yay! Love to hear that you are smiling and that you love cats! : )

Well said good messege @whatisnew hope someone gives it a go.

Thanks @simonjay. I hope so too. : )

You know what? I did smile yesterday. Today I did too, even though I think I am coming down with a bit of a cold... I've got a cough and I'm feeling a little sore and generally tired.

By the way, I have a kitty now... His name is Benji.

And here you are! That is great news that you are smiling and I sure hope you didn't get a cold. Aw, I can't wait to meet Benji! : )

Yeahhhh I’m still coughing! Not too bad of a cold tho!! Could be much worse!! You’ll just love Benji!

Hope you get rid of the cold and cough soon. Benji is adorable! : )

So far no luck! I’ve only done my morning chores and have been awake for two and a half hours and I am ZONKED!! Lol

Make sure you rest up so it doesn't worse. I have been up for 6 hours and I am ready for a nap too!

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