Great Balls Of....What?

in #story7 years ago

When I walked out onto the porch this particular evening, I was blinded by the light; even with sunglasses on. I looked up and saw that the sun was setting.

In an instant, I thought of the 1950's song, "Great Balls of Fire," even though the lyrics of the song had nothing to do with what I was looking at. Of course I began thinking of a story to write about. "That would be a good title for my story." My next thought was that fire is usually connected with the color red, but this sun was yellow. The title didn't quite feel right; the sun was hot like fire, but not red. What should I call this great ball of sun?



GREAT BALL OF LIGHT? (this is the reflection of the bright sun hitting my brick wall.)


The last one, "Great ball of energy," made me think about solar power which I am a big fan of. This reminded me to get my solar powered lantern out for the first time this summer.

Then I got to thinking about other great things that the sun provides for us besides warmth, heat, and energy. The sun is the huge lantern in the sky that lights the day. It provides us with Vitamin D, and the sun provides food for nature to grow.

As the sun disappeared, I quietly said, "Good night sun. Please come back tomorrow morning.

We want you and we need you. Thank you for everything you do for us, and for nature; you "GREAT BIG BALL OF WONDER!"

Image Source: 100% own work.


Love the stories with pictures :) ...

Thank you so much for the nice compliment! :)

I enjoyed how you developed your post :) Nice one!

Thank you for your compliment and for visiting. :)

Yes! I love solar! And funny you thought of Great Balls of Fire, cause I started singing BLINDED BY THE LIIIIIIGHT! Hahaha.

I knew you were going to say that!!! I was singing that song too! :)

Amazing...view..every thing is perfect...upvoted

Thanks for the compliment and the upvote my friend! :)

thank you dear...

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