Steem Language Exchange Community Launch!

in #language5 years ago (edited)

Join the Language Exchange Community

This seemed like a no-brainer....

I just spent the last 15 minutes chatting with @macchiata in broken broken Indonesian using about half of the 20 words I learned from duolingo, and re-appropriating the words she used to reply to me. I managed to say:

"How are you? I'm fine. Japanese is very easy. Indonesian is not easy. I eat you. I eat Vincent. Why? I am very bad."


Apa Kabar? Saya baik. Bahasa Jepang sangat gampang. Bahasa Indonesia tidak gampang. Saya makan kamu. Saya makan Vincent. Kenapa? Saya sangat enak."

This is how I learn a language. I find it very efficient to speak nonsense and repeat the words I am learning over and over again until I remember them and can use the correctly. Funny sentences help me learn.

I really appreciated @macchiata's help so I sent her 2 steem. Then I thought: "Wouldn't it be nice if there was a place people could come and practice a language and ask questions and the person teaching could get a little tip? It really wouldn't be that hard to organize and it would take very little work to maintain."

Steem Language Exchange and Language and Culture Exchange Discord channel.

This channel can be for people writing a post in their second language as a chance to both connect with people who speak another language and also to practice their target language. It can also be used to share our progress and methods of learning and host contests relating to language exchange and writing in a second language.

I encourage you to post in both languages when you post in this channel. I also encourage not to double post in or from this channel and to only post for the purpose of practicing a language and seeking and sharing knowledge and friends from another culture. This is not for double posting all bilingual posts. So it's ok if your posts are shorter because you will likely be typing them in 2 languages.

Post blogs, information about your country or culture, or posts seeking to make friends who speak another language.

Steem Language & Cutlure Exchange Discord

The most important part of this group is the chat room because it will allow us to really practice our target language. Each language will start with a "_____ only" chat for practice, a (______ - English) chat for exchange between speakers of English and speakers of that language and a voice chat.

I encourage everyone to tip people who help them. It doesn't necessarily need to be every time and it doesn't have to be a large amount but try to show some appreciation to the people who help you. I encourage people to go and engage in chats with people who are studying their native language. Please don't expect or ask for STEEM, this will be a pay-what-you-want or donation system with no one required to pay anyone. We want to see people get paid for their work but this is not a place to solicit. Give and receive freely :-D

We will open chat rooms for any language you request! I will be joining in on the Indonesian and Russian chats in the coming weeks, and hopefully after that the Spanish and Portuguese chats.

The community will continue to evolve as we build it :-D If you have any ideas, feel free to share. Resteems appreciated!

Join our chat and start speaking and connecting





Language exchange is a great way to learn a new language amd culture, not to mention you meet some great friends as well. When I moved to Taiwan a few years ago I did f2f languages and exchange and it really helped me to improve my mandarin. Good luck with this!

Thanks! This is not really my way of earning money or steem, I just want it to exist, so please come join the chinese chats and invite your friends :-)


Great idea man, I’m in Portugal right now and learning Portuguese. Going to the market is always fun.

My good friend @vincentnijman is also in Portugal and learning the language. Do you know each other? It’s be cool if you guys could come use some Portuguese in the chat. I might join in because I want to go visit this year or next

We have not yet met, I’ll look him up and see if we can’t try to connect.

Kepala kayu XD

Nonsense sentences are great fun though, they always amuse me in Duolingo, guess it makes sure you're actually picking up words and not just memorising random sentences XD

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