Bitcoin Mining December - Still Profitable?

in #bitcoin7 years ago


what's up ladies and gents and welcome
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alright ladies and gents so welcome back
to what I hope will be a pretty
informative video so this video will be
covering Bitcoin mining in the month of
December of course the year is 2017 the
price of Bitcoin recently I should say
has been fluctuating not too much but
it's been kind of on a bullish pull and
I do believe that it'll actually become
bearish maybe at least for a little a
little while and then it'll probably
pull back bullish if I had to guess but
as you can see here indicating with
these charts the price of Bitcoin is
kind of fluctuating a bit more than
people would like to see in the past day
or two however overall the performance
is really quite good over the past three
months or so and the price of Bitcoin
really determines the profitability of
mining so if you're watching this video
per coin obviously that's going to be a
little bit different and it will skew
values keep in mind that why I'm making
this video the value of Bitcoin is
coin so in the future of the price of
that could also make a difference also
please keep in mind that Bitcoin miners
are extremely hot if you have them in a
small dorm room or in a small confined
space it's going to get toasty and you
might regret putting it in there so if
you have a cold garage or even a cold
basement somewhere where you don't mind
having a bit of excess heat a Bitcoin
miner is really best suited to that sort
of environment anyway but I would
definitely not recommend putting a
Bitcoin miner on top of radiator or any
other hot surface also please keep in
mind that Bitcoin miners are loud they
sound like a large box van running 24/7
so if you live in a small area and want
to have your Bitcoin miner under your
bed for example please keep in mind that
it's going to be loud and hot if you
don't mind the volume then
you know that's good but please please
keep this in mind if you've never
experienced a Bitcoin miner they are
extremely loud also for these
calculations I'll be considering powered
to cost 13 cents per kilowatt-hour
pretty much the average for the United
States when all things are considered
including transfer fees and other
expenses however take a minute to look
at this map and actually see where you
live and see how power costs actually
affect you more specifically and then
I've also included a map of Europe so if
you want to take a minute to look at
this that's also not a bad idea kind of
to gauge how power costs affect you but
like I said for this video all the tests
that will be running are actually
measured at 13 cents per kilowatt hour
also the pool fees for this video will
be calculated at a flat rate of 0.5% so
let's go ahead and start things out with
the a monitor you want now I've made a
lot of videos about the a minor u1 so if
you want to skip the first few minutes
of this video please feel free and skip
ahead to the more power intensive miners
so the hash rate for the u1 is 1 point 8
gigatons per second it uses 2 watts of
power 13 cents per kilowatt hour
pool fees 0.5% and the hardware cost
here is actually about 46 USD per miner
so as you can see here the profit per
year using an ant miner you one would
actually be a loss of one dollar and six
cents not really worth your while moving
along we have the ant miner you - now
this mines at 2 Giga hashes per second
it uses 2 watts of power 13 cents per
kilowatt hour and costs roughly 76 USD
for one-liner so using an ant miner you

  • you'd actually lose about 92 cents per
    year once again really not worth your
    while so one of the other lesser miners
    on the list the grid seed orb actually
    mines at 11 Giga hashes per second uses
    52 watts of power at 13 cents per
    kilowatt-hour and the hardware cost for
    the grid seed orb is about 60 US dollars
    so unfortunately the grid seed orb would
    lose you about fifty one dollars and
    seventy seven cents per year once again
    really not worth your while now let's
    move on to the slightly more efficient
    miner set I think you'll find to be
    really more of a bang for your buck
    so first we have the a minor s1 mines at
    180 Giga hashes per second uses 360
    watts of power 13 cents per
    kilowatt-hour and costs about a hundred
    and 50 USD per miner
    with that being said unfortunately you
    would lose about two hundred and eighty
    eight dollars and twelve cents per year
    using an ant miner as one still really
    not power efficient to be worth your
    while so with that being said let's look
    at the a minor s3 this mines of 450 3
    Giga Nashes per second uses 355 watts of
    power at 13 cents per kilowatt-hour the
    hardware costs is 260 USD so the ant
    miner s3 is improving a little and that
    you'd only lose ninety seven dollars and
    sixty two cents per year using this
    miner alright so now we're going to move
    on to the real meat and potatoes of this
    video and that is actually starting with
    the ant miner s7 a much more viable
    miner that actually has a pretty decent
    hash rate this mines at four thousand
    seven hundred and thirty ganaches per
    second uses sixteen hundred watts of
    power with power costing thirteen cents
    per kilowatt-hour and the total hardware
    cost is eleven hundred USD so an a-minor
    s7 would actually earn you about
    thirteen hundred and seventy nine
    dollars and 89 cents per year in terms
    of annual profit which is actually
    getting better that's really not all
    that bad next we have the big bad
    usually extremely overpriced ant miner
    s9 now the s9 mines at thirteen thousand
    five hundred Giga hashes per second uses
    thirteen cents per kilowatt hour and the
    total hardware cost on ebay currently is
    around two thousand eight hundred USD
    pretty expensive however an ant miner s9
    would earn you roughly seven thousand
    six hundred and fifty eight dollars per
    year which is really pretty darn good
    that means it has a break-even period of
    about a hundred and thirty three days
    which is actually pretty respectable
    however the ant miner s9 isn't the only
    serious miner to think about enter the
    Avalon miner 741 this mines at seventy
    three hundred Giga Nashes per second
    uses 1150 watts of power thirteen cents
    per kilowatt-hour the hardware cost is
    eighteen hundred and fifty
    USD that means the Avalon Minor 741
    would earn you about three thousand six
    hundred and thirty two dollars and
    eleven cents per year
    once again this really isn't too bad so
    next we have the Avalon minor six this
    is a little less powerful but it's still
    a pretty good bang for your buck
    second uses one thousand two fifty watts
    of power 13 cents per kilowatt-hour and
    the hardware cost is roughly nine
    hundred USD so with this binder you'd
    heard about one thousand one hundred and
    seventy three dollars and fifty eight
    cents per year which is actually still
    pretty respectable for the initial cost
    of the miner last but not least we have
    the spawn Dooley's SP 20 ye thus mines
    are roughly seventeen hundred Giga
    hashes per second uses 1150 watts of
    power power costing thirteen cents per
    kilowatt-hour of course and the total
    that expensive however unfortunately the
    mining power isn't really enough to
    overcome the power costs and this miner
    would lose you about one hundred and
    fifty eight dollars and 81 cents per
    year well ladies and gents that wraps up
    another video so all things considered
    Bitcoin mining is really pretty
    profitable right now you do have to have
    some good miners as you can see but if
    you can get your hands on one of the
    higher-end miners on this list or in
    this video you'll actually be in pretty
    decent shape keep in mind that they are
    loud and they are hot but if you're ok
    with that then you know consider
    checking some of these out don't overpay
    for miners be aware that they might lose
    their value even the day after you buy
    them and just just take everything with
    a grain of salt because just be a smart
    consumer and honestly just keep in mind
    in those kryptos thank you all for
    watching and I'll see you all in the
    next video
    as always thank you so much for watching
    your viewership is greatly appreciated
    and we hope to see you for the next
    this channel is powered by viewers like
    you so if you want to support the tech
    cash house feel free to visit our

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