Steem, bitcoin, blockchain and liberty.

in #steem7 years ago

Hello everyone, this is my first post out of a thousand (hope).

First of all, I'd like to thank @romangt87 for helping me out, not only with steem but helping me to open my mind to the crypto world.

In this first post, apart from thanking Román, I'd like to point out something extremely important that I think we, the occidental or so-called "developed" world, are taken by given, the freedom we didn't pursue.

I'm hearing more and more frequently people getting interested in BTC, ETH or the blockchain because of the noise its price is generating and because of the noise their oppositors are generating (you probably heard about it...Ponzi scheme, magic currency, hacking or black money to scam people and corporations...)

Not focusing this text on the causes but on the effects, the blockchain and any cryptocurrency or way of payment or interaction through the blockchain is the purest, most efficient freedom enacting tool anyone IN THE WORLD could get.
At a different level not related to the monetary issue, the blockchain helps everyone to think and act acordingly to their beliefs, without regard to what a government, company or socio-political structure could allow, deprive or reprimand.

Think about it for a second, you, reading this from Great Britain, any country in continental Europe, the US or Australia. Have you ever feel the need to say anything in the streets, to your friends or any other civilian or organization in your country and you have been banned to do it? Have you ever been restricted to pay the last beer you owed to your erasmus friend from France via a bank tranfer or a paypal transfer?

.... well thats weird but probably yes, though it has been so well-masked that you think you're free. But apart from our illusion of freedom with respect to what real freedom means, most of us have never ever felt banned or stopped from doing almost anything a normal civilian does in a their daily live.

However, is not that easy for people in Venezuela to go out and screem that their government is killing their young people (they do though we're not paying enough attention; I told you, we are not that free). It's not easy for an Ukranian teen to fly from Kiev to Frankfurt to work because there is an imaginary socio-political line that cannot be crossed for more than a predetermined time before he must come back to his home country.
It's not easy for an north american or british guy to screem out (because it's a crime, what a pitty), "!HEY, YOUR GOVERNMENT IS SPYING AND LYING YOU AND I HAVE PROOFS OF IT!" .

However, this guy can come down here, open a browser and screem that so loud, his government would like to remove it right in the moment.
You can come down here and make a payment, at anytime, from anywhere to help that guy to fly to a safe place and screem their compatriots, "they're coming for me, wake up, they're doing what the founding parents tried to avoid".

Trying not to be conspiranoic here, what I want to expose with these extreme examples is: I can say whatever I want and pleople will pay attention or reject it basing their decision on their beliefs, cuture and interest, not because a single person or a group decides to give me voice in a newspaper or to ban me and tag me of crazy.

If you are related to economics or specially finance and how financial and capital markets work, the freedom of speech steem, the blockchain or bitcoin (in the pure economic field) are opening is extremelly similar to how a pure efficient market would work: The good companies, the good work, the good art, posts, videos, histories, apps, and so on, everything THAT CREATES VALUE in any instance to anyone (by entertaining or helping me to pay the gym account) will be rewarded by the users, not but any artificially created rule that "helps to get an equilibrium". On the other hand, a scammer, someone that only post non-interesting things, bad-developed apps that make you loss money or any other thing THAT DESTROYS VALUE OR AFFECTS YOU NEGATIVELY in any sense will be doomed to disappear.

This is how I see this new technology, content, apps, companies, tools, developments, everything "cured" by their users, like someone spreading their marvellous experience in his favourite restaurant the last weekend, and helping it to be famous among their workmates and later among the whole city.

Liberty is something we were told about that evolves different aspects of a live. Not only speech or movement, freedoms that sadly a vast majority of population cannot enjoy. Freedom in our complex social network (human interconnection network) is up to a point regulated by a store of value named "money" (more on this in future posts). If you don't have money you won't problably be free to move from North Korea to Spain to, simply laugh at your president's haircut. And here is where I connect the triangle Steem, Bitcoin, Blochain as freedom enacting tools. Get the money, move to the most cured country (until the point they're all cured), speak out loud to help cure unfairness and make a better world around free human interaction.

Cheers to everyone!


Gracias @wese y bienvenido. Así es, el mundo cripto hará a la humanidad más libre, simplemente por el hecho de que hasta ahora el intercambio de valor ha estado controlado por unos pocos. Gracias a blockchain el intercambio de valor es gratuito y con el tiempo acabarán los abusos que están cometiendo los bancos centrales...

Fantastic Post @wese

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STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.029
BTC 64050.44
ETH 2502.78
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.65