A coin for every occasion: 9th June 1975 - My right honourable gentleman....

Throughout the month of June, ill be looking back at historical moments from the past. From conflicts to coronations, sporting moments to royal memories, and famous firsts and lasts, with my love of all things shiny and precious, ill be trying to tie these events in with coins that have been created to commemorate these moments.


On 9 June 1975, politics became more accessible to the masses when Parliament was broadcast on radio for the first time. The station was BBC Radio 4 and one BBC editor noted that ‘certain politicians had taken to the new conditions like ducks to water’.


Fans of men in suits talking and going ‘here, here’, rejoice! Today, in 1975 was the first time ever in the very, very, very long history of the British parliament that proceedings were broadcast live. Microphones had been installed in the chamber since the 1950’s, but MPs had resisted their little chats being inflicted on the nation, as their passion and excitement might have stirred up the emotions of the general public to uncontainable levels.

But, in the mid 1970’s, due to the distractions of the Queen’s Silver Jubilee and punk rock, the atmosphere was considered tranquil enough to attempt a live broadcast. For a month, the BBC and Independent Radio News featured debates and speeches, kicking off with Secretary of State for Industry Tony Benn, who was the first minister to be questioned on air.

Tony Benn

This trial only lasted a month, then it took several more years before radio, and eventually television, continually showcased the wild happenings in Westminster.


I wrote a few weeks ago, in more detail about the "H" , UK, 10p coin and you can read that blog HERE

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