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RE: Rebranding 101: My Brainstorming Process to Create an Artist Logo

in #marketing7 years ago

I always like to do anti-brainstorming or anti solution, not quite sure how they call it. But you basically write down the worst things that could happen/ what you absolutely don't want to have associated with your design (seriously, the worst!).
That usually gives another fun and more open insight and from there it's sometimes easier to figure out what you actually want your design to express. I always find it to be a different level of brainstorming, as my thoughts always wander from the purely visual zone to the more abstract meaning behind. I have never tried it with a logo though, but I should think it'd work just a well :)


This is a very interesting idea. It seems like doing it the way you describe, it's almost like brainstorming on steroids - forces you to go right to your worst fears!!

I really like doing visual art and writing for that reason - it's easier for me to "let myself be terrible" with them, whereas with music (my main "passion" or whatever) my ego gets all weird about it sometimes. If I was going to force myself to write a bad song, I would feel like.. IDK, like I would feel like "nobody can ever hear this, or they will think I am bad at music!! OH NO!!" With writing or visual art, it's more like "haha ok let's try this"

I'll try to make myself do this next time I brainstorm... very interesting concept.

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