Way Cool Post of the Day 12-21-2017

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

In today's post, I will be introducing myself as well as giving shoutouts to the creators that I have watched and learned from. Many creators, educators, entertainers etc... have provided excellent content and value for free and they are much deserving of recognition. I will not name them since there are so many and I am sure there will be new ones coming from the Steemit community. Just know that if you are a creator making a difference for the good of society, I thank you!

Now I guess it is time to introduce myself. Who am I? Just another person who has been birth on this planet to make a difference. As a part of my contribution to add to the pleasant aspects of life, I try to help where I can to make things better and treat people with respect whether they merit it or not.

My interest include but is not limited to, reading non-fiction books , helping people, musical instruments, technology, nature, comedy and intellectually stimulating conversations. Travel is cool, but not one of the top things on my list of things I liked to do.

In my spare time, (what is that)? LOL

I have no spare time. Every moment I am doing something. Not a second goes by where I am not engaged in something.

Now, I am guessing my "not a second goes by where I am not engaged in something" statement has you thinking no way. Everyone has a time when they are not doing anything at some point in the day. It depends on how you look at time, a most precious commodity in the earth. The reason I am always busy every second of the day doing something is: I discovered in my years of living, if you are a very busy person, you can not afford to think of your down time as doing nothing. As a matter of fact, in my view it is impossible to be doing nothing. The fact that you are doing nothing is doing something. So, I say, never say you are doing nothing. You are always busy doing something even if it is doing nothing.

One thing you will note by thinking of your doing nothing time as nothing is, that time won't get the respect it deserves from others. Labeling that time as doing nothing says to everyone, it is not important so you can just come do what I need or want you to do. When life is as busy as it is, which I am sure it is for people who are trying to have a giving affect in society, it is important to note that we are always busy. It is impossible to do nothing, because the moment you acknowledge it as nothing, it becomes something.

The above has just given a peek into the mind of the creator of the "way cool " post of the day. What better way to introduce myself than to let people take a peek into how my thought process and all the brain stuff going on inside the mind think.

Before ending this post, I must say to all the pet people out there, I have had my share of pets. In my childhood days, I had cats and in my old folk days looks like it is going to be dogs. So, my dogs names in order Zoticus (Toy Fox Terrier), Ariston (Toy Manchester Terrier), Chabb (Labradoodle), Zander(Labradoodle) Chabb and Zander are brothers from the same litter. My new up coming addition soon to be, Teleios (Chavachon). Zoticus, Ariston and Chabb have gone on to doggie paradise and Zander is hanging strong at 9 years. Teleios is my a waited new puppy. Have to wait till he is 8 weeks old. Christmas puppy... Yay! And I said I wasn't going to get any more dogs. Then I saw Teleios, game over. LOL

Well, for now that is enough introduction. I have to go read all these How to use Steemit Guides. Once I figure out what I am doing, more post to come. Stay Tuned. #MIH


Welcome to Steem @waycool. Feel free to follow me @kanasite and upvote. Cheers :)

Thanks for the welcome!
Definitely excited about joining the community

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