Colors of Peru and the forgotten markets in Cusco

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Thinking of Peru, all it comes to mind is the food and its colors of everything. I have been sharing a lot of the local markets and I would love to share more. It's never-ending. It never sleeps. Well, it's maybe taking a nap during COVID-19 but still, it will wake up! I have been to quite a few Peruvian local markets, one in Arequipa, one in Pisac, a few in Lima, and a few in Cusco.

Wait, not just only San Pedro Market in Cusco?

See, here's the thing. People tend to just go to the most famous ones and forget there are a lot more out there. Or I just had so much time in Cusco to explore a little more. San Pedro is lovely! I sure loved it but honestly, I found it a bit touristy.

We went for some food, juices, and browse around the souvenir market there. I thought all were quite reasonable prices until I released this video from San Pedro Market and people were like S/ 15 for that lamb soup, that's a tourist price and I was like #oopsy I thought it was a good deal!

Anyways, I love the market! So much stuff and so much good food. Though, there are a few other markets out there than I love even more as I found it a bit more authentic, exotic and less bargain.

Wanchaq and San Blas Market

I lived quite close to the Wanchaq area in Cusco so I visited the Wanchaq market a few times. This one is truly local and more like fruits and vegetables. I don't think I like it that much as, after all, I'm still a tourist you know. San Blas Market is just a few minutes walk from Wanchaq and it's located in the tourist favorite area, San Blas. Quite a lot of local food and a few artisan shops in front. This one I found it too small and almost boring compared to San Pedro Market.

Well, if anything is any good, let's just stick with San Pedro...

Wait a minute, I love Saturday Baratillo!

There's this open market just a 15-minute walk from Cusco Historical Center. It's open weekly on Saturday, Saturday Baratillo! So many things to offer. The handicrafts, a few locals even make products and sell them right there at the market. Ponchos, scarfs, bags, clothes, and all you name it. It is one of the best places to go get Peruvian handmade goodies. Also, one of the best prices you could find around Cusco.

It’s one of the busiest and probably one of the biggest local markets I have visited in Peru. Street food is all around too. Love it!

The forgotten Peruvian local market

This Street market is quite close to the famous San Pedro Market. It's like a 10-minute walk or not even but the whole scenery changes.

This is the best of the best for fruits and vegetables. I understand most of the travelers/tourists would not bother shopping around for good fruits and vegetables as you probably want to try more of that restaurant food but if you're a long time traveler like myself, this is where you shop for some ingredients. It's fresh and affordable.

If not, seriously walking around and browse the street market here for some photos, this is an epic place to do so! It's truly Peruvian vibes!

A few small shops along the street but the beautiful part is that, there are many Peruvian ladies, even those elder ones sitting on the side of the street selling the produces that I believe, a lot of them pick the are hand-picked by them.

It's not exactly on Google maps but it's somewhere around here if you feel like exploring the street vibes a bit. After discovering this place, this was the local market where I always went shopping for my cooking ingredients :)


Always love local markets as they are places where you will find good food and interesting products. Those mentioned are the ones in Cusco I have visited but there're still a lot more around. Also, there's one lovely one just a 45-minute collectivo/bus ride from Cusco. Sunday Market in Pisac. That's also one of my favorites.

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One of the things I like about Peru is its people. It is a country that preserves its pre-Hispanic, indigenous roots, not only in its food, but also in its crafts and clothing. Besides, you can tell that they are a very kind and hard-working people. In Venezuela we are more mestizos: Africans, Indians and Spaniards, so our culture is also a mixture of everything. Very colorful this publication, my friend. Greetings

Thanks! I agree! They're kind and hardworking :D

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