#club100 - Betterlife - The Diary Game - 15/08/2022 - A Monday of back to back activities | 25% to @null

in Steem Cameroon2 years ago

Hello everyone, steem greetings to you all of the steemit land. Yesterday I almost fainted with one activity to another. So enjoy yourself as I tell you how it all went down.

Yesterday morning, everyone in the house woke up kind of late. The cold of the night took all the blame. Checking my time I woke up at 8:30am. Immediately I woke up I changed up my clothes and got ready for action. I started the day by doing the dishes.

activity 1: doing the dishes

There's weren't so many dishes to do so when I was done I dived into making breakfast for my uncle and his friend. They had their coffee with bread and some eggs. My father never wanted coffee so he waited that I warmed the food from the previous day. I cooked potatoes and huckleberry the previous day so I dished the food for him.

activity 2: serving breakfast

In my head I felt like I was done for the day. After serving breakfast I just went to my room and lay on the bed for a while. Then I remembered my uncle's friend said he wanted to eat beans and I already soaked it in water. Getting up to go put the beans on heat, my father called me and asked me to go and buy pepper soup bush meat (porcupine). Me I like meat so didn't hesitate. I collected a bowl and went to the pepper soup porcupine joint.

activity 3: buying porcupine meat

At the pepper soup place, I stayed there for a while because they didn't have change. While there I noticed they also sell dog meat. I was like wow so people really eat dogs ehhh. Anyways my change was finally handed to me and I left the place. When I came home my father and I shared the pepper soup porcupine since I bought two slices. But he gave me more plantains since he had already eaten. The pepper soup was well prepared and I enjoyed my meal.

activity 4:my dad and I eating

After eating rested for a short while before going to the kitchen to set the beans on heat. While the beans was boiling, I went and started tidying my room. At this time it was already afternoon. God blessed and the sun started coming out. I just immediately gathered my laundry and started doing it while supervising the beans.

activity 5: doing laundry

While doing it I regretted bringing them all out because they were actually many and I was getting tired. Nevertheless I had already soaked them so abandoning the mission wasn't an option. It was more hectic because I had to stop and go check on the beans. The beans got ready just in time when I finished laundry. My dad helped me spread the clothes on the line as I started preparing the ingredients to cook the bill.

activity 6: preparing my ingredients

My uncle's friend is a vegetarian so he doesn't eat meat. I cooked the beans with no meat and no crayfish just as stipulated. After I was done with the beans, I served my father his launch and put the beans at the side. After that I could rest finally. I took a shower and rested.

Looking at my time it was already like 4pm. I went ahead and started chatting with some friends then I dished some food for myself later. I just wanted to lie forever due to the tiredness. I just switched off my internet connection and started watching the series POWER i had downloaded.

At about 8pm my uncle and his friend came back home. I served them dinner and went back to watching my series. After a while I switched off the series and went back online. I then engaged in a phone call with a friend from 10pm to about passed 12am. When I ended the call I said my prayers then I feel asleep almost immediately my head hit the pillow.

My day was so tiring. I'm happy I could rest at the end. That seems to be my lifestyle in Limbe. Thanks for reading.

25% to @null

Tuvistes una agenda bien extensa, pero que bueno que pudistes con todo, se ve que te gusta cocinar y atender bien a tu papá, y es algo que haces bien porque la palabra de dios dice que debemos honrar a nuestros padres saludos.

 2 years ago 

Greetings friend...
I do like to take care of my father 🙂 it's the least I can do

 2 years ago 

Wow! Such a beautiful day. I must admit you look good

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much!

 2 years ago 

Sorry such a hard worker

 2 years ago 

It's not easy 😅

 2 years ago 

Here you did have quite an enjoyable day , believed you really enjoyed yourself.

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