Why Do Humans Use So Little of Their Brains?

in #life3 years ago

A few decades ago a gentleman who won a science and technology award sent me a letter. He was upset at the lack of funding in his industry and was blaming it on humans. He maintained that, "The fraction of brain used seems to be steadily dropping off as the machines get smarter." Interesting; I did a little research and found that there is some truth to this. Indeed, research has found that the size of the cerebral cortex correlates with general intelligence and cognitive ability.

The question is what causes the brain to use so little of its resources. I believe it has to do with reasoning and the ability to problem solve. Humans are capable of far greater reasoning and problem solving than other animals, but our brains are simply not wired to do that. It's hardwired for us to make quick and intuitive decisions. This is why we have poor decision-making skills, and often suffer from being stuck on a wrong decision most of the time. Humans have the ability to reason, but they are not born with the ability to reason like other animals.

Why do we have less brain power? I believe it has to do with our diets. Humans were introduced to a diet of grass and vegetables early in their evolution. Today, most of us live a more fatty and calorie-filled diet. The result is that we don't burn calories as efficiently. This results in less energy in our bodies, and we turn to stored fat for energy.

As humans, we have always been concerned with the way we look. Our culture puts a large emphasis on face and body shape. This has resulted in people having less brain activity than in earlier times. Since the brain is where emotions, creativity and problem solving occur, the less activity in the brain is directly related to the less pleasure we get from life.

How can you change this? You have to feed your brain with stimulating things that stimulate its function, such as puzzles, creative activities, etc. Find ways to make your brain "work harder." In addition, you need to find ways to reduce its stress levels, which results in less brain activity.

Why do humans use so little of their brains? The lack of reason comes from our less-developed emotions. Humans, Chimpanzees, and boneless hamsters have been shown to use every part of their bodies, including the anus, to try to reason. Although the human brain is smaller, it is capable of complex reasoning and emotional engagement. Why do humans, chimps and boneless hamsters use less of their brains? Because they do not reason in the same way as other animals.

Other animals have evolved over thousands of years without losing reasoning abilities, such as dogs. Humans, in contrast, have lost much of the tool for reasoning that was given to them through natural selection. We now rely on emotion and other means to make decisions, and this has resulted in us using our brains only to a very limited extent. Humans argue about almost anything under the sun. Therefore, the amount of brain function that is available to us has dwindled.

The bottom line: Why do humans use so little of their brains? The most likely answer is that we are the product of natural selection, and the product of being creatures of instinct. We respond to what is important to us in our environment, rather than what is logical or good for us. Because of this, the brain has been under lots of stress. The solution to this problem lies in understanding the limits of the human brain.


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