Tips For Making You More Confident

in #life3 years ago

To become a more confident person, you have to change what you think about yourself. This is where affirmations come in. Affirmations are words that you believe strongly in and are using as part of your life strategy to make you feel better about yourself. When you believe something strongly enough it becomes true for you.

There are many affirmations and ways of thinking about yourself. Some you may already know and some you may not. The most important thing to realize is that you do not have to use all of them. Instead pick three or four that you feel strongly about and let these be the core of your affirmations. This will allow you to become more confident with yourself and have a more powerful belief in yourself. The best place to find these statements is to listen to your favorite inspirational speaker.

Think about the last time you had a setback. What did you do to fix it? Did you push through it or did you try to stop it from happening? If you are like most people you probably pushed through it. You made up your mind that you don't want to have that setback again and you put your energy into fixing it. Now when you have a setback, you have an additional motivation to keep working on it.

This is similar to what you did with the setback. You made up your mind that you don't want it to happen again and you put energy into fixing it so that you can feel good about yourself. Now the next time you experience the same situation, you will be motivated to make things right. Instead of thinking "what if" you will be thinking "I can do it!"

Another habit to get into is noticing other people that are more confident than you are. Notice how they move around the room, are they sitting up, standing up, sitting down, or are they just walking around? By paying attention to these small behavioral differences you will start to pick up on the patterns of behavior that make them feel confident. Over time you will start to adopt their techniques.

Once you have observed others you will want to emulate them. It may seem like an odd thing to do but if you can feel good about yourself you will naturally dress and present yourself in a way that others notice. When you stand in front of a crowd or speak in front of a group of people you will feel more confident. As you do so you will also be willing to take chances that others would normally not take. You will realize that the ones who are naturally confident do things that make them look good too.

One final tip is to start to act like you want people to think of you. When you speak, write, present yourself, or do anything else that you feel shows that you really want people to notice you will be more likely to attract them. This will help you feel good about yourself in every part of your life.

Being more confident means that you can relax more, which is very important to your success. You want to make sure that you are breathing deeply and you feel relaxed before you speak. You should also make sure that you are smiling all of the time. By doing this you will become less tense and will feel more comfortable.

It's also good to let go of any guilt that you have about being insecure. If you have a lot of guilt feelings, you will find that you might feel bad even if you know that you shouldn't be. That's why it's best for you to get rid of any guilt that you have by finding the reasons why you are having these feelings. Once you know what the reason is that you have for feeling insecure, you'll be able to start working towards removing it.

You'll also start to enjoy speaking to more people. As you get more comfortable you'll be able to be more confident when it comes to talking to others. You will feel good about yourself and they will feel good about you as well.

With these tips you can see that there are many ways that you can work on yourself to become more confident. You can feel good about yourself and actually make some real changes in your life. Work on building confidence each day. This way you can see the improvements that you will make. You can take the tips that you learn and apply them to your own life to feel better about yourself all the time.


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