Decentralization in Cryptocurrencies

in Steem Alliance2 months ago

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Decentralization is among the paramount importance in the world of cryptocurrencies. It is one of the unique ideas. In very simple terms, decentralization refers to a transfer of control or power. So, when we say decentralization, what do we actually mean? By this, it is understood that the central authority towards any system or network is not given to any single entity. The article tries to delve deeper into the very thought.

If we talk about cryptocurrencies, then the best example of that is Bitcoin. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies operate on decentralization. This means that in their networks and blockchains, no one entity like a government, organization, or person has absolute control over it. Now, let's discuss its benefits.

Benefits of a Decentralized system

In the crypto world, whenever a transaction is executed of any kind, that results in getting recorded over a public ledger called blockchain, which I have already explained in detail in my previous article in this community, which, sadly, has not yet been curated. 😔

Anyway, now, about this public ledger, its benefit is such that all transactions are viewable by everybody, which further advances the factor of transparency.


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The second advantage is that it ensures that the system becomes highly hack-proof or very difficult to be hacked or manipulated, as data is hosted across various nodes. This fact is giving cryptocurrencies a security edge over traditional systems of banking.

The third key benefit is censorship resistance. Suppose a person's traditional bank account is frozen by the government or the authorities; then the money is stuck. But in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, there is no central authority. This means users have full control over their funds, free from interference by any third party or government.

There is another point related to decentralization: the added resilience. Despite continuous attacks or failures on the network, the system manages to recover and continue operating due to its distributed nature, where each node contributes to the overall network health and stability.

Additionally, decentralization fosters innovation. Different developers and companies can create new solutions and services not possible in existing financial systems, such as smart contracts and decentralized finance (DeFi) applications.

How Cryptocurrencies Work on a Decentralized Network

Now, let's discuss how cryptocurrencies work on a decentralized network. This is akin to a system in which every member—or node—has concurrent powers and is making independent decisions. There is absolutely no point of failure in such a system. If any of the nodes go down, then the system continues to run just fine. This distributed nature is the strength of decentralized networks.

In cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, they function under decentralized networks, empowered by blockchain technology. It is, in a manner of speaking, public ledger recording these transactions. Any transaction taking place on the network is added to the blockchain, and these transactions are worked upon by the nodes so that the network ensures verification.

Who are these nodes? They can be anyone - individuals, companies, or entities wanting to participate in the network. These nodes solve computational tasks called mining, especially for cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. When nodes successfully verify a transaction, they receive rewards from the network, such as new cryptocurrency units.


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The common algorithm of consensus used in decentralized networks is proof of work. However, proof-of-work is not the only method; others exist, such as proof-of-stake, where users stake their cryptocurrency holdings to contribute to the network's security and operation.

The consensus mechanisms, such as Proof of Work (PoW) and Proof of Stake (PoS), will guarantee the validation of transactions in the network and also reach an agreement with all the network participants. That means its major role is to keep the decentralized nature of the network but at the same time to be able to develop trust in the same.

Besides, decentralization brings with it some financial liberty. People can be in a position to transfer their assets from one continent of the world to another without very tight regulations or even heavy fees. This is particularly very helpful for nations that have little access to financial services or political instability.

Challenges in Decentralized System

Decentralization also comes with challenges, such as scalability issues and governance challenges.

Scalability Issues

In a decentralized context, scalability can mean better managing the network's capability as the transaction loads. Each transaction needs verification from each node. It has the disadvantage of costing time and resources, and therefore it can slow down the network with an increasing transaction volume.

Most popular cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have previously confronted the challenge of limited scalability. The transaction volume, scaling up with the number of people using Bitcoin, can sometimes cause flooding in the network and thereby take more time for processing, and their fee is higher. The storage and bandwidth issues are also prevalent since the growth of the blockchain requires every node to store and maintain the whole ledger.

Governance Challenges

The other challenge is governance, meaning how to come up with ways of managing and having regulatory bodies with the network. In centralized systems, the decision-making end is crystal clear since there has to be a single authority, which is not the same with decentralized systems. Decision-making is handed out, and hence it may be difficult to arrive at a consensus. For example, in the case of a change or upgrade needed in the blockchain network, such change must be agreed to by a very large percentage of the network participants. This could be quite complex when different participants have their interests in the process.


From the above discussion, it is quite vivid that decentralization offers many benefits to cryptocurrencies in the form of security, censorship-resistant, and user autonomy. But it also throws up the problems of scalability and governance in the way of smooth long-term network functioning.

I trust that you found the information in my article to be valuable. 😊

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Author: @waqarahmadshah | Date: 08-04-2024 | Achievement 1
 2 months ago 
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Thank you for the feedback; I really appreciate it. May I ask if there are specific criteria for curation beyond the approval in terms of this feedback of which I might not be aware? Last week, I published two articles in this community: one was curated, and the other was not, even though both were personally verified for quality by you. I've noticed that some authors are posting three or four articles weekly and receiving support for all of them. Am I missing something? Kindly guide me.

Cc: @theentertainer

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