Bugs on Utopian: the Drafts function does not work

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

From yesterday, I have tried more than then times in order to post a tutorial on Utopian.io. Today, I tried it again and finally my tutorial was successfully posted.

I am using a lenovo laptop with Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700MQ CPU @2.40GHz and 12.0GB RAM. The operating system is Windows 10. For the browser, I am using Google Chrome with Version 62.0.3202.94.

When the issues occured, a pop-up window showed up, saying:"Utopian could not communicate with Steem. Please try again later. Your post is saved in the drafts. https://utopian.io/drafts".


However, I cannot find anything in my drafts and had to redo everything again. This issue appeared over and over again.


If you do not want to lose your post, please back it up locally before you hit the "post" button.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors




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  • Work on your followers to increase the votes/rewards. I follow what humans do and my vote is mainly based on that. Good luck!
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Your contribution cannot be approved. The same issue has already been shared before. Thank You.

See the Utopian Rules.

You can contact us on Discord.

Thanks! Have a nice day!

Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

You can contact us on Discord.

Thanks! Good day!

Hi Elear,

I posted something similar and was declined twice. One was 8days ago and the other one yesterday. Can you pls help to look into it too if you may. Thanks


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