Major causes of road accidents in Ghana

in Steem Ghana3 years ago


The wail Of siren on the ambulance as a vehicle turned the comer. I looked at the bloody scene again : blood on the coal tar, tear-filled eyes of sympathizers, crushed metal hunks that were parts of accident.

Accidents on our roads are on the increase, There are several causes of road accidents.

One of the major causes of road accidents, is drunkenness. Some drivers drink alcohol before they get behind the wheel. Alcohol slows the reflexes, blues and the vision, and makes one careless. A tipsy driver ignores road signs and other road users. Some drivers used psychedelic drugs like cocaine, opium, and marijuana. The drugs are worse than alcohol.


‘Overspending kills’ screamed a sticker on the on the windshield of one of the cars that were involved in the accident that prompted the article. It appears that accidents that occurred on good highways are more serious Han those those that that occur on pot-hole-filled roads. The reasons are easy to find. When the road is good, drivers go beyond speed limit. A speeding car is more difficult to control and the brakes are less effective. Things happen so quickly that before the drive knows it, he has collided with another car. Police records show that ninety percent of Road accidents are due to over speeding.


It is believed that drivers should be stopped at checkpoints and tests for alcohol carried out sporadically. A close look at the eyes of the drug addict will a dilation of the pupils. If these people are stopped from driving, road accidents will reduce in Ghana.

Over speeding can be checked. Highway patrol police cars can be used to check over speeding. The government can also ensure that all vehicles used in this country, except ambulances, police vehicles, and fire service trucks, are built not to exceed 100 kilometers per hour. Again, spot checks on vehicles for road-worthiness can ensure that vehicles in bad conditions do not ply our roads.
If the factors of overspeeding, drug and alcohol usage, vehicles maintenance are controlled, fetal road accidents will be greatly reduced in Ghana.

 3 years ago 

Over speeding, drug and alcohol usage among others must be thoroughly check at various points on the road to avoid these accidents.

Thanks for reminding us on such important things.

Thanks to you @edmund.nef I really appreciate your concern

 3 years ago 


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