Ten reasons made America the most powerful country in the world

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Through my multiple readings on American supremacy, I found that there are dozens of researches that can provide the real reasons behind American progress. One of the most beautiful blogs on social networking pages is entitled "Ten reasons that made America the most powerful country in the world"

The First reason was that America was a colony of the most powerful countries in the world, which earned those who settled in America military and economic experiences, and highlighted America colonized Britain, including most immigrants and Spain, colonialism is the first reason to gain experience, From the expansion of the United States, the Mississippi River, the Straits, deserts and natural resources.

The Second reason is the emigration of progressives, scientists and dreamers: the majority of immigrants to America were scientists, writers, artists, intellectuals, military men and experts, which made America independent after the independence of the progressive scientific theory and logical reasoning and dreamers, It was founded on a scientific, logical and wholehearted approach.

Third, the emergence of a loyal national leadership: George Washington emerged as the national leader of America, who had the independence of America and was the first president to be elected in a 100% democratic and fair election, one of the foundations of America's first established democracy. While the whole world is drowning in the nightmare of dictatorship, individual rule and coups, The Constitution was established and the elections were conducted fairly. The Constitution was written by the decree of the Judiciary to bring justice to the peopleThe Constitution was written by the Judiciary Decree to bring justice to the people. Here, the world appreciated the value of the American citizen, and everyone is equal before the law, establish a national army. The declaration of the sufficiency and the strength of the national economy of America at the beginning, the rejection of the rule without specifying the duration and was limited to two, and many wanted him to an exception for a third term, but rejected in a historical scene establishing a democratic state.

The Fourth reason: America adopted the Declaration of Human Rights, making it the champion of freedom in the world as claimed.

Fifth, Civil War in America: America included in its society the scientific class of the ruling and the military class and the educated class and the working class and slaves .. America recognized human rights and agreed to fight the slave trade, it was rejected by the southerners and civil war and here defeated the government of America On this war, which made them establish the rules of freedom, and may be the absolute freedom that has become the culture of America and the culture of America is occupying the world now.

The Sixth reason: the emigration of the Jews from Hitler and the Nazis to America, especially the wealthy Jews, who were the mainstay of the American economy and the American media after that, and the Jewish participation of the Americans was the one who founded American policy afterwards.

The Seventh reason, Freemasonry and the American intelligence: is one of the largest intelligence agencies, the first of which was established by the Israeli intelligence «Mossad», who sponsors and shares with most intelligence and the US intelligence system emerged with the global war and infiltration into corrupt systems, which is very easy to penetrate, Thirdly, to spread sin and evil among people and to corrupt minds is to spoil the concept of freedom and the concept of honor and the concept of friendship and In this pass through the lobby of media and film to spread immorality outside Israel, so that Israel can upbringing.

The Eighth reason, American foreign relations, especially the world saw the collapse of Britain and France and stood against Hitler, and this was the first appearance of the power of America worked on the founding of the League of Nations and the Security Council, and it was all that made it a leadership after the completion of Hitler and dictatorship and coup , The first American foreign ministers were calling the architects of coups and most famous Henry Kissinger, and engineering here that they are planning coups as if to internal circumstances, but originally for external accounts, including the failed coup of Syria in 1949. The provision of military aid and economic aid to countries and Aid always be conditional, and the condition is many countries put under the President of the United States is.

The Ninth reason is its participation in the world war and its destruction to the Soviet Union, the only opponent of its control of the world. It became the first country to possess nuclear weapons, which is the will of it. It has a strong army at the scientific level and the first armies possessing and dealing with technology.

The Tenth, Hollywood and media and the Zionist media lobby: was the beginning of strong cinema in America, was the dazzling side and the export of American and Zionist ideas sometimes express and sometimes not explicit, and came Disney and cartoon characters to permeate the children and the emerging generations and the Zionist media lobby, which spreads in all the press machines and here shows that America It occupies the world without a cultural, economic and military war with its aid and terrorism. These are the ten reasons behind America's overwhelming superiority over the world. SO, do you have what they have? Of course, no.

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