Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all? Ecotrain's QOTW

in #ecotrain6 years ago (edited)


Is it better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all?

There are strands of love and loss etched through the woven tapestries of our lives. So much growth comes from a willingness to lean into those things that make us vulnerable.

Loving isn't easy. Most of the best things in life aren't.

Sometimes lost love or cruel love leaves us scarred and torn. Some of us are left with rough edges. All the while, In spite of (or because of our wounds) there are others out there waiting to receive our love with warmth and reciprocation. Love always seems to find a way in.


Romantic love can be torture and greatness all at once.

My love and I have ripped into each others souls, hurt and healed and oh man have we ever loved with passion and vigour. When things get bumpy one of us has the sense to hold on tight.

I know this might sound terribly hard but I'd do it all again. We've pulled one another other out of our comfort zones, healed old wounds, and discovered so much more about ourselves along the way. We can get stuck thinking about our own needs but when we focus on helping someone else find what they need, it's a really profound expression of love.

Sometimes grief that comes from loss such as death can seem unbearable. Sometimes it is.

What of couples that die only weeks apart, one not able to continue to go on without the other. It is such a profound expression of how deeply love runs through us, how we become or always were part of one another. When loved ones die, I still feel their love, parts of them are still present inside of me. This sadness is awful but also beautiful because of love.


The world can feel so dark at times. Sometimes I curl into a ball and sob at all these things I can't control. Unspeakable atrocities are going on as I sit here and write about love.

The world can seem like a very unloving place and our efforts for change can seem futile but I have hope. We can love by educating ourselves on the ways of the world and firmly changing how we support those things we don't like. We can make careful and continuousness choices every day about what we buy, what we use, who we support. We can choose to care and that is love.

If we read the teachings of Buddha, Rumi, and so many other wise ones, poets, writers, philosophers and dreamers, the consistent answer that we are all seeking is boldly and simply stated by all those we admire: love.

In the end LOVE is what will save us.

So in answer to the question posed to me: YES! Tis Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. I would be a much paler version of myself without having both loved and lost. We all would.

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
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Photo copyright: @walkerland




great answer @walkerland, love really does challenge us, help us grow and in the end defines us. I totally agree that yes love will safe us xxx

Thank you @trucklife-family!♥ I truly loved reading your response to this question. You said it all so beautifully. ♥

Really beautiful piece @walkerland. I love your honesty...:) and agree with you! We do need love, that is the answer to most problems in this crazy world

When things get bumpy one of us has the sense to hold on tight.

Oh LOVE this.. so true. We are like this. But even in the hard times and grumpy times we never doubt this relationship.

Going to bounce into the day with this song! Thankyou!! I love music in posts!! And in life!!!

What a fun way to start the day I love that. "bounce into the day". I need to do more of that. I love music in posts as well. :)

very deep answer walkerland.. thanks for sharing this.. i know its hard to see much of what happens in the world.. Love is one of those things that surely fills that hollowness and brings colour and joy to life! Glad you agree!!!

Thanks Alex, I've been busy reading everyone's responses to this question and it has been so uplifting. There's so much good energy.

glad ur enjoying! you are so right, our answers always bring out our amazing passion and positivity!

A great answer to the question. I really agree with this "So much growth comes from a willingness to lean into those things that make us vulnerable." It's so hard to be vulnerable, but so important! hope you are having a great day 😘❤

@walkerland, despite the pain and challenges that love comes with, love is the only thing that can save us and this is only possible if we continue to have hope and believe in the power of our small actions. great response to the question.

oh thank you! I really loved how you summed up what I was trying to say so succinctly. ♥

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