Celebrating The Beginning of The Harvest Season!

in #gardening6 years ago (edited)


Today is Lughnasadh ( loo-na-sa ) an ancient Celtic fire festival marking the beginning of the harvest season.

We are busy harvesting, preserving and filling our bellies with goodness. I smell like the earth and I have dirt between my toes.

I work along side the bees and other critters and my fingers are stained red from working with cherries and beets. My life is not what most would consider normal but oh my goodness, I am actually happy. Who wouldn't be happy when they can fill their bellies with freshly ripened sun kissed blackberries?

May your harvest be bountiful and sustain you through the cold winter months ahead. May the love of friends, family and the Goddess warm you always.~ Lughnasadh Blessing

I thought I would show you some of the world around me today but first I wanted to give a little update on the forest situation I wrote about recently.

I finally met the forest Assassin ...Oh .. I mean Logger / Forestry Industry Worker.

He showed up at our door today. He didn't have tentacles for arms nor did he breathe fire but I knew it was him all the same. He has an old piece of red tape in his hands from one of the trees.

He immediately asked to SPEAK TO MY HUSBAND and only made small talk with me. A woman does not warrant an introduction, eye contact or handshake in these parts. I was very polite. We don't want to make them grumpy or hostile towards us that would only serve to make matters worse.

He told us he was here as a courtesy to let us know what was going on. He alluded to the fact that in past years they failed to do this and it caused them problems with the neighbouring properties. He wanted to avoid that.I do appreciate that he made the effort. It is something and far better than nothing at all. He has explained his intentions. Knowing is better than speculating and worrying.

  • He has marked along our property where they believe the property line is. If we want to argue/contest this we need to get on it. We are taking the few documents that we have to walk the line and see what we think.
  • He wont cut within 20 feet of this line. I am sure this covers them from any errors in marking and provides a reasonable buffer.
  • They aren't clear cutting but a lot of trees are going to be hauled out. They are in for the trees that will make them money and they plan to be working for a year. A YEAR?!!
  • He noticed some of our big trees were broken and we can talk to them if we want them taken down. Not sure if he was offering to buy them, haul them away or charge us for cutting them ... didn't ask.

Anyhow, we'll be keeping a very watchful eye on things. It is putting a damper on Mischa's life. She is queen of the forest and we are afraid to let her go running during work hours because she does not know to stay within the boundaries. To her a forest is a forest. She can be mouthy when she thinks someone is intruding and we don't want her to get in trouble or hurt.

Lets get back to the highlights and views around the homestead

The bumble bees are busy loving on all the plants. There are hundreds of them around here. It's sort of awesome.


I decided to make a summer wine. This is a newly concocted recipe. It contains raspberries, blackberries, fireweed, rose petals, rhubarb and clover.


We tasted the Ethiopian lentils for the first time today. They taste a lot like peas. We are excited about how drought tolerant and easy these are to grow.


The frog pond and dog cooling station is surrounded by herbs, sunflowers and all kinds of wild stuff. The water turned a rusty colour the other day.


The herb spiral is doing well. Mischa climbed it the other day and started digging for something but it wasn't too badly damaged.


This is my office. Not bad. Not bad at all.


beautiful blackberries. They are starting to spread suckers everywhere. Our world is going to be wild with berries in the coming years.


I was going to chop down the buckwheat today but the bumble bees had other ideas. They were having a party in there.


We have a small patch of corn planted. I think there are four varieties and one of them is that super cool multi coloured variety. This was a test bed and if it does well well plant a lot more next year.


And here's to tired and happy puppies! Mischa had a haircut today because she had burdock burs wound up all over her fur. The spirea does not like sharing this spot with her but I've given up fighting it. This is Mischa's spot.


We ate meals today that came entirely from our land. I forgot to photograph our food today but we had potatoes, salad with 10 types of greens, raw beets, peas, herbs and juice made from the berries. It felt great to eat this food.


The kitchen is a busy place. We have canning equipment out, the dehydrator is running and there are jars of food fermenting here and there. Even so, I felt like today was a day to focus on being outdoors.

We are happy today at the walkerland homestead and very optimistic about life here. Blessings to you all ~ wishing you a bountiful harvest.

[@walkerland ]
Building a greener, more beautiful world one seed at a time.
Homesteading | Gardening | Frugal Living | Preserving Food| From Scratch Cooking|

You can also find me at: walkerland.ca | Facebook

Photo copyright: @walkerland



What a wonderful report, barring the forestry guy visit! I just LOVED your ingredients for summer wine! They were so pretty! And I just bet those bees were have a Lughnasadh party!

Today was really humid then it poured and poured. Like we needed more rain....Sigh....

Can't wait to see photos of the colored corn. :))

oh we are having the opposite. We pray and dance and plead for rain around here and still it rarely comes. It smells like rain this morning so fingers crossed. We could use a solid week of it. Maybe if it rains here you'll get some sunshine. I'll send a wish your way.

I am pretty excited about the wine. Most recipes use only one type of fruit so we've made individual wines from all those ingredients but never combined them before. Maybe there is a reason they don't combine ingredients like that ...I guess well find out! :)

I meant to mention how pretty all your summer wine fruit was, too!

Yeah, 1 week of rain is good. Two weeks sucks, and now we are working on 3 weeks...

Lovely garden! We have had many disputes with the lumber companies for we are surrounded by crown land under a forestry lease. The last fight we had was about clearing the trees away from our road. We lost the fight and now when we go walking we are open to the winds, the snow drifts over the road in the winter and the drive home from the city just isn't quite the same without our winding, well treed lane. I've been to special meeting set up with them but it mostly is token meeting for rarely do they take into account the issues raised in those meetings when it comes down to their actual cutting plans. It's true, they will go for the biggest easiest to access trees that they can make the most money harvesting. I live in lumbering country and it is sad to see the devastation. I really feel for you and wish you luck in your dealings with the lumber companies.

Thanks! It is true that most of these companies will find a way to get what they want. Around here they have the provincial government in their back pocket so no amount of protesting and rallying changes anything.

I'm really sorry that you are experiencing forestry in your corner of the country too. So many people have shared similar stories lately. It is heartening to know that many people do care and are working hard to nurture and protect what they can protect.

I love busy harvest days with dirt under your fingernails comma a bit of sweat, the bees are buzzing and life seems bountiful and good. I'm not sure how I would have dealt with the man asking if my husband is there. I'm sorry you have to deal with this at all as your place seems so peaceful and beautiful and I know how much you love the forest. I don't think I've seen a picture of your dog before she's so beautiful. I miss having a dog.

haha ...I know right? It is so common for men to do that around here. Its like living in a time warp where it's still considered improper for a man to speak to the lady of the house with no men present.

We live in a bible belt so I often wonder if these behaviours are religion based. Perhaps it's also because we are so rural and the education level is much lower around here. I'm not sure but I am living with backwards attitudes every day.

Mischa is a lovely dog with oodles of spirit. We call her Moon howler because she is so sensitive to the moon and other energies. The forestry work is really putting a damper on her lifestyle, we have to keep her near us during the day just in case she trespasses. Fortunately when they are done she'll be able to resume her queen of the forest duties, they wont be back for another 40 years. Hopefully by then whomever inherits the land from this guy (in his mid 60's I would guess) will have different ideas.

happy belated Lughnasadh @walkerland. what a beautiful and lush home you have created. Sorry to hear about the logging happening near you, I really find it so difficult to accept and bare witness to trees being cut down. x

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