Under your face and wide awake

in #powerhousecreatives5 years ago

Image by Alp Cem from Pixabay

A supposed disturbance and hardly more than a slide show most of the time was making headway in the broom cupboard under the floor with the sauces and coming up for air every five minutes and yet still going around in circles and saying: give me more.

Sometimes big things have small faces that seem clean in the white but when purchased with the hard earned come up empty like a lazy hand steaming in the gravy to make another buck and getting stewed for nothing. It’s just the way of it sometimes.

Image by 【中文ID】愚木混株 【Instagram】cdd20 from Pixabay

A couple of chapters later in the book I was reading I felt it was going nowhere, so I put it down, and lay back and dreamed I was sailing back under the stars of my life…

There I was under your face, wide awake, and reaching with my eyes inviting you in, and you all ready to penetrate me, when the doorbell rang most insistently and had me running to see who it was, and if it was for me, but whatever, wait until I get back.

It’s funny how the mind can have you chasing things, when all you really want to do is experience the good stuff.

Well, there I was groaning as I moved through time and trying to keep the junk food down and running for the door, when the earache dog barked at the postman delivering the letter through the letterbox and had me jumping beside myself and trying to reach the mail before the dog did. Frowning, I said to the dog: don’t do that and tried to reach the mail through all the barking teeth and fury to find out what had come and was it coming at me from somewhere or was it just another circular. Finding myself in this situation I suddenly felt myself falling back on the old: I don’t care, let the dog have it. And turning around I went back.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

A little bird whistled at me from out of its cage as I ran back naked towards the bed that almost had me turning my head, but I caught myself just in time and jumped towards my lover’s arms to be saved for all I was worth.
Catching me in an embrace that had me holding my breath, I let happen all that would and gave myself to love fully.

Loving into me, you began to know me, and as the mysteries unfolded before you to be known you took me into you, as I took you into me.

Ethereally reaching and a hundred percent off for beauty in the dawn woke me up many times to press hands upon me to make me feel weak, so that I felt I’d been loved all night long and my body wasn’t mine anymore when the dawn came. And, oh god, I think I peed myself.

You came from the shadows, for the perfection, with a leave summary that weighed you down, and were met with a welcome, here under your face, and wide awake…

An exit spiral shooting for the stars as a super being was becoming the next best thing to be spouted from the radio as I was listening to it and going about my kitchen with a double blarney on the rocks in one hand and a dishcloth in the other the next day.

Image by Denise Husted from Pixabay

I was feeling kind of experiencial and happy just to be…

And yet, when I look around and see so much confusion and misdirection everywhere in the world today, with all the wars, austerity, and insecurity and fear that is so rampant around this Earth we all inhabit, I find myself a little concerned.

Lust, anger, fear, greed and ego which are the five great barriers to enlightenment are replacing that vital sense of knowing something within we all can feel: a belonging, a wonder, a feeling of knowing that all’s well.

In India there is a saying: jai sat chit anand: truth is the consciousness of bliss, which is another description of our divine nature, or our true nature if you like which is attained when the Maya or illusion has lifted and we can feel love.

Love of course is another name for god, for when you allow it, that is what comes, it is what we are.

But sometimes we can’t see the bird for its feathers.

Image by Alexas_Fotos from Pixabay

This quote has been attributed to John Lennon: “It doesn’t matter who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love or how you love, it only matters that you love.”

The thing about loving things is that when the things go and don’t come back is when the pain of separation comes, and that can be the biggest hurt of all.

And one might ask then: what is the point of it all?

Understanding that this is all a merry go round and that one day we will have to get off brings some kind of clarity, but also sometimes a resigned sort of feeling, until I realise I’m not here for long and might as well enjoy it while I can.

This can bring a profound clarity that life is but a moment in time and is over so fast, but while it’s going on there’s an enjoyment that can happen that goes beyond the pettiness and grief caused by the small mind and the old paradigms that are fading away from us all at last, yet making so much noise.

Enlightenment is but a penetration of the veils that reveals the face of love. Nothing much else matters in that expression, for all is love, and when you’ve found it, life becomes what it is supposed to be, a gift given. And when it’s over you take nothing with you but what you came with, which is love. So the more you love the more love you take with you when it is your time to get off the merry go round and go home…

Image by Christine Sponchia from Pixabay

Well, that’s what I think anyway. Hope you enjoyed this post…

Time to get on with the housework now; but before I do I’ll leave you with this: before enlightenment there is housework to be done; after enlightenment there is housework to be done.

Images from Pixabay


Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the read...

With pleasure!

This post was curated by @theluvbug
and has received an upvote and a resteem to hopefully generate some ❤ extra love ❤ for your post!


In Proud Collaboration with The Power House Creatives
and their founder @jaynie


Wonderful, thanks...

And laundry. There is always laundry to be done. I personally find it difficult to be at peace with the world when folding clothes.

I usually do mine once a week but I don't fold them much

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