Australia steeming ahead in the Global war on cash

in #news7 years ago

The Australian government wants micro-chips put into all 100 and 50 Buck Notes, In a supposed crack down on elderly hording and foreign smuggling.


It was only a few months ago the good old australian government were talking about getting rid of the 100 dollar note altogether, following India and Venezuela lead, and boy that is sure working out for those countries, But now the genius head honcho at BET ( Australia's tax funded Black Economy Taskforce ) Michael Andrew, has came up with a better plan...High-Tech nano chips implanted in 100 and 50 Notes..


Apparently too many foreign tourists are taking home our cash as they don't trust their home countries cash (seems to be a world wide trend?) And too many seniors are hording cash and not claiming it on social welfare forms...

A spokeswoman at a press conference stated “The whole point of this crackdown on the black economy is to make sure we close down any potential loopholes,”

Here is an idea how about looking closer to home for loop holes Aus Government , all the loop holes you use to claim private travel, dodge property taxes, foreign donations...the list goes on and on...or how about do your Job, create more jobs, which in turn will lessen the overwhelming number of people relying on tax funded welfare programs, then you might not need extra money for these ridiculous task forces, who knows how much tax payer dollars that needs to keep a float? Where will this micro chipping lead to? Imagine I sell something of mine second hand at say a garage sale...make a few grand, then at tax time the old BET taskforce kicks down my door to get those micro chipped notes under my mattress for not claiming them on my tax form...

Then again it could possibly be a psy-op to get people hating cash and move closer to a cashless society, who knows in these crazy times...

Thanks for reading my rant for the day...




They don't work for us. They own us.

They think they do....

They pretty well do.

With too much cash lying around, you may put it under your mattress rather than keep it in a zero (or negative) interest rate deposit account. Of course, the bankers hate that.

Yes Jason, they hate that, they are trying to get people to use the little they have as part of the principal for loans on nonsense they don't need. I myself have already generated my own crypto tokens. Soon everyone will be doing this. If you know "Auxmoney" then you know where this is heading to. Banks are very soon just going to implode. The future of finance is base on securityless credit.

Upvoted and resteemed WUWN - SirKnight as Team Australia

This is such bullshit. The Government is just coming out with bullshit excuses. What the hell is hoarding money? Aren't these oldtimers 'saving' money for their retirement, just like the rest of us! At this rate, none of will get a pension.

Oh, the government has enough bullshit in mind to waste taxpayers money and keep an "eye" on good law abiding citizens. Pensions are up the pole my friend, I definitely won't be getting any. Buy silver coins from a trustworthy dealer.

Agree with you.

Lol. This is just ridiculous!

Of course it is. It is just rediculous!

Cash is king ?
In times of crypto?
Or better keep some gold coins in the ground of the backyard
What's it gonna be?


Gold and crypto im thinking.. cash is dying

And what the hell is the black economy! Any market that the government is getting their piece of the pie from.

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