Team True Colours Finished? - review test month September 2024

UMMER-4 #comment & #vote

Unlike what some think I was not eager to be part of a curator team. I was asked and more than once I refused. I quickly learned that if I start asking questions about what to upvote, likes, dislikes, experiences, and so on the eager teambuilder is no longer interested and I am dumped.
Sorry, to those who go for the fame and quick vote but I am not the person you are looking for. A team should work as a team and all the teammates should act in the same way. The need to just jump into being a curator is not mine and neither to show off and place my name underneath each vote. Giving an upvote should not be about promoting me but about the author who triggered an emotion.

Team True Colours did use different colours to show who voted and Steemians responded curious and enthusiastic.

After I read a comment from @pennsif (post @dove11) I said: Yes, let's do this. Let's upvote comments only and see what happens. Is this easy? No, because you have to ignore the great posts you read in an attempt to make the heartbeat of Steemit loud enough to take the platform to a higher level

The voting dilemma: Art.
The average artistic poster is a bad commenter. How to reward the artist who refuses to say a word?

Team True Colours' acts

  • monitoring our voting behaviour daily
  • showing artists, crafts, skills, hobbies, photography, gamers, film lovers, good moderator reports, creative writers, good commenters (the angry ones included) and engagers.
  • voting equally among countries/continents/nations (China and Korea included).
  • studying the weekly reports of SC0x'.
    The eerie feeling that the average SC takes the easy way and doesn't actively search for good comments and posts arose.
  • acting after noticing European curators focus and vote more worldwide unlike other curators.
    Is this a fair vote-dividing policy? Does voting for own country influence the choice of the Steemit Team?

Week 3

We decided to search for more European Steemians to compensate for the voting behaviour of SC0x. Europeans are present but rarely use the country code or more than 3 hashtags.
The dilemma of a lack of comments arose so the voting for posts increased although we still voted for more comments than posts. The team tried to pass the message that Europeans are noticed to make themselves visible by using certain hashtags and commenting.

An abrupt end

From Friday evening September 27, 2024 login issues with Steemit's server started. We struggled 24/7. The last votes were made on September 29 before midnight.
On September 30th (Pakistan - The Netherlands - Nigerian time) the keys of SC04 turned out to be changed and we couldn't vote. The VP of SC04 was 100
around 3 am Pakistani time.
Just like @weisser-rabe wrote in one of her reports our team was not notified when the keys would be changed. I wonder about the time/date the Steemit Team uses. It was not UTC, not USA but?

My overall experience is good. I saw the best of the best. Reading mainly comments is the beating heart of this platform and is worth my time. These texts are free of templates, titles, introductions and conclusions. Plain text, pure, expressing feelings and commitment.

We voted as a team and were available daily and stepped in as one of us wasn't able to vote (wifi issues).
Talking to the team took about 70% of my time. This was necessary to monitor the team's voting behaviour and stick to our promise showing the richness of variety and diversity Steemit offers.

I thank all those I read for sharing their posts and replying to comments.
A special thanks to my brother, son and friend.
Happy Writing to all!
@ wakeupkitty


"Being a community curator brought a lot of exposure to my blogging experience here in steemit, I was opportune to know a lot of steemians especially those from European countries, truly there are so many unrecognized steemians in this platform and is very important they get noticed on time.

Curating different posts made me able to read more posts and also comments in the platform. I learnt a lot in these posts and I don't have any regrets.

It wasn't an easy moment at all as I had to make some sacrifices in other to meet up with the planned time my teammates and I set out to begin curation each day.

It's all over and I am happy I got this experience this year and I will do better next time as this was my first time."


"I had an incredible experience in this month where I gained valuable insights while engaging with others globally. One of the reasons my curation experience has been so interesting is that I have exchanged knowledge with so many new people. We have searched for Steemit users from every corner of the world and not only appreciated their quality content but also engaged with them.
In the end, I would say thank you to my teammates for making my journey sweeter and interesting."

Picture: generated by me
Header/photogrid: Canva
Pictures uploaded with help of imggbb -Steemit server refuses/is still down-
End report Team True Colours about the Steemit Team test month September 2024. Thank you for tje opportunity to try out something new.

October 2, 2024

#comment #vote #curator #report

 8 days ago 

You did a great job! And you have what it takes (and the right ideas and points of view) to turn the whole of Steem upside down anyway. I would very, very much like it to succeed. But you are also uncompromising enough not to be able to take everyone with you, probably not even the majority. Dilemmas... ;-))

I made some compromises by adding the names to the picture we use, by voting for posts as well and in the end giving up on dividing votes equally since that is not what the other SC's did.
I also gave up on my sleep 😐 but I refuse to join a team just to show off without knowing what they are up to. Next to that the word team means you work together and step in if one can't (or two). I only agreed under certain conditions to be part of this team. They could have said: No thanks and find someone else just like the others did. There are plenty who don't care with whom to build a team. They told me literally: We can discuss how we work once we are chosen. I wonder how that works if you have to write the application. 🤔

Btw; The great thing about me is I am without whatsapp, Discord and only one asked me for a vote a long time ago and one for 10 bucks 🤣.
That makes a world of difference if you curate. We had a lot of fun but if solo I would have saved me 70% of my time which is a lot, too much and also means a training is needed because being a moderator is absolutely different from curating and if you have to explain, teach, practise what creative is first, how to find posts, comments, search by using tags it is clear why the easy way of upvoting is used. Searching for one or two days for a hidden post is something you have to like.

I have no plans to turn anything upside down I just wonder and think and next try out if it is true what I think and if things work from a different perpective.

Whatever the majority is, it's fine with me if they do as they like and don't care or invest in themselves or think ahead.

Dilemmas? Perhaps but not for me.

Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

P. s. If I move to another continent we can be the Uncompromising Team

A great evening to you.🍀♥️

#wewrite & #comment

 8 days ago 

Let's hold on to that thought for a while - maybe even without moving ;-)))

I am in 👍🥳

 8 days ago 

It is rare to have such a hard worker to see all over the platform nowadays since the easy pick is commonly seen, they may complain about the direction you chose to work, and who you work with, and some may not understand why you did that way. As I just came back I needed to read at first I chose to read yours. Have a good day Kitty.

I was already all over the platform like @o1eh remarked months ago. I never went for the easy pick but what I like to read or watch, that what is different and deserves to be seen even if it is only once. If that and reading is a habit curating isn't difficult and you automatically start remembering names, type of posts, communities and who or what to find where. Also I save links if I like something. So I have always a (reading or example) list at hand.

Who I worked with?
You make me curious. Is there a difference between those I can work with (considering the rules)?
I was asked by them so perhaps you should ask the teammates why me, why someone they never were in touch with, says no to everyone and rather goes solo?

To those who wonder or have questions why, how or what I would say: ask.

Looking back I believe Team True Colours was a great team and we all agreed on curating daily. So no team where 2 or 3 just do their thing if it is their turn. So I ask you: How many are crazy enough to say yes to this condition of mine? Most likely no one or perhaps you would?

My direction?
It was made clear in the application what the team would vote for. If that was a surprise it only means that the application isn't read and neither were the guudelines and the others lied and just penned down something that made them look good enough to be picked.

Btw; I did answer as @pennsif made a suggestion and said I am in. To me this means I go for it and if I remember it well I wasn't the only one. If I go for false promises to trick people I will apply for minister of justice.😉

It's good to see you back and I hope everything is okay with you and the family.

Thanks for reading, commenting and sharing your thoughts.


#wewrite & #comment

 6 days ago 

Very rare indeed, I was really impressed with her hardwork and leadership during our discussions and sharing of ideas.

At the middle of August I felt Kitty should be the best person to be my team mate, I have never been in a team before then and that reduced my chances of being a curator as alot of steemians didn't accept me.

I remembered Kitty and we decided to create a team, this was the first time I joined a team and applied. We needed someone with experience so we included aaliarubab in our team and applied. I got so delighted when our team got selected.

During curation we really did alot, changes were seen in the platform because of our team and it increased our rate of uniqueness. Thanks for reading sir.

 7 days ago 

It is a pleasure to visit this summary for a month of curation especially it is a first time for you and you have done it differently I am pretty sure that the curation took so much of your time and I was somehow sure that you would like to have a month off that busy time. I felt like when you do your work you want to make it in its best way and it is not only you but you want the same dedication from the teammates.

I agree it is better to find people with the same ideas and that everyone want to do the same only then it will work.

For many you will still be there as friend, curator and a commenter who is always there where an interesting topic. See you around and thank you for wonderful work all three of you
@wakeupkitty @saintkelvin17, @aaliarubab, well done team!

Thank you for your insight and kind words. I believe that if you do something you should give your best.
If you build a team with strangers time should be invested to at least know another if it comes to where s/he stands, what they are willing to search for, the time able to invest, to jump in if one is unable (wifi, ill, at work, funeral, you name it). It avoids a lot of stress if you know the curating will not stop because of a lack of time or unforeseen circumstances.

The teammates I had did not say no way unlike all the others which says all to me if it comes to efforts willing to make, commitment and loyalty to the team(mates).

I wish you and your team a great October and for sure will read all the reports to see if Europe is still ignored and comments are rewarded! Thus far I see good unrewarded comments...


 6 days ago 

Greetings ma, I sincerely appreciate your comment. The summary is really important and this where steemians who have questions about our team can come to read and get answers for themselves.

September wasn't an easy month, we worked together to ensure that we achieve greatness, I had an exam last month and I studied for it while curating, blogging in steemit and still doing my moderator role. On the day of exam I wasn't really present for curation but I created our application for October that early morning before going to school.

What am trying to say is that we really co-operated, ideas were shared and agreed to and most of our plans worked out perfectly, alot of steemians were surprised to receive our upvotes and I think is something they will never forget.

We all learned and we operated as a team and that is what counts most.

How did the exam ended?

 3 days ago 

Definitely 🤝, it was also an interesting moment with a little touch of drama🫡.

How did the exam ended?

It was a good one, am so happy it has ended, the exam has been trending since April and the date was finally fixed last month. I wrote three different exams this year.

One in the month of April, second was throughout May and June and the last one was just 24th September. Am currently waiting for the list of candidates that will be admitted to the school I applied for.

Good to hear that worked out well. So the next step is: study on.

 3 days ago 

Yeah ☺️

What amazing steemians you are. Keep it up and this will give the platform great impact. I didn't experience this kind of effort before. I like this.

We finished and it's only teaching now (#wewrite Lesson 5 started today).

Next to that a #wewrite & #comment test (the more the better) and of course a new community we tey to build with artists (see Art & Artists @hive-120695)/
So trying to find the artists is the next step.

Thanks for commemting dear. How are you?


I'm fine and I felt you so very busy , you are so active! I am happy for you dear. Have a nice day!

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